#ffw kass

My dnd character died (she’s back now) and it was fucking awesome:When the party arrived in the city

My dnd character died (she’s back now) and it was fucking awesome:

When the party arrived in the city where Kass (my drow paladin) knew Mi (her ex) was, she just couldn’t stay away. She missed Mi and just wanted to talk. So she tracked her down and tried to talk, but Mi was still furious about Kass leaving her. Mi wanted to fight, and so they did.

I have never rolled worse in a fight, there was just nat 1 after nat 1, and Kass fell unconscious. As Mi was about to pick her up and (probably) bring her back to the order, one of Kass’ friends (Dawn) came out of the shadows and chased Mi away. Turing this time, I failed 3 death saves, and Kass was dead.

Dawn brought Kass back to the rest of the party and they managed to find a priest who could revive her, so she’s alive again now! I was also so happy as a player through the whole thing. This is exactly what I wanted from this character and more!! @sophisticationsequels is the best fucking DM ever.

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