#master attendant

He’s hiding in the back, calling his sister, because Chocolate’s in the restaurant again.Instagram |

He’s hiding in the back, calling his sister, because Chocolate’s in the restaurant again.


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Determination stat increased! “I can handle this, Big Sis!” he says. “Don’t worry!”Twitter || Commis

Determination stat increased! “I can handle this, Big Sis!” he says. “Don’t worry!”


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{ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ }

Pairing: Aizen x Master Attendant

Rating: SFW

Type: First Encounter to Friendship HC’s

  • When you first encounter the alcoholic fallen, he was more sober in that moment than anything. Which is never a good thing when it’s Aizen who’s sober.
  • His anger with you trespassing into his territory, whilst searching for ingredients for a new recipe, is what had driven you and your then team of food souls to flee the first time.
  • The second time around, you and your team had made sure to stay away from his turf while making another attempt at foraging the ingredients you were initially looking for.
  • Amazake happened to be the one to catch you in the act, curious as to what your group was up to. After explaining that you just needed some ingredients for new dishes, he understood and promised to help keep Aizen at bay for awhile (much to you and your food soul’s relief).
  • After getting the information, the alcoholic fallen was surprised your group didn’t attack Amazake and wanted to find the reason for that. Unfortunately for him, he would have to wait until your next visit.
  • The next time you went on a trip to collect some fresh ingredients to restock, you had caught sight of him on your usual trail. The main man himself.
  • When he asked why you hadn’t attacked Amazake on sight, he was at first confused when you had told him the smaller fallen hadn’t made any move to attack you. What surprised him even more was when you had apologized for unintentionally walking into his territory.
  • Aizen could only stare at you and question whether or not he was drunk and hearing things.
  • Your laughter at the look on his face was confirmation that this was indeed one of his more (rare) sober days. He awkwardly laughed it off with you and left you to your collecting, which had left you and your group confused.
  • Your visits become more frequent after that day, your reason being to get to know Aizen better, since he had been merciful then.
  • At first, the fallen seeing your face around his turf more often was a little unsettling, as he thought you would take advantage and try to invade his home. He pushed those thoughts aside when he saw you were bringing alcohol as a gift every other visit, which made him very happy and only helped you be able to get closer to him.
  • The more you visited(and brought him alcohol), the more he looked forward to the next one. He was once pleasantly surprised to hear you ask how his tribe was doing on one of your trips.
  • Eventually, he grew tired of just simple visits and one day asked if he could join you, as he was rather attached to you and wanted to take more pleasure in your company (but he’d never tell you that).
  • You were skeptical at first, being that he is a fallen. You didn’t know how your food souls would react to him joining the team or who would defend his territory if he wasn’t there to do so himself. (You figured it couldn’t be Amazake, as Aizen might have wanted to bring him too.)
  • You ultimately decided to accept his offer and give him a warm welcome with a healthy helping of booze added to the mix (the alcoholic in him was super happy about this and was insisting on you joining him for a few rounds to celebrate).
  • Aizen is surprisingly useful in protecting you and (reluctantly) the rest of your team of food souls. He isn’t much help beyond that, seeing as he unintentionally breaks everything with his tail in the way as well (RIP your budget- cut to Aizen apologizing A LOT and offering his stash of alcohol as compensation).
  • After everyone got more used to his (and Amazake’s) being around the restaurant (albeit behind the scenes, as to not scare away the customers), you two would be caught drinking (mostly him though) after hours and laughing about who knows what every other day of the week. He doesn’t try to force you to drink as much as he does since you, being a human, have a lot less tolerance than he does. He still enjoys your company nonetheless.
  • Just keep the man happy and out of trouble and your relationship will go a long way. Perhaps one day evolve into something more…Who knows?

“This was somewhat self indulgent, so hush.”

~ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴀ ʜᴀʟꜰ-ᴅʀᴜɴᴋᴇɴ ɪɴsᴘɪʀᴇᴅ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ~

❝ Hey Inugami, Can i request headcanons for Salad who has a crush on MA? I love your writing alot uwu❞ @foodfantasytrash

❲ pɑiring ❳ salad x master attendant

❲ rɑting ❳sfw

❲ type ❳ crush heɑdcɑnons

➼ Salad is usually very timid and afraid of many things, but when it comes to protecting the one he loves… He tries his best to be strong.

