#the hobbit oneshot


anonymous asked: Can I request the reader and Kili having to talk about the fact that you’re human and won’t live nearly as long as him? :)
Written by: Anna
Pairing: Kili X OC
Notes: it’s kinda short, sorry about that, but I’ve been in a little bit of a writing slump, so hopefully cute, short little things like this will get me out of it!

You had been trying to avoid this for a while now, it was something that you never wanted to think about, but, as of lately, Kili had been increasingly persistent about it. So here you two were, sitting together in his room, neither of you wanting to actually start the conversation.

Kili cleared his throat as he started to twiddle his fingers, not meeting your gaze. “So… (y/n),” He began slowly, as if not entirely sure what to say.

“I know,” You said. “If we’re going to make this work we need to talk about it.”

He nodded almost solemnly, “It’s just, because you’re a human, you’re going to age faster than I am.”

You nodded in agreement, only wanting to pull the older dwarf into a hug at the moment and forget about this conversation as a whole, but you knew there was no way that was happening. “Well, you’re already older than me, so that’s good for us, but what does your age equate to in human years?” You inquired.

Kili gave a small shrug, looking up to meet your eyes. “I’m not really sure, dwarves normally live until we’re about 250 years old, well, that’s if we’re lucky, how long do humans live for?” He asked curiously, cocking his head to the side adorably.

250 years… that was much longer than you were ever going to live! “Well… One hundred years is considered lucky for a human, the average is about seventy five.” You mumbled.

The brown haired dwarf’s eyes widened as he furrowed his brow. “Seventy five?” He asked in disbelief. “That’s almost how old I am now…” The dwarf trailed off, turning his head down once more.

You gave a nod in agreement, “Yes, that’s my point. Kili, I love you, but I… I don’t know if this will work.” You choked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.

Kili immediately noticed, and he sprung up from where he was sitting, moving next to you to and pulling you into his warm embrace. “(y/n), I promise you, everything’s going to be alright, we’ll figure something out.” He soothed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest.

You pushed your head into his body, wrapping your arms around his waist and snuggling into his side. “I love you.” You sniffled, closing your eyes.

His lips pressed against the top of your head. “I love you too, Miz Duzkak.” Kili mumbled into your hair.

Kili pulled away from you, holding you by the shoulders to look into your eyes. “Maybe… maybe we could talk to Thorin, he might know something, or Balin, even.” He said hopefully.

You laughed lightly at his enthusiasm. “Yes, hopefully.” You agreed, a small smile gracing your face.

The dwarf grinned, apparently happy with your agreement. “But not now, right now, I just want to be with you.” He murmured and a second later, he was pulling you closer to him once more, right onto his lap.

You curled yourself up on his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck to get closer to him. “Thank you, Kili.” You whispered.

Kili kissed your head once more, moving one large hand into your hair to tangle his finger in the strands. “Anything for you, Miz Duzkak.”

anonymous asked: Would it be possible to write an imagine with fili where you sneak into erebor (after the bofa) because its raining and you have no home and fili finds you and takes care of you in his room?
Written by: Anna
Pairing: Fili X Reader


The cold was all you could feel, it seeped into your veins and ate at your fingers as you tugged desperately at your jacket, trying to warm yourself up through the thick, damp fur.

But the damn rain was making that near impossible!

You were positive that if you didn’t get out of the rain in the next few minutes you would die, luckily, you had some sort of idea as to where you were exactly. Stuck between Dale and Erebor, you had no place to go, Dale refused to let you in, not welcoming any strangers, so now your only chance was Erebor.

Upon making it to the large gates of the mountain, you looked up, water flooding into your eyes as you realized that there was no one on guard at that moment. “N-n-no!” You groaned, your teeth chattering wildly.

You had no idea what you were going to do, observing the gates, you stepped towards them, placing your hands on the cold, wet bars. You could hardly feel the cold anymore, you were almost past the point of freezing at that point, and it was all you could do to not fall over and let yourself go right there.

