#rangers apprentice



source:schitt’s creek

david had an interesting time raising bby gilan

theraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happenstheraven-gil-lyn:source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happens


source:the clone wars

wilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happens in canon so is this really an incorrect quote

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theraven-gil-lyn:ward mates but make it my special service au2007 because that’s when Erak’s Ransom


ward mates but make it my special service au

2007 because that’s when Erak’s Ransom was first published and that’s when Will graduates

Post link


I was going to call this another one of my fantastically horrible AUs, but then I realised that technically, there’s nothing canon that can prove that this did not happen, sooooo who’s gonna tell me i’m wrong?


remember in Red Fox Clan, how both Cassandra and Horace are hinting at Maddie possibly developing romantic feelings for Dimon? what if Maddie acted upon that? she already feels like she’s letting her parents down by training to be a Ranger and never being home, so at least she can give them this, right? right

so she initiates it. seeks out Dimon’s company. and when he tries to go further, and further, she lets him. it’s how these things go, don’t they? she’s heard enough courtiers talk to know that men decide in the bedroom. that’s how it supposed to be. so she lets him. 

they keep it a secret, initially (just like Maddie continues to keep her Ranger training a secret). they need to test the waters. but then Dimon asks Maddie to dance with him, at one of the summer balls, and she accepts, and it’s practically an announcement to the world. that they’re together. 

it’s great. Dimon is great. his protectionness just means he cares, right? her dad and Will were protective when her mom and Alyss wanted to seek out the Kikori in Nihon-Ja. 

and sure, he can get a little rough-handed, but that must be the firey passion the stories talk of. 

and yet-

yet Maddie doesn’t feel the sparks that her parents always talked about. she doesn’t feel that invisible bond that everyone said always drew Will and Alyss together. he doesn’t make her laugh like Gilan always makes Jenny laugh. and when they talk, it’s nowhere as in-sync as Halt and Pauline. she doesn’t feel that magical, delightful, all-encompassing love, no matter what they do. 

she knows she’s supposed to. 

but she doesn’t. 

when Dimon turns out to be a traitor, Maddie’s almost relieved. almost. but not entirely. because he told her it was real. what they had, even if she wasn’t sure of it, even if she didn’t understand it, didn’t yet feel it, was real love. he told her that. so either he lied to her, used her, didn’t care about her. 


or she’s just so despicable that, once he got to know her better, he decided that she wasn’t worthy of him. 

of the crown. 

of life. 


Piece 2 of Perky Prose - At Your Service

In which Maddie finally finds someone who’ll be at her service - forever and always. Requested by @ranger-melany. Idk where the plot went, this is just a collection of the vibes that have kept me up for two nights in a row now.


Keep reading

Omg, thank you so so so much! I love it!



put your number (0-20) in the tags!!!!!! i think i got 14!!

anyone who comments that finding ways to enjoy the brief time we have on this bitch of an earth is cringey will be blocked ^_^ <3

[ID: A list entitled, “how many have you done? fandome edition!!” It reads as follows:

1) Written fanfic

2) Drawn fanart

3) Participated in an event (Big Bang, exchange, etc.)

4) Modded an event

5) Commissioned fanart

6) Commissioned fanfic

7) Stayed up all night reading fanfic

8) Watched an entire TV series in one day

9) Attended a con

10) Bought fandom merch

11) Picked up a new interest/hobby because of fandom

12) Gotten a fandom tattoo

13) Made a fandom inspired playlist

14) Made an edit/AMV

15) Made fandom friends

16) Met fandom friends in person

17) Made a fic rec list

18) Watched a fandom documentary or listened to a podcast

19) Read an entire book in a day

20) Created an OC

End ID.]

theraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happentheraven-gil-lyn: source: the clone warswilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happen


source:the clone wars

wilyss love letters during a time of crisis literally happens in canon so is this really an incorrect quote

Post link
theraven-gil-lyn: ward mates but make it my special service au2007 because that’s when Erak’s Ransom


ward mates but make it my special service au

2007 because that’s when Erak’s Ransom was first published and that’s when Will graduates

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In which Duncan knows Cassandra will be the death of him but still loves her dearly. 