➼ He’s constantly afraid you’ll leave him one day, and tends to stay by your side for as long as you’ll allow him to. So long as he can be around you, that’s enough to calm his heart

➼ He’s constantly blushing around you, unsure of how to react with his feelings. He simply wants to hold your hand.

➼ Probably trips a lot, because he’s so busy staring at you all day. He can’t help but get lost in your entire being.

{ ɪᴄʜɪ }

Pairing: Ichi x Master Attendant

Type: Relationship Headcanons

Rating: SFW

  • Since you both work in the same restaurant, it’s a lot easier to be able to spend time together. The more time you spend with each other, whether it’s cooking new dishes, dealing with public orders with the whole Fallen Angel epidemic, or him talking more about his dream to become a real chef, those moments are what strengthen your bond with Ichi.
  • When he first realized his feelings for you, he won’t really know what to do for awhile. Does he wait? Does he tell you? He would definitely want to spend even more time with you though, to confirm his romantic feelings towards you.
  • Once he does confirm that it isn’t just some dumb crush, he’s even more lost on what to do and becomes angry with himself (as he does with everything else). It would take you noticing the change (and bless your soul to be able to pick up on THAT) and confronting him about it for him to ultimately spill everything.
  • He says his confession a bit too fast for you to understand the first time, so when you ask him to repeat what he just said, he becomes a stuttering mess. But, he still answers.
  • The smile on his face when you return his feelings. He is beaming and super happy about it. So much so, that he yells out “YES!” a little too loud and grabs the attention of Rice in the next room over. (she’s super happy for you both after you tell why Ichi was so excited)
  • A little reminder that this young man is a little stubborn and quick to anger. Not to mention always hungry. You’ll need all of the patience you can get with him. Be sure to always have a snack at the ready whenever you see him.
  • That being said on his anger, it is increased ten-fold once Boston Lonster joins your team. Ichi still believes he has a score to settle with him (even though the lobster could snap him like a toothpick) and will come to your defense to glare daggers at Boston, should the latter even think about breathing in your direction.
  • Even though he can get upset for almost anything with little provocation, he’ll make an effort to tone it down when you’re around him. He would later promise to work on it and you support him 110%.
  • You’re his new motivation for everything. You can’t stop him. It’s going to happen.
  • Speaking of being his motivation, he’ll definitely try to cook more by himself to impress you and be a step closer to making his dream come true. He won’t refuse any help you offer though. If anything, that makes things better for Ichi, as he can spend more time doing what he loves WITH the one he loves.

“I had gotten a few requests for Ichi. There were a couple of different prompts requested, so I tried to put it together in one longer post(also to make up for all of the inactivity). Hopefully I was able to stick to his character and do him justice. I may or may not edit this later.”

~ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴛɪʀᴇᴅ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ~

{ ᴍɪsᴏ sᴏᴜᴘ }

Pairing: Miso Soup x Master Attendant

Type: Romantic Headcanons

Rating: SFW

  • Though Miso Soup lives for flirting with beautiful women, most, if not all of his attention as well as his best (and sometimes cheesy) pickup lines are reserved for you.
  • As he likes to tell you (and mostly himself), he hates wallowing in vice. But to him, you are definitely an exception. The man would do anything to earn your love and praise.
  • Your cooking. He wants to at least try every dish you make. Got a new recipe? This food soul will be on standby to taste test as soon as the food itself gets plated. He would also be over the moon if you cooked something especially for him.
  • After you two have been together for awhile, he’ll become more open with you and fill you in more on his past. If you’re patient and willing to accept him for who he really is instead of just some suave monk, flaws and all, he would be overjoyed and brought to tears. He’s just so happy to have someone as understanding as his master attendant.
  • Miso soup would be very happy to bring you with him to read the Buddhist scriptures whenever the weather is nice. His voice is rather soothing, you could listen to him read almost all day.
  • He is a healer. So, naturally, your safety is his top priority. Even if you have a small cut or some other minor injury from battle, he will be there to help the second he sees it. He will playfully scold you for not being careful enough (but he’s low-key screaming internally because something serious could’ve happened, even though it didn’t)

