#fifth spirit elsa

elsa i did as a charm design back in march before everything went to shit lol

elsa i did as a charm design back in march before everything went to shit lol

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Snowy Disney Palace ((Just attach it because it’s pretty))

Elsa with a pretty smile☺️❤️ (2)

Elsa with a pretty smile☺️❤️ (1)

Elsa and Anna compose

It’s so cuuuuute❤️❤️

“고맙지만 난 춤을 안 춰요”

“Thank you, but I don’t dance”

3년 후…

After 3 years…


When I was young, Elsa and Anna were cute

It’s cool when you’re with the spirits!!


Elsa and Anna from frozen 2 photoshopped by me.

If you repost please give credits.
