#fhsy spoilers



kristen telling tracker she wants to marry her, tracker being immediately shocked, and kristen attempting to sputter and walk it back slightly by adding a “someday” is only made better by tracker’s response being “that toothpaste is out of the tube”

tfw it’s gilears day, baby!

⚠️ warning: objects in mirror are closer than they appear ⚠️

monogramsalarm:I think Adaine’s magic whipping around her when she confronts her parents would be ne


I think Adaine’s magic whipping around her when she confronts her parents would be neato<3

[ID: A digital drawing of Adaine Abernant from Fantasy High. She’s glaring forward with an upset expression, and her nose and mouth are bleeding slightly. Her hair and clothes are disheveled, and purple dust is swirling around her. Some glowing purple lightning is shooting from her head, and there are shadows across her face. END ID]

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