Lees verder


Pieces of Perky Prose

A follow-up to December/January’s 31 Days of Sparkling Joy, meaning that it is a collection of short stories with no connection other than that writing them made me happy. Some will be a few lines, others a couple hundred words. I’ll post a few times a week between now and May 21st, depending on when I have inspiration and/or energy.

The entire collection can be found under “ #redrose’s pieces of perky prose ”. After my finals in early June, I will edit all pieces and post them on ff.net / ao3 / wattpad.

And of course, requests are open! Just drop them in my asks, and I’ll do my best :). There’s only one requirement: they should be perky!

Enjoy <3


With the whole McFarlane and Audrey finding the “lost stories” of Araluen (aka the Ranger’s Apprentice series) means that not many people believed the Rangers existed which is actually pretty sad.

But I wonder who was the last ruler to have Rangers, or even who was The Last Ranger. Or why they decided to not have the Rangers anymore. And if the Rangers became legend, then they probably forgot about Morgarath, too, or they just see him as some centuries old warlord that never really existed. Whose names really were remembered?

Oooh, such a nice theme to see back in fanfics

i’ve had a diverse au brewing on the side for ages now but i hadn’t actually posted it because i had

i’ve had a diverse au brewing on the side for ages now but i hadn’t actually posted it because i had no clear ideas and it was just a bit of fun but ever since @redrose-arrow’sheadcanonabout Horace being of Nihon-Jan descent it’s been revived

i’ve also combined this with my modern au because i can and i want to

im not 100% on the heritage specifics so i haven’t noted down any countries for them here yet, but i do know general areas. in this au, i dont think theyre actually orphans, or at least thats not what brought them together. here, they’re more of cohort classmates, who studied and graduated within the service and then moved to their own divisions (but remain in contact <3). 

anyway, i guess theyre still british, but if most of them were born there and had immigrant parents or someone further down the line. this isn’t really supposed to be deep at all lol. like the specifics of ethnicities are not deep, some have a bit of meaning but also not really. more that im just sick of white dominance and it’s my fan art so i can do whatever the hell i want

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i’ve had a diverse au brewing on the side for ages now but i hadn’t actually posted it because i had

i’ve had a diverse au brewing on the side for ages now but i hadn’t actually posted it because i had no clear ideas and it was just a bit of fun but ever since @redrose-arrow’sheadcanonabout Horace being of Nihon-Jan descent it’s been revived

i’ve also combined this with my modern au because i can and i want to

im not 100% on the heritage specifics so i haven’t noted down any countries for them here yet, but i do know general areas. in this au, i dont think theyre actually orphans, or at least thats not what brought them together. here, they’re more of cohort classmates, who studied and graduated within the service and then moved to their own divisions (but remain in contact <3). 

anyway, i guess theyre still british, but if most of them were born there and had immigrant parents or someone further down the line. this isn’t really supposed to be deep at all lol. like the specifics of ethnicities are not deep, some have a bit of meaning but also not really. more that im just sick of white dominance and it’s my fan art so i can do whatever the hell i want

Post link

[Image ID: The “[blank] is something that can actually be so personal” meme, edited to say “a scene in TRR (solaris’s version) where halt’s autism causes a problem but crowley chooses to be understanding and kind even when it takes effort because they’re friends and he knows halt isn’t being difficult on purpose is something that can actually be so personal” /end]

Anyway wrote one of these today and I just wanted you folks to know these scenes are very meaningful and healing to me

My reputation’s never been worse

Guilty until proven innocent part 2!

TW: blood, death of a minor, mentions of rape/sexual assault, violence

Cassandra sorted through the mail that had just been delivered to her suite. It was mostly invitations, a couple letters from ladies she viewed more as acquaintances than friends, and at the bottom of the pile, a blank envelope. Cassandra turned it around but it was blank on both sides. No return address, it hadn’t even been addresses to her. Cassandra frowned, how it the mail carrier even know to deliver it to her? She ran the sharp blade of her letter opener over the edge of the envelope and pulled out the letter.

As her eyes scanned the page, she couldn’t help but let out a sudden yelp. Instantly Horace was at her side. He had been just outside her room, speaking to one of the footmen. Cassandra’s hands shook. Her grip on the letter tightened as she collapsed into the chair.

