#fic might actually be out in winter




Request:Hii, could I get some HC of Xiao? It can be about anything^^ Thanks! 

Semi Part 2: Falling in love

Semi Part 3: Cuddles

Semi Part 4: Protective

Semi Part 5: Affection 

Semi Part 6: Jealously 

Semi Part 7: First Kiss

Semi Part 8: Opposites Attract 

Semi Part 9:  String of Fate [Soulmate] HCs

Semi Part 10:  [ Fainting ]

  • Xiao is aloof and rarely makes an appearance in front of humans. How you came to see and even develop something similar to a friendship with this adepti is still a mystery, even to you. 
  • Even though you’re considered his one and only human friend, he never coddles you unless you’re seriously upset or hurt. He’s not the best at comfort since he’s spent most of his very long life fighting. You have to tell him that not all problems require picking a spear up and beating it into submission. 
  • If you ask nicely and Xiao is feeling generous that day, he’ll tell you stories of his wars against the dark forces that were powerful enough to devour Liyue. If you make a comment saying you’d like to see him fight one day but he quickly shuts that down. His attacks cause a lot of colleterial damage and you’ll probably end up dead even if he wasn’t trying to attack you. At least he somewhat cares about your safety? Kind of. 
  • When you found out that his favorite food was almond tofu you pleaded with the chef to teach you how to make it. Your first attempts were…a bit of a mess and the tofu would end up splitting and turning into a sweet soup. Xiao was unimpressed during your first offerings but he never turned them away, always taking at least one bite before very honestly telling you how bad it was. 

“Xiao!” you called out as you ran to the top of the inn carrying your newest attempt. You had a good feeling about this and even the chef said this was probably your best work. Though to be honest, he might have been lying and just trying to keep you from using up all the kitchen’s ingredients. You pop your head around the corner to see him sitting on the wooden railing beside the two rock’s connected together. 

“I think you’re going to be really impressed with me today. I’ve finally nailed it” you beam as you present him the plate. He leans over looking over the plate with his amber eyes before looking up to your hopeful ones. 

“It does look better from your last attempts. It has a shape for once” he comments, taking the plate from you as you mock gasp. He’s definitely said worse to you during your first creations but you’ve never taken them as a legitimate insult. If Xiao really hated it he wouldn’t have tried it even as you try to take the plate away. You watch in anticipation as he takes one bite…

“Hm…it’s good,” he praises as he watched you light up, “You’ve done well” 

“Ahh, I’m glad I finally got it right,” you sigh in joy finally letting your body relax, “I was so scared I’d have to go back and ask to use the kitchen again. The chef there seems so scary but I heard he’s actually afraid of ghosts.”.  

  • He smiles gently as you begin to ramble even as dark thoughts start to creep onto him. He knows he’ll outlive you unless something dire happens to him and he’ll return to his solitude life. 
  • It makes him feel nervous, a feeling he isn’t usually accustomed to. Adepti don’t usually socialize with humans except for maybe one day of the year and he doesn’t know that if he will ever step out of his comfort zone again.
  • As he finishes his dessert he hears you ask if he has other food he likes and if he’d let you, you would like to make them for him tomorrow. He can’t think of anything off the top of his head.  

“How about soybean pudding? It’s similar so maybe you would like that?” 

“Okay, I’ll make it for you tomorrow then!” 

  • He’ll be okay. He’ll continue living in this peaceful space you’ve both created above the inn, beside the two rocks connected together, protecting Liyue, even when you’re gone.  

Just finished the whole series, Loved every piece of this experience. His resembling a cat was hilarious and lovable. Can’t forget when he hissed at Childe. Never.

Ahhh tyty for your kind words! You’re gonna make me cry tho ;-;

But istg, until the day I die, everyone will remind me of that Xiao hiss haha. But I do wanna say that this series isn’t over, I just suck at writing lol.
