#gilear faeth


More d20 art. Gave Gilear his own yogurt drink that looks mildly horrifying.


Gilear’s cursed stats - Havoc at the Hotel Cavalier

that one meme had big gilear energy

sorry i missed hot gilear week….. please enjoy whatever the heck this mess is

Happy Holidays @evye from your Secret Santa

My muse. Love him with me. also message me if you want close-ups it’s a huge canvas.

My muse. Love him with me. also message me if you want close-ups it’s a huge canvas.

Post link

someone asked where the yogurt was so I figured I’d illustrate


Some Fig and Adaine. Been real burned out but this was a nice way to get back into drawing.

I still have sooo many skecthes I need to get inked and up. I want to make Candyheart fanart.
