#filipino and black

 Congratulations on the recent engagement of Don Benjamin, AfrAm & Native American/Irish, and hi Congratulations on the recent engagement of Don Benjamin, AfrAm & Native American/Irish, and hi

Congratulations on the recent engagement of Don Benjamin, AfrAm & Native American/Irish, and his fiance, Liane V, Filipina! Since 2015, Don who is a rapper, model, and social media personality has been dating Liane V, aka Liane Valenzuela, a social media superstar who first rose to fame thru Vine. Today Liane V counts over 12 million social media followers and has landed multi-figure deals with Target and Guess. We wish Don and Liane continued success and a lifetime of happiness and blessings! 

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 Alex Bannister, African American/Irish, is a former NFL wide receiver who played with the Seattle S

Alex Bannister, African American/Irish, is a former NFL wide receiver who played with the Seattle Seahawks from 2001 to 2005 and played with the Baltimore Ravens in 2006. In 2003, he was selected as an All-Pro and participated in the Pro-Bowl. After football, Alex and his wife, Joy Bannister, Filipina operated Lex Bannister Fitness which focused on high-intensity Sweat Camps, their own brand of fitness boot camps. Alex and Joy first met on a blind date in 2002 and they had a special connection from the very beginning. They married in 2009 and today have 2 kids together. We wish Alex and Joy eternal love and everlasting blessings!

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Thanks for the great submission from our Kenyan and Filipina couple! Many blessings!

Thanks for the great submission from our Kenyan and Filipina couple! Many blessings!

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 Harry Thomas, AfrAm, is the former US Ambassador to Bangladesh from 2007 to 2009, and the former US

Harry Thomas, AfrAm, is the former US Ambassador to Bangladesh from 2007 to 2009, and the former US Ambassador to the Philippines from 2010 to 2013. Harry met his wife, Mithi Aquino, a former cruise line training leader during his time in the Philippines and they married in 2014, almost exactly 3 years after they first met. Harry and Mithi moved to Zimbabwe briefly when Harry became the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe from 2016 to 2018, but now Harry is looking forward to retiring from the US Foreign Service and enjoying life with Mithi in the US. We wish them a lifetime of love, happiness, and many blessings!

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