#fictif memes


When Nicky is done reading his newspaper, he likes to take a moment of his morning to do the word jumble. But this one seems to be about him…? How many Two Against The World related words can you find?

He may look like a kindly gent, but this villain hides his true identity behind lies and falsehoods. Can you work out his true intentions before it’s too late?

It’s been a close call for our hero, only just winning the vote by 1%, but here are the results for who you would like to cast as the real life cast of Two Against the World!

Photo credit left to right: EVAN AGOSTINI, Riker Brothers, Getty

Have you read Two Against the World yet? If not, now is the perfect time to meet Nicky and discover where a trip to the theater will take you! If you have, why not see what happens if you make different choices!

Need a ride? Next week’s book club is all about Miguel, and participants can win stars for the Fictif app! Make sure to follow our twitter, @fictifgames, so you don’t miss it!


When Fictif updates the app

But it’s just them updating another male route or male side stories
