#ff aizen


Some sketches again :)

/Translation: “Wanna join?”/

{ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ }

Pairing: Aizen x Master Attendant

Rating: SFW

Type: First Encounter to Friendship HC’s

  • When you first encounter the alcoholic fallen, he was more sober in that moment than anything. Which is never a good thing when it’s Aizen who’s sober.
  • His anger with you trespassing into his territory, whilst searching for ingredients for a new recipe, is what had driven you and your then team of food souls to flee the first time.
  • The second time around, you and your team had made sure to stay away from his turf while making another attempt at foraging the ingredients you were initially looking for.
  • Amazake happened to be the one to catch you in the act, curious as to what your group was up to. After explaining that you just needed some ingredients for new dishes, he understood and promised to help keep Aizen at bay for awhile (much to you and your food soul’s relief).
  • After getting the information, the alcoholic fallen was surprised your group didn’t attack Amazake and wanted to find the reason for that. Unfortunately for him, he would have to wait until your next visit.
  • The next time you went on a trip to collect some fresh ingredients to restock, you had caught sight of him on your usual trail. The main man himself.
  • When he asked why you hadn’t attacked Amazake on sight, he was at first confused when you had told him the smaller fallen hadn’t made any move to attack you. What surprised him even more was when you had apologized for unintentionally walking into his territory.
  • Aizen could only stare at you and question whether or not he was drunk and hearing things.
  • Your laughter at the look on his face was confirmation that this was indeed one of his more (rare) sober days. He awkwardly laughed it off with you and left you to your collecting, which had left you and your group confused.
  • Your visits become more frequent after that day, your reason being to get to know Aizen better, since he had been merciful then.
  • At first, the fallen seeing your face around his turf more often was a little unsettling, as he thought you would take advantage and try to invade his home. He pushed those thoughts aside when he saw you were bringing alcohol as a gift every other visit, which made him very happy and only helped you be able to get closer to him.
  • The more you visited(and brought him alcohol), the more he looked forward to the next one. He was once pleasantly surprised to hear you ask how his tribe was doing on one of your trips.
  • Eventually, he grew tired of just simple visits and one day asked if he could join you, as he was rather attached to you and wanted to take more pleasure in your company (but he’d never tell you that).
  • You were skeptical at first, being that he is a fallen. You didn’t know how your food souls would react to him joining the team or who would defend his territory if he wasn’t there to do so himself. (You figured it couldn’t be Amazake, as Aizen might have wanted to bring him too.)
  • You ultimately decided to accept his offer and give him a warm welcome with a healthy helping of booze added to the mix (the alcoholic in him was super happy about this and was insisting on you joining him for a few rounds to celebrate).
  • Aizen is surprisingly useful in protecting you and (reluctantly) the rest of your team of food souls. He isn’t much help beyond that, seeing as he unintentionally breaks everything with his tail in the way as well (RIP your budget- cut to Aizen apologizing A LOT and offering his stash of alcohol as compensation).
  • After everyone got more used to his (and Amazake’s) being around the restaurant (albeit behind the scenes, as to not scare away the customers), you two would be caught drinking (mostly him though) after hours and laughing about who knows what every other day of the week. He doesn’t try to force you to drink as much as he does since you, being a human, have a lot less tolerance than he does. He still enjoys your company nonetheless.
  • Just keep the man happy and out of trouble and your relationship will go a long way. Perhaps one day evolve into something more…Who knows?

“This was somewhat self indulgent, so hush.”

~ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴀ ʜᴀʟꜰ-ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴇᴅ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ~