“What? What is it Cassie?” Horace kneeled beside her, his hand on her arm, alarm rising in his voice. But she hardly noticed him. She couldn’t stop staring at the letter.

Because her name is written at the top of the page. And there was a loop at the top of the C.


I need your help.

Come to the Salted Dog tavern in Eisel with Horace as soon as you can. Come in disguise and ask for Daniel Carey. I’ll explain everything when you arrive. Don’t tell a single ranger, including Crowley. Not even Halt.

I trust you Evanlyn, I hope you can still trust me.

1 Week Earlier:

“Dan! Daniel!” Someone was standing above him and shouting.

Will stirred as a boot kicked into his ribs. It could have been harder, but it certainly wasn’t soft.

“What is it now?” Will groaned.

“There’s an issue upstairs that needs your attention. Room 3.” The old innkeeper, Thomas, barked.

“I worked all night, and the day before. Get Miles to deal with it. Let me sleep.”

“Miles is too green for this one. If I send him he’ll keep you up with all his whining.”

That caught Will’s attention. Miles wasn’t that new. He could handle most of the problems that came up in and around “The Salt” as the tavern was locally known.

“What haven’t I trained him for?” Will had already sat up and started to tug on a shirt.

“A dead kid.”

The words should have hurt. They should have cut Will to the bone. They should have made his chest tighten. Five years ago they would have.

Will sighed. “He’s seen a dead kid before. Six months ago remember? The boy by the river.” The boy by the river. Will knew the boy’s name. He knew almost all of the names of the bodies he found, but he didn’t bother using them. What was the point? Corpses don’t care if you use their names anymore than they care where you buried them. Will did his best to bury the memories of them as soon as they were in the ground.

“This is different.”

Will rolled his eyes. Miles was coddled. Will knew it was mainly his fault, he had shielded the boy from too much for too long. He was 18 now, far too old for Will to still have to old his hand through every mess they had to clean up.

“Fine but he’s coming with me. He needs to learn.”

“Do what you want, just take care of it, I need the room clear before this evening.” Was all Thomas said before he left the closet Will called a room.

Will finished buttoning his shirt and pulled on his boots. Before leaving his room he packed his few possessions into a tight bundle. Then he used his saxe knife to pry up on of the floor boards and stowed the roll under the floor. There was no lock on the door and Will knew from experience that if you weren’t careful, you could lose everything you’ve got in an instant.

He made his way out to the stable behind the inn and found Miles. He was laying on a bed of hay, a quill and notebook in his hands. Will didn’t need to see the pages to know what he was doing. Will had been teaching Miles to read and write and while the boy was a slow learner, he was a diligent student. Miles practiced his reading and writing every chance he got. For a single heartbeat, Will wondered if he should leave him be. If he should take care of the body upstairs and protect Miles from whatever horrors were waiting for him. But as quickly was the thought appeared, it faded. Miles had to learn, just like Will had.

“Miles,” He called out, “Come with me, we’ve got a job to take care of upstairs.”

Miles’ head shot up. “You were out all night Daniel. I can take care of it.”

“We are doing this one together. Let’s go.”

Miles followed Will inside and up the narrow staircase. Will opened the third door and took in the scene.

“Oh god.” Miles chokes out behind him.

“If you’re going to be sick don’t do it in here.” Will says. He walks forward and crouches down next to the body. It’s a girl, no older than 14, and there is blood everywhere. The floor is slick with it. The sheets of the bed are stained red. It’s splattered on the walls and if he were to look up, Will is certain he’d see it on the ceiling. The girl’s clothes were torn and her skirts pushed up to her waist. Will clenches his jaw and pulls them down. Even the dead deserved a modicum of dignity.

“Miles.” He calls. When he doesn’t get a response he turns his head. Miles is still in the doorway. His face is ghost white and even from across the room Will can see that he is shaking. “Miles!” He says louder.

His eyes snap away from the girl and meet Will’s, “How, how could someone do this?” His voice is weak.

“There are many terrible people who do many terrible things in this world Miles.”

“She’s a child.”