~ᴡʀɪᴛᴛᴇɴ ʙʏ ᴀ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴅʀᴜɴᴋ ᴀɪᴢᴇɴ~

❴ Pecking Duck ❵

❝ could i request a drabble or scenario of peking duck comforting master attendant after a bad nightmare? thank you! ❞

❲ pɑiring ❳ Pecking Duck x Master Attendant

❲ rɑting ❳ sfw / possible tw

❲ type ❳ nightmare comfort drabble

I still see your shadows in my room


You jolted up, body shivering in fear and hands clawing at your face to search for reality in the pain. Your eyes hadn’t adjusted to the darkness once your eyes opened, so the area around you was pitch black and you were still reliving the final moments of your nightmare.

You didnt even realize you were being held until you heard Pecking’s voice pulled you out of your thoughts. The moment you felt him hold you to his chest you clung onto his sleeves as if it was the only thing keeping you from falling back into the darkness.

Cant take back the love that I gave you

“I’m here, darling. The children are here as well, they’re sitting in your lap to let you know they’re here for you. Simply focus on my voice, and remember that they aren’t here anymore.” He murmured softly.

“How… Did you…”

“You screamed their name before you woke up.” He responded quietly, brushing some of your hair out of your eyes so he could gaze into them. “Remember that they will not hurt you anymore. I’m the one laying next to you. I’m right beside you. So focus on my voice. Let the bad wash away, for I will never leave you.”

Its to the point why I love and I hate you

You allow him to brush his fingers through your hair, acompanied by the sweet melody of his humming making your body relax and adjust for comfort.

The little ducks that often followed him around snuggled up against your side, providing warmth to your cold figure. You don’t remember what happened after you felt Pecking laid you back down and held you against his chest- but you knew one thing.

You loved Pecking more than you could ever love another. You were safe.

And I cannot change you so I must replace you.

❴ Hill ❵

❝ For the human character x master attendant, what about hc’s with Hill and the attendant already in some kind of relationship? As in, who does what for each other? Is it complicated since he lives in the forest? (Did I read your rules wrong?) ❞

❲ pɑiring ❳ Hill x Master Attendant

❲ rɑting ❳sfw

❲ type ❳ romɑntic heɑdcɑnons

➼ If you manage to break through his walls and introverted personality, he’ll make effort to communicate with you more often than not. He wouldn’t leave the forest and move out, but he will visit you and stay for a few days if you’d allow him to.

➼ He’s a pure gentleman, he’ll hold your hand and walk around wherever you wish to go. He’s not very talkative but he expresses his feelings through actions instead of words.

➼ Very protective, he’s noy trusting of peoplr and doesn’t really like others getting too close to you. He hates how possessive he is on the inside but he truly just wants you to be safe. All you have to do is give him a hug and a smooch and he’ll calm down.

➼ He’ll take you to his home! You two can take walks in the forest and he’ll feel closer than ever to you. He loves the way the sun shines in between the leaves and branches of the trees and onto your perfect angelic face. He’ll call you his sunshine.

❴ Coffee ☕ ❵

❝ A-any headcanons on Coffee having a crush on his Master Attendant? ❞

❲ pɑiring ❳ coffee x master attendant

❲ rɑting ❳sfw

❲ type ❳ crush heɑdcɑnons

➼ He’s very flirty, dropping hints left and right. He likes to keep you on your toes, but at the same time he really wishes you’d pick up on them. He’s falling hard and he just wants to make you his.

➼ He’ll do things like call you “Sweetheart” and “Babe”, casually holding your waist and pulling you closer to him when speaking to others, holding your hand whenever he feels like it, etc.

➼ He’ll make you coffee with the cream swirled like a heart, hoping you’d pick up on it. You just call it cute. He’s going to lose his mind. But- he’s a patient man. He can wait till the time is right.

➼ He’ll always make sure to be around if you’re near any of the other food souls. He isn’t exactly possessive, but he doesn’t approve of Sukiyaki & Popcorn being so close to you, calling you adorable.

➼ Coffee has mini therapy sessions with Milk. She has no idea to help, but since he’s known her longer than anyone else, he feels better after talking about his troubles with her. She eventually tells you to pay more attention to signs of affection because she’s lowkey tired of Coffee taking away her date time with Black Tea.
