

anonymous asked: hiiii! can you do an imagine where the reader is taking a bath in a lake and Fili accidentally sees her and stays and watches her but later gets caught by the reader?
Pairing: FiliXReader
Written by: Anna

The young dwarven prince was on watch for the night, offering to take the first shift so the others could get a good sleep for a while. He sat there silently, making sure to pay close attention to his surroundings, Mahal be it his watch that the Orcs finally catch up to them…

Just as Fili was leaning against a nearby tree, attempting to get comfortable, he heard a noise in the brush surrounding the clearing that they had made camp in.

On high alert, he sprang to his feet, careful not to make any noise, and wielding his weapons, he crept towards where the noise was coming from. He peeked through the thick underbrush, hoping that whatever it was hadn’t noticed them before he could notice it.

But what he saw absolutely shocked him… it wasn’t an orc or a troll… it was you!

Wondering what you were doing, Fili began to follow you from a distance, praying to Mahal that you wouldn’t notice his presence. When you had stopped walking, Fili ducked behind a large boulder, peeking out at you as you stood by the calm lake.

He was still slightly confused, but when you began taking off your clothes, it became apparent to him. Fili’s eyes widened almost comically, but he couldn’t seem to make himself turn away as he watched you slowly undress before sliding into the still water.

Although he knew he should turn back, leave you be to bathe by yourself, he couldn’t help but watch. Fili had known of his feelings for you for the longest time, ever since you had joined the quest back where you started at the Shire, he’d been attracted to you, but as you got to know each other better, his feelings of infatuation grew stronger. It was all he could do to not leave his hiding spot and go over to join you.

He lost time as he watched you, and soon enough, you were getting out of the water to put your clothes back on. Thinking he was going to get caught, Fili nervously began to scamper back to camp, flinching as he stepped on a twig, but not pausing to look back as he fled from the area, heading back to the camp.

But he didn’t know that you had turned just at the right moment to see a quick flash of blond hair before it had disappeared into the trees.

Once Fili made it back to the camp he had relaxed, moving back into position against the tree,    waiting for you to come back.

You had slipped back into the clearing, finding it rather cold with your soaking wet hair, but you didn’t mind all that much, knowing that you’d be back in your warm bed roll in a few moments.

What was really on your mind though, was if that was really who you thought it was running from you… but you decided to wait until you got back, rather than jumping to conclusions.

However, when you arrived back at camp to see the blond haired dwarf leaning casually against a nearby tree, your suspicions were confirmed. “Fili!” You hissed, moving silently towards him.

His head shot up towards you, guilt written all over his face. “(y/n)” He stuttered. “What are you doing up?” He asked, trying to mask his voice so he didn’t sound as guilty.

You decided to play with him a bit now, unbeknownst to him, you had also found the dwarven prince rather attractive as well, and you did have feelings for him, but you were too nervous to actually say anything.

“Fili, you know what I was doing… you were spying on me!” You accused in a sharp whisper.
Fili’s eyes widened dramatically, and he stood up, shaking his head. “No! no, of course I wasn’t!” He exclaimed quickly, holding his hands out in a defensive manner.

You couldn’t help but laugh as you slipped closer to the dwarf, placing a hand on his shoulder and putting your lips right up against his ear. “Instead of spying on me next time,” You began. “why don’t you just join me?” Surprised by your gusto, you quickly moved away from the dwarf and went back into your bedroll, not daring to look back at Fili.

So you didn’t notice Fili’s bright red face, as he watched you move back into your bedroll. And more importantly, you didn’t see the wide smile that had suddenly graced his face, cheekily grinning at your back.


A/N: sorry I haven’t been writing a lot lately guys, I’ve just been really busy with school, but it should die down soon and I’ll get back to writing a little fic daily again… Thanks for reading everyone!!