“Do you think that matters to the type of monster who would do this sort of thing? Her age is most likely why this was done to her.”

Miles was speechless and Will couldn’t blame him. Even after all of his training as a ranger and the 5 brutal years since he left the corps, Will was still nauseated by what was in front of him. Not by the body or the blood, he had grown used to the stench of iron and decay, but by the story the scene told. Miles was horrified by what he saw, Will by what they hadn’t seen.

“Miles, go ask Thomas who rented this room last night. Get the name if he has it, but focus more on what the man looked like. If the girl was with him or if he was alone.” Miles was glad to left the room and quickly followed Will’s instructions.

Standing up, Will paced around the room slowly, searching for any sign of the man, or men, who did this. The man no doubt gave a false name, if he gave one at all. He wasn’t expecting much from Thomas, the innkeeper had a reputation of turning a blind eye to the unsavory types who rented his rooms, but he wanted to give Miles a reason to leave. Thomas was right, this was too much for someone as young and as gentle hearted as Miles.

Will’s boot caught on something tacky on the floor. Will glanced down, but it wasn’t blood like he had been expecting. Swiping at the substance with his hand, he sniffed his fingers. It was tree sap. But not just any sap. It was Copal. And that fact made Will feel sicker than the bloody body that was still in the room with him. Because there was only one area in the fief that Copal trees grew.

“Thomas said it was a short man with a beard in a black cloak and he was alone. He wouldn’t say anything other than that.” Miles had returned. Normally that information would be next to useless. It was minimal and vague. But if you combined those few details with the Copal sap, Will was almost certain he knew who was in the room the night before.

“I need to send a letter. Can you start cleaning or do you need to wait for me?”

“I can clean up.”

“Be honest Miles. Don’t agree to something you can’t manage.”

Miles swallowed, “I can clean the sheets and walls, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to touch the girl.”

“That’s fine, I’ll take care of her when I return.”

Will left and went to the post master’s office where he quickly scribbled out a note. He made arrangements with one of the carriers, paying extra to make sure that the blank envelope arrived in the correct hands.

“I’ll see you soon Evanlyn.” He whispered to himself before heading back to the tavern.

My reputation’s never been worse

Guilty until proven innocent part 2!

TW: blood, death of a minor, mentions of rape/sexual assault, violence

Cassandra sorted through the mail that had just been delivered to her suite. It was mostly invitations, a couple letters from ladies she viewed more as acquaintances than friends, and at the bottom of the pile, a blank envelope. Cassandra turned it around but it was blank on both sides. No return address, it hadn’t even been addresses to her. Cassandra frowned, how it the mail carrier even know to deliver it to her? She ran the sharp blade of her letter opener over the edge of the envelope and pulled out the letter.

As her eyes scanned the page, she couldn’t help but let out a sudden yelp. Instantly Horace was at her side. He had been just outside her room, speaking to one of the footmen. Cassandra’s hands shook. Her grip on the letter tightened as she collapsed into the chair.

“What? What is it Cassie?” Horace kneeled beside her, his hand on her arm, alarm rising in his voice. But she hardly noticed him. She couldn’t stop staring at the letter.

Because her name is written at the top of the page. And there was a loop at the top of the C.


I need your help.

Come to the Salted Dog tavern in Eisel with Horace as soon as you can. Come in disguise and ask for Daniel Carey. I’ll explain everything when you arrive. Don’t tell a single ranger, including Crowley. Not even Halt.

I trust you Evanlyn, I hope you can still trust me.

1 Week Earlier:

“Dan! Daniel!” Someone was standing above him and shouting.

Will stirred as a boot kicked into his ribs. It could have been harder, but it certainly wasn’t soft.

“What is it now?” Will groaned.

“There’s an issue upstairs that needs your attention. Room 3.” The old innkeeper, Thomas, barked.

“I worked all night, and the day before. Get Miles to deal with it. Let me sleep.”

“Miles is too green for this one. If I send him he’ll keep you up with all his whining.”

That caught Will’s attention. Miles wasn’t that new. He could handle most of the problems that came up in and around “The Salt” as the tavern was locally known.

