#finn shelby fan fiction


‘This was supposed to be different.’-Finn Shelby x Reader

(GIF credit to @siriuslyshewrote)


Requested by anonymous:'Hi! If you are taking requests can I ask for Finn Shelby and numbers 13, 18 and 19 from the prompt list? My mind went from wanting something romantic to let’s create chaos with Finn and try and fail to hide it from his family lol’

Characters: Finn Shelby x Reader, mentions of Shelby family

Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name

(Y/L/N)=Your last name

Warnings:Swearing, arguing, fluff

13) Well, this is romantic

18) Everyone is staring

19) They definitely heard us


(Y/N) held back a sigh as she felt another large drop of water hit her head, shivering in the cold despite being wrapped up in a coat and having her boyfriend’s arms around her. She didn’t want to upset Finn, he had tried really heard, but she just wasn’t having a good time.

Well, this romantic.” (Y/N) tried to lighten the mood.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t even think about the weather.”

Finn had showed up at (Y/N)’s door that morning, having planned a spontaneous picnic date. She had been delighted, he was so cute with his basket of food and blanket wrapped under his arm. But only minutes after they found a spot, settling down and digging into the sandwiches, the rain started to pour. They haphazardly picked up the blanket with the food and basket inside, running for the shelter of the trees, which wasn’t doing much in keeping them dry.

“Finn, I don’t think the rain is going to stop.”

“It might. Let’s give it another five minutes.”

“You said that fifteen minutes ago.”

“Do you want to go home?”

She nodded.“I appreciate this my love, but I don’t think we should stay out in the rain, we’ll get cold.”

She didn’t like seeing how down he was about this. It wasn’t his fault that the rain came, he just hadn’t thought to check the weather. (Y/N) smiled up at him, pulling his face towards hers by the back of his neck, and kissing him. She was happy to see him smile back, standing up and offering a hand out to him before they ran back to the car.

It was almost as if the weather was mocking the couple, because when they returned to Small Heath the sun was shining. Finn whined and moaned, making his girlfriend laugh. Instead of heading home, Finn took a sharp turn, making (Y/N) grab onto the inside of the car. She had no idea where he was going, he wouldn’t tell her. He parked up by the side of the road by a field, getting out without a word.

“And what are we doing now?” (Y/N) asked as he opened her door.

“Well, we need to finish our picnic.”

“I suppose we do. You know what, Finn?”


“You really are a hopeless romantic.”

Luckily the couple were able to spend the rest of the afternoon finishing their food in the sun. They were so incredibly loved up, and although you could say it was young love, there was definitely a slither of maturity in them both that reflected off of each other. They both found that they had been thinking more about their futures since they decided to become serious. Of course both had though about marriage, what sort of house they might want to live in, basic ideas of their future, but that was before they had each other. The couple had been so giddy and bashful the first time they spoke about the topic of their possible future; the idea of being with each other everyday was very exciting.

The only problem was that the rest of the Shelby’s didn’t actually know about (Y/N). This had nothing to do with Finn being ashamed of her, or wanting to hide what they had. They never asked for one, they never even asked Finn how his day was. And when he finally tried to speak up about it, his family only spat back at him, saying to marry a woman who didn’t like the life, or tease about how he was still a virgin and was making this up to make them think otherwise. He stopped trying, he was happy with his relationship as it was, why let his family ruin it?

(Y/N) had been hurt at first, for quite a while actually. She thought Finn was lying. Her friends had always said about how much boys lie just so they could have their way with you. But Finn wouldn’t be taking her out on dates, getting her presents or simply just talking to each other if he wanted a quick shag. He was a Shelby, it was easy for him. And that was another thing that worried (Y/N). If the family didn’t like her, and Finn chose them over her, he could easily have another girl on his arm within a day. She didn’t voice her opinion a lot (which she should have done), she knew it was hard being part of the Shelby family. However, her love for him was indescribable, (Y/N) had had silly crushes in the past, been out with a few boys but she never felt the way she did about Finn with any of them.

After Finn dropped (Y/N) home, the hardest part of any day, his whole demeanor changed. He didn’t want to see his moody family after such a pleasant day. He also wished he could boast about his gorgeous girlfriend. They would love her if they gave (Y/N) the chance.

“Where have you been?” Polly asked as soon as he stepped through the door.

Finn sighed as he took off his coat and hat.“Out with my mates.”