And that was when you realized that if you maneuvered your body just right, you might be able to slip through the bars! Forcing yourself to stay upright, you turned sideways, shoving your body in between two thick bars, wiggling around as you almost got caught between them, but you just barely managed to slip through.

Once you were on the inside of the gates, you had scampered towards the warmth radiating from inside the mountain, hoping to not be caught. The rain had disappeared from around you, but you were spent, exhausted actually.

You tried to make some noise, to try and get someone’s attention, but you couldn’t make a sound, you were just too tired.

A second later, you had collapsed in the beautiful, dully lit hallways of the great kingdom, your body physically unable to support itself any longer as your knees gave out underneath you.

And the next thing you knew, your eyes slipped shut and you were pulled into unconsciousness.


You awoke to a warm touch on your forehead, warmth was absolutely flooding through your veins. A moan escaped your lips as you turned sideways, pulling yourself further into the warmth of whatever was surrounding your body, not that you cared.

Slowly, you managed to pull open your eyes, regaining consciousness. When you managed to look around the room, you noticed that you were laying on a large bed, blankets piled all around you.

The second thing you noticed was the man sitting next to you, his hands resting next to you on the bed. He seemed to notice that you’d woken up, his eyes widening as he held his hands up in a calming manner, but you weren’t worried, just… tired.

“Are you feeling alright?” He asked, standing up.

After a brief hesitation, you nodded, not trusting your words at the moment. He helped you sit up, placing you against a plethora of pillows by the headboard of the bed before sitting back down.

You cleared your throat, looking up at the man and finally got a good look at him. He was rather attractive in your opinion, he had long blond hair, and a braided moustache (that you thought was strangely cute, but you weren’t planning on mentioning it.) and he had beautiful blue eyes.

“So…” You began, testing your voice out. “Em, what happened?”

He gave a small chuckle. “Well, I was hoping you could tell me that. You showed up in Erebor, your presence unknown to everyone, and you were found, passed out on the ground.” The male said to her, sending her an uneasy glance.

You found yourself trying to move around, wanting to get up, but you were quickly stopped when a hand was placed on your shoulder to push you back into the pillows. “I’m sorry, but you should stay sitting, you had blacked out, it’s not going to be good if you get up and black out again.” He warned, his large hand soft against your shoulder.

The male reached over and grabbed something off the bedside table, pulling it into your line of vision. You gave a sigh of relief when you saw that it was a glass of water. “Here, drink this.” He said.

Happily, you accepted the glass and took gently sips, careful not to down it all at once, and when you were done, the male took it back. “Thank you.” You mumbled, scooting further down into the warm blankets.

“What’s your name?” The blond perked up, his curiosity taking the better of him.

You turned on your side to look at him, his blue eyes piercing yours as he patiently awaited your answer. “…I’m (y/n).” You introduced, hesitantly.

He smiled warmly at you, almost dreamily. “(y/n),” He repeated to himself. “It’s lovely.”

You felt a blush rise up to your cheeks at his compliment. “T-thank you… what’s yours?” You asked in response, your curiosity getting the better of you. “It’s only fair.” You added.

The dwarf sent you a cheeky smile. “Fili, at your service.” He introduced with a small bow.

“It’s nice to meet you Fili.” You smiled, cuddling yourself further up into the blankets.

Fili gave a deep chuckle, throwing his head back, making you smile. Thankfully, he seemed to notice how tired you still were, and he silenced himself once more. “Maybe you should get back to sleep, (y/n), you’ve been through a lot.” He offered, resting his hand right next to your face.

You were practically asleep already, your eyes slipping shut ever so slowly. You hummed almost inaudibly as you let your eyes slip shut. “Goodnight, Fili,” You muttered, not quite sure of what you were saying. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

The last thing you heard before you slipped back into the land of dreams was a warm laugh and soft lips press against your forehead, lulling you off to sleep that much faster.