“What haven’t I trained him for?” Will had already sat up and started to tug on a shirt.

“A dead kid.”

The words should have hurt. They should have cut Will to the bone. They should have made his chest tighten. Five years ago they would have.

Will sighed. “He’s seen a dead kid before. Six months ago remember? The boy by the river.” The boy by the river. Will knew the boy’s name. He knew almost all of the names of the bodies he found, but he didn’t bother using them. What was the point? Corpses don’t care if you use their names anymore than they care where you buried them. Will did his best to bury the memories of them as soon as they were in the ground.

“This is different.”

Will rolled his eyes. Miles was coddled. Will knew it was mainly his fault, he had shielded the boy from too much for too long. He was 18 now, far too old for Will to still have to old his hand through every mess they had to clean up.

“Fine but he’s coming with me. He needs to learn.”

“Do what you want, just take care of it, I need the room clear before this evening.” Was all Thomas said before he left the closet Will called a room.

Will finished buttoning his shirt and pulled on his boots. Before leaving his room he packed his few possessions into a tight bundle. Then he used his saxe knife to pry up on of the floor boards and stowed the roll under the floor. There was no lock on the door and Will knew from experience that if you weren’t careful, you could lose everything you’ve got in an instant.

He made his way out to the stable behind the inn and found Miles. He was laying on a bed of hay, a quill and notebook in his hands. Will didn’t need to see the pages to know what he was doing. Will had been teaching Miles to read and write and while the boy was a slow learner, he was a diligent student. Miles practiced his reading and writing every chance he got. For a single heartbeat, Will wondered if he should leave him be. If he should take care of the body upstairs and protect Miles from whatever horrors were waiting for him. But as quickly was the thought appeared, it faded. Miles had to learn, just like Will had.

“Miles,” He called out, “Come with me, we’ve got a job to take care of upstairs.”

Miles’ head shot up. “You were out all night Daniel. I can take care of it.”

“We are doing this one together. Let’s go.”

Miles followed Will inside and up the narrow staircase. Will opened the third door and took in the scene.

“Oh god.” Miles chokes out behind him.

“If you’re going to be sick don’t do it in here.” Will says. He walks forward and crouches down next to the body. It’s a girl, no older than 14, and there is blood everywhere. The floor is slick with it. The sheets of the bed are stained red. It’s splattered on the walls and if he were to look up, Will is certain he’d see it on the ceiling. The girl’s clothes were torn and her skirts pushed up to her waist. Will clenches his jaw and pulls them down. Even the dead deserved a modicum of dignity.

“Miles.” He calls. When he doesn’t get a response he turns his head. Miles is still in the doorway. His face is ghost white and even from across the room Will can see that he is shaking. “Miles!” He says louder.

His eyes snap away from the girl and meet Will’s, “How, how could someone do this?” His voice is weak.

“There are many terrible people who do many terrible things in this world Miles.”

“She’s a child.”

“Do you think that matters to the type of monster who would do this sort of thing? Her age is most likely why this was done to her.”

Miles was speechless and Will couldn’t blame him. Even after all of his training as a ranger and the 5 brutal years since he left the corps, Will was still nauseated by what was in front of him. Not by the body or the blood, he had grown used to the stench of iron and decay, but by the story the scene told. Miles was horrified by what he saw, Will by what they hadn’t seen.

“Miles, go ask Thomas who rented this room last night. Get the name if he has it, but focus more on what the man looked like. If the girl was with him or if he was alone.” Miles was glad to left the room and quickly followed Will’s instructions.

Standing up, Will paced around the room slowly, searching for any sign of the man, or men, who did this. The man no doubt gave a false name, if he gave one at all. He wasn’t expecting much from Thomas, the innkeeper had a reputation of turning a blind eye to the unsavory types who rented his rooms, but he wanted to give Miles a reason to leave. Thomas was right, this was too much for someone as young and as gentle hearted as Miles.

Will’s boot caught on something tacky on the floor. Will glanced down, but it wasn’t blood like he had been expecting. Swiping at the substance with his hand, he sniffed his fingers. It was tree sap. But not just any sap. It was Copal. And that fact made Will feel sicker than the bloody body that was still in the room with him. Because there was only one area in the fief that Copal trees grew.