“A likely story. Come on, your brothers are waiting."ct4

Of course they were, it was no doubt a family meeting. He slumped towards the front room, falling back into the spare spot on the sofa.

"Here he is, fucking finally.” Arthur bellowed.

“No one told me there was a meeting.”

“You weren’t even nearby, no one could find you. Where were you?”

“I just told Pol, I was with my friends.”

Tommy huffed.“It doesn’t matter where he’s been. Let’s get on with it.”

As they began the meeting, Finn could feel and the doom and gloom seeping into himself. It was so depressing here sometimes. He knew he should he grateful for what his brothers provided them with but it didn’t come without danger. If he wasn’t so sure (Y/N) could handle herself (and his family) he wouldn’t have started dating her. He realised he had to keep her safe, teach her a few things about self defence, which he had prayed wouldn’t scare her off.

“Whatever girl you’re seeing, forget about her.” Polly told Finn after the meeting.

Not this again.

“Why don’t any of you ever believe what I say?”

“Because your smile wiped off your face as soon as you stepped into the house. And you don’t smile like that around your 'mates’.”

“Alright, so if I have a girl, why should I do what you say? What if we’re happy together?”

“She likes being with a Shelby, it’s the name, Finn.”

“So no one will like me for me, right?”

“No, Finn I didn’t mean-”

Finn brushed past her and headed upstairs.“Night Pol.”

He was restless that night, tossing and turning but finding no peace. He felt slightly bad for how he spoke to his aunt, but she could sometimes be just as bad as the others. All he wanted to do was see (Y/N), then he would be at comfort.

Finn wouldn’t have to wait as long as he thought. The next morning he was alone in the house until someone knocked on the door. Not a lot of people would have the nerve to knock on a Shelby’s door, making him cautious. When he slowly opened the door to see (Y/N) he was both surprised and ecstatic to see her.

“What are you doing here love?” he asked with a grin on his face.

“If you weren’t smiling, I would have been offended at that question.”

“Sorry, but you know you shouldn’t have come without telling me.”

It had become a rule to not meet at Finn’s house, in case his family saw her before him and scared her off, or were just plain rude to her.

“Well, I had to return this.” she held up his pocket watch.“Found in beside mum’s flower bed.”

Finn took it from her, he hadn’t even realised he lost it.“Oh, thanks. What would I do without you?”

He leaned down to peck her on the lips, noticing her smile dropped slightly when they pulled away.

“(Y/N), what’s wrong? I know when you’re sad.”

“I just wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Fuck, you’re not pregnant are you?”

“No! Can I please come inside?”

Finn glanced behind him, despite no one else being home. They wouldn’t be back for a few hours, he was safe. Standing back, he gestured for her to step inside, watching as she looked around the place. She had never seen the inside of Finn’s house before, trying to take it all in, in case the opportunity never came again.

“So, what did you want to talk about?” Finn asked as they sat down in the front room.

She saw him clutching at the watch, bouncing his knee. He was nervous.

“I’ve just been thinking about a lot of things to do with us.”

Shit, was his worst fear coming true?

“Us? Has my family said something to you?”

“No, and that’s the problem.”


“Finn, we’ve been together for a while now. And I understand I’ve not properly met your family due to some circumstances, but it’s not normal.”

“My family aren’t normal.”

“And I understand that, but…I feel like you’re trying to hint at something.”

“If you’re on about me not wanting you around anymore then you’re completely wrong. I don’t want to subject you to their nastiness. They literally don’t give two shits about me anymore, so they won’t care about you. I’m sorry (Y/N), that’s just the way my fucked up family is.”

“Maybe if we show them how serious we are, talk about our plans, they might listen. They’ll see you as a grown up.”

“And if they’re not? If they don’t care about us and are disrespectful to you?”

“I don’t care. We have to at least try.”

Finn ran a hand down his face, contemplating what she was saying. He knew what she meant, it wasn’t fair that he was hiding her away. It wasn’t fair that he had met her family and spent time with them and not even attempted to introduce her. He was just so scared of losing her, he could see his family ruining it all for him.

“I…I don’t know (Y/N).”

She stood out of frustration, raising her voice.“Why not? How would you feel if I hid you away from my family? I always have to lie when people ask have I met the famous Shelby family. My parents think I’ve met them too. I didn’t want them to get angry with you. But now, it’s starting to get to me, I just don’t think it’s fair.”

“You know the situation I’m in. And you’ve also got to think, do you really want this? Do you want to be stuck with a disfunctional family that are a ruthless gang, with enemies everywhere they step?”