“My pleasure, (Y/n).”

anonymous asked: hiiii! can you do an imagine where the reader is taking a bath in a lake and Fili accidentally sees her and stays and watches her but later gets caught by the reader?
Pairing: FiliXReader
Written by: Anna

The young dwarven prince was on watch for the night, offering to take the first shift so the others could get a good sleep for a while. He sat there silently, making sure to pay close attention to his surroundings, Mahal be it his watch that the Orcs finally catch up to them…

Just as Fili was leaning against a nearby tree, attempting to get comfortable, he heard a noise in the brush surrounding the clearing that they had made camp in.

On high alert, he sprang to his feet, careful not to make any noise, and wielding his weapons, he crept towards where the noise was coming from. He peeked through the thick underbrush, hoping that whatever it was hadn’t noticed them before he could notice it.

But what he saw absolutely shocked him… it wasn’t an orc or a troll… it was you!

Wondering what you were doing, Fili began to follow you from a distance, praying to Mahal that you wouldn’t notice his presence. When you had stopped walking, Fili ducked behind a large boulder, peeking out at you as you stood by the calm lake.

He was still slightly confused, but when you began taking off your clothes, it became apparent to him. Fili’s eyes widened almost comically, but he couldn’t seem to make himself turn away as he watched you slowly undress before sliding into the still water.

Although he knew he should turn back, leave you be to bathe by yourself, he couldn’t help but watch. Fili had known of his feelings for you for the longest time, ever since you had joined the quest back where you started at the Shire, he’d been attracted to you, but as you got to know each other better, his feelings of infatuation grew stronger. It was all he could do to not leave his hiding spot and go over to join you.

He lost time as he watched you, and soon enough, you were getting out of the water to put your clothes back on. Thinking he was going to get caught, Fili nervously began to scamper back to camp, flinching as he stepped on a twig, but not pausing to look back as he fled from the area, heading back to the camp.

But he didn’t know that you had turned just at the right moment to see a quick flash of blond hair before it had disappeared into the trees.

Once Fili made it back to the camp he had relaxed, moving back into position against the tree,    waiting for you to come back.

You had slipped back into the clearing, finding it rather cold with your soaking wet hair, but you didn’t mind all that much, knowing that you’d be back in your warm bed roll in a few moments.

What was really on your mind though, was if that was really who you thought it was running from you… but you decided to wait until you got back, rather than jumping to conclusions.

However, when you arrived back at camp to see the blond haired dwarf leaning casually against a nearby tree, your suspicions were confirmed. “Fili!” You hissed, moving silently towards him.

His head shot up towards you, guilt written all over his face. “(y/n)” He stuttered. “What are you doing up?” He asked, trying to mask his voice so he didn’t sound as guilty.

You decided to play with him a bit now, unbeknownst to him, you had also found the dwarven prince rather attractive as well, and you did have feelings for him, but you were too nervous to actually say anything.

“Fili, you know what I was doing… you were spying on me!” You accused in a sharp whisper.
Fili’s eyes widened dramatically, and he stood up, shaking his head. “No! no, of course I wasn’t!” He exclaimed quickly, holding his hands out in a defensive manner.

You couldn’t help but laugh as you slipped closer to the dwarf, placing a hand on his shoulder and putting your lips right up against his ear. “Instead of spying on me next time,” You began. “why don’t you just join me?” Surprised by your gusto, you quickly moved away from the dwarf and went back into your bedroll, not daring to look back at Fili.

So you didn’t notice Fili’s bright red face, as he watched you move back into your bedroll. And more importantly, you didn’t see the wide smile that had suddenly graced his face, cheekily grinning at your back.


A/N: sorry I haven’t been writing a lot lately guys, I’ve just been really busy with school, but it should die down soon and I’ll get back to writing a little fic daily again… Thanks for reading everyone!!