“Thomas said it was a short man with a beard in a black cloak and he was alone. He wouldn’t say anything other than that.” Miles had returned. Normally that information would be next to useless. It was minimal and vague. But if you combined those few details with the Copal sap, Will was almost certain he knew who was in the room the night before.

“I need to send a letter. Can you start cleaning or do you need to wait for me?”

“I can clean up.”

“Be honest Miles. Don’t agree to something you can’t manage.”

Miles swallowed, “I can clean the sheets and walls, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to touch the girl.”

“That’s fine, I’ll take care of her when I return.”

Will left and went to the post master’s office where he quickly scribbled out a note. He made arrangements with one of the carriers, paying extra to make sure that the blank envelope arrived in the correct hands.

“I’ll see you soon Evanlyn.” He whispered to himself before heading back to the tavern.

What pajamas RA characters would wear modern au

Summer edition:

Cassandra- a tee shirt that’s 3 sizes too big and has some kind of throwback cartoon (care bears, SpongeBob, etc) on it that she’s had forever and a pair of Horace’s boxers

Alyss- a matching pale blue cotton baby doll tank top and short set

Will- flannel bottoms and a long sleeve tee shirt (bc he’s always cold)

Horace- gray joggers. That’s it.

What pajamas RA characters would wear modern au

Summer edition:

Cassandra- a tee shirt that’s 3 sizes too big and has some kind of throwback cartoon (care bears, SpongeBob, etc) on it that she’s had forever and a pair of Horace’s boxers

Alyss- a matching pale blue cotton baby doll tank top and short set

Will- flannel bottoms and a long sleeve tee shirt (bc he’s always cold)

Horace- gray joggers. That’s it.

Someday I’ll write a detailed and eloquent post about why I love the women of Ranger’s Apprentice but today it not that day.

So instead I’m just gonna say that since I was 12 I have been incredibly grateful for the fact that my favorite book series gave me intelligent, kind, brave female characters that had realistic flaws.

Someday I’ll write a detailed and eloquent post about why I love the women of Ranger’s Apprentice but today it not that day.

So instead I’m just gonna say that since I was 12 I have been incredibly grateful for the fact that my favorite book series gave me intelligent, kind, brave female characters that had realistic flaws.

I started writing this for the Ranger Gathering 2022, but the prompt sort of got away from me so this is just its own little thing {shrugs}

Head Chef:

Leaving the comfort of Master Chubb’s kitchen had always been Jenny’s plan, even if she never spoke it aloud. She wanted to strike out on her own and become a head chef. But she hadn’t expected it to be this difficult.

While women were typically the cooks in individual homes, professionally, it was rare to see a woman as a head chef. Master Chubb had zero tolerance for the usual harassment that a woman in a professional kitchen would endure. His ladle was the last thing a rude and inappropriate man in his kitchen had to worry about. He had sacked staff for unacceptable behavior before Jenny had begun her apprenticeship, and by the time she began to rise in rank, the remaining workers knew better than to hassle her.

When Jenny started to search for another kitchen to work in, she faced one of two reactions. One, they would tell her that a scullery maid was the only position that she was qualified to fill, or two, that she should stop wasting her time with a career and settle for cooking for her husband. She wasn’t sure which was more infuriating, that fact that they would disregard the glowing letter of recommendation from Master Chubb that clearly highlighted her skills and abilities, or the fact that she was being told by strangers to essentially give up at the ripe old age of 22 and get married.

“It’s just not fair! I’m a better chef than anyone any of those taverns could possibly afford to employ but they look like I’m some naïve little girl who just blindly stumbled into the kitchen.” Jenny complained to George one day over lunch.

“It’s not fair. But you can’t change ignorance.”

“So you think I should just give up altogether?”

George shrugged. “I think you should give up trying to get hired at a Castle or a tavern-“

“I’m not just going to-“ Jenny interrupted, but George continued over her.

“And open your own restaurant.”

Jenny blinked at him. “What?”

“If you can’t find a place to hire you, hire yourself. Prove them all wrong and steal their business.”

“George, you are a genius!” Jenny squealed.