“Yes! Because I have you, Finn! If I didn’t love you so much then I would have left a long time ago!”

Finn heard all too familiar voice outside, panic instantly setting it. Without a word, he grabbed (Y/N)’s hand, pulling her upstairs. She almost toppled over as she struggled to keep up with his long legs, stumbling through to Finn’s bedroom. He closed the door, not slamming in as to not alert his family. He was breathing heavily, listening to his family walking into the house, muffled voices telling him there were multiple people inside.

“What the hell Finn? You’re literally hiding me away from your family!”

“It’s a lot to think about!” he harshly whispered.

“Finn, if you loved me then none of this would matter. I understand you’re hesitant to tell your family-”

“Well clearly you don’t understand, because you wouldn’t keep nagging me about it.”

“Nagging you? Nagging you?! I’m asking for a simple thing Finn. If we’re going to have the future together that we planned, I’ll have to meet them at some point.”

“We’ll just leave, we won’t see them. It’s not like they’ll care.”

“I can’t make you do that Finn, as sweet as that is. I don’t want to run from them. I want them to be part of our lives.”

“You might change your mind after you meet them.”

“So I will be meeting them?”

“That’s all you took from that?”

“I’m actually getting angry Finn, I don’t want us to argue.”

“What have we been doing for the last ten minutes?”

“What if I told them myself? What if I go down there right now? And you can tell everyone how I’m just a girl you’re sleeping with, you can make up a lie because that’s what you would do. You wouldn’t even admit it!”

“I would never say that about you!”

“I’m going home, Finn. I’ll talk to you when you remember I’m your girlfriend who you’re supposed to love.”

Finn immediately blocked the door. (Y/N) huffed, frowning at him.

“You’re not just my girlfriend now.”


Finn made a beeline for his bedside table, angrily opening the drawer and taking something out of it. (Y/N) couldn’t see what it was as he had his back to her. She watched as he took a deep breath, shoulders relaxing slightly before he turned around.

“This was supposed to be different. I know I’ve been a shit boyfriend. I know you’re upset about not meeting my family. I am not ashamed of you, I couldn’t be prouder of you and I love to show you off. You’re gorgeous, you’re perfect, I’m incredibly lucky to be able to call you mine. Not only that, but you’re so caring, you look after me, even after I come in after a stupid gun fight which I never tell you about, but that will change. I need to let you into my life more, you deserve to know what’s happening. And I’m sorry for making you upset, you have every right to be mad at me. I want to change all that, and to prove my love for you,” he lowered down onto one knee, producing a ring box from behind his back, opening it to reveal the engagement ring (Y/N) had desired,“I need to ask you something. (Y/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me?”

(Y/N) had started crying as soon as he got down on one knee, overwhelmed with happiness. She was in hysterics as she screamed 'yes’ over and over, jumping up and down. He laughed as he slipped the ring on her finger, scooping her up into his arms. They hugged tightly, kissing each other multiple times and passionately. After a few minutes, he set her back down, sharing one last kiss.

“They definitely heard us.” (Y/N) giggled.

“They definitely heard you.”

They were both correct when they heard movement downstairs, soon after footsteps coming upstairs. Finn sighed, he had to face them now.

“Finn,” it was Tommy,“finish off with the girl, pay her dues and send her on her way.”

Finn was instantly fuming at his brother’s words. How dare he talk about (Y/N) in that way?! Without thinking, he threw open the door, Polly was also there.

“Don’t talk about (Y/N) like that ever again! She is not a whore, she is not having sex with me for money. (Y/N) is my fiance, and I am going to marry her. No, she’s not pregnant, I’ve proposed because I want to spend the rest of my life with her. So she’s going to be a Shelby, and you’re going to give her the respect she deserves. ”

Polly glanced back at the young girl, looking her up and down. She had to admit, the girl wasn’t backing down. She was looking strong, and not intimidated.

“Are you fucking serious?” Tommy mumbled.

“Yes. Meet (Y/N) (Y/L/N), soon to be (Y/N) Shelby, your sister-in-law.”

“Whatever. Bring her downstairs.”

Tommy turned around, Polly following after him, but not without another glance at the couple.

(Y/N) had appreciated Finn sticking up for her. It was so sweet, he had proven his love, though not exactly in the way they wanted; but they realised it didn’t really matter how he proposed, they just wanted to be together and that was enough.

“Shit, am I really going down there to meet them?” (Y/N) suