#heir to love and lies


Sergio has been called to go back into the office - no more WFH attire for him . Personally, we think he looks rather dashing without his pants - what do you think?

Sergio has been called to go back into the office - no more WFH attire for him . Personally, we think he looks rather dashing without his pants - what do you think?

He may look like a kindly gent, but this villain hides his true identity behind lies and falsehoods. Can you work out his true intentions before it’s too late?

Have you met Sergio yet? Don’t let his expensive suits scare you off!

Someone on IG commented Val route when and… I realized she never gotten one and I’m afraid she will never get one

… lemme just cry again over whole la dama roja story which used to be my favorite at the beginning of the fictif

just imagine in what state Celia story is…………

do you remember that Tess route is exist?? because I DON’T

I’m sorry @fictifgames ???? What is this ????

Lemme juuuuust put some tatw incorrect quotes here-

Nicky: what’s a thot?

Ralph: means a thoughtful person.


MC & Nicky: *planning their wedding*

Nicky: you’re such a thot, toots.

MC:ExcUsE mE??

Chris: I’m the smartest, wisest person in the family.

MC: is your hand stuck in a vending machine?

Chris: I paid for my Mars bar, I’m getting my Mars bar.

MC: here you go, Nicky. A nice hot cup of coffee.

Nicky: it’s cold, love.

MC: a nice cup of coffee.

Nicky: it looks weird.

MC: cup of coffee.

Nicky: I’m not sure if it’s even a coffee.


Nicky: when I become a secret spy, I’m gonna be agent c.

Nicky: tell everyone I’m spy-c.

Nicky: I have feelings for you.

MC: I have feelings for you too.

Nicky: so. What are we?



[ texting ]


Nicky: what is that?

MC: keyboard smash.

Nicky: how do I do it?

MC: just press anything.


Chris: Ralph is choking, I need to call 911 but the 9 button isn’t working!

MC: turn it upside down and use the 6!


Ralph, stopping choking momentarily: what the heck-

Nicky: dang it, I stepped on crap!

Nicky: *lifts his shoe up to reveal a picture of Ralph*

Bonus from heir to love & lies.

Sergio: I was arrested for being too handsome.

Chava: the charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.

Franny loving hours

I imagine my character and her became friends at some dingy punk concert