“So I’ve been told.” He replied dryly.

And so The Heaped Platter was born. Jenny proved everyone who turned her down wrong (and stole their business).

I started writing this for the Ranger Gathering 2022, but the prompt sort of got away from me so this is just its own little thing {shrugs}

Head Chef:

Leaving the comfort of Master Chubb’s kitchen had always been Jenny’s plan, even if she never spoke it aloud. She wanted to strike out on her own and become a head chef. But she hadn’t expected it to be this difficult.

While women were typically the cooks in individual homes, professionally, it was rare to see a woman as a head chef. Master Chubb had zero tolerance for the usual harassment that a woman in a professional kitchen would endure. His ladle was the last thing a rude and inappropriate man in his kitchen had to worry about. He had sacked staff for unacceptable behavior before Jenny had begun her apprenticeship, and by the time she began to rise in rank, the remaining workers knew better than to hassle her.

When Jenny started to search for another kitchen to work in, she faced one of two reactions. One, they would tell her that a scullery maid was the only position that she was qualified to fill, or two, that she should stop wasting her time with a career and settle for cooking for her husband. She wasn’t sure which was more infuriating, that fact that they would disregard the glowing letter of recommendation from Master Chubb that clearly highlighted her skills and abilities, or the fact that she was being told by strangers to essentially give up at the ripe old age of 22 and get married.

“It’s just not fair! I’m a better chef than anyone any of those taverns could possibly afford to employ but they look like I’m some naïve little girl who just blindly stumbled into the kitchen.” Jenny complained to George one day over lunch.

“It’s not fair. But you can’t change ignorance.”

“So you think I should just give up altogether?”

George shrugged. “I think you should give up trying to get hired at a Castle or a tavern-“

“I’m not just going to-“ Jenny interrupted, but George continued over her.

“And open your own restaurant.”

Jenny blinked at him. “What?”

“If you can’t find a place to hire you, hire yourself. Prove them all wrong and steal their business.”

“George, you are a genius!” Jenny squealed.

“So I’ve been told.” He replied dryly.

And so The Heaped Platter was born. Jenny proved everyone who turned her down wrong (and stole their business).

look i’m not saying that i’m working on a novel-length fanfic revolving around one single Ranger Gathering… 

but i amsaying that if you have any Ranger Gathering headcanons… and if you would be okay with those headcanons being featured in a fic… then maybe… let me know? 

look i’m not saying that i’m working on a novel-length fanfic revolving around one single Ranger Gathering… 

but i amsaying that if you have any Ranger Gathering headcanons… and if you would be okay with those headcanons being featured in a fic… then maybe… let me know? 

… so did any non-Aussies ever figure out how to read The Stern Chase? I’ve tried literally everything and am slowly going crazy haha.

… so did any non-Aussies ever figure out how to read The Stern Chase? I’ve tried literally everything and am slowly going crazy haha.

I finished the Early Years a few weeks ago and I’m still emotional over Pritchard and Jurgen’s deaths



“O’Carrick” is a royal name.  

Halt is not, either legally or privately, known in Araulen as “O’Carrick”.  His full, legal name is “Halt,” with no surname attached.  In the very chapter where Will is granted the name “Treaty,” Crowley acknowledges that Halt has no surname either, but it’s not as much of an issue as “Halt” is an uncommon name - “there’s only one Halt”.

Will, Horace, Crowley and Pauline learn Halt is a Clonmel royal of the current dynasty at the beginning of book eight.  At that point, any and all of them could have researched, or known already, the surname attached to that dynasty, and thus concluded the surname Halt was born with.

However, the fact remains that even then, in the eyes (and paperwork!) of Araluen, he legally has no surname.

(Another point to remember is that in medieval times, many people gained their surnames through profession or distinguishing traits, not just through birth.  Look at the fact that Old Bob’s surname is Saddler, as revealed in ToA.)

But, given that Halt legally has no surname, in a way, Will does have the same one as him - or did through his apprenticeship, at least.  Remember the “no-name” bullying from the first book?

This was very cool to read! I didn’t know that.

Real shit? Damn now I feel bad for Halt. Perhaps they should both take Pauline’s last name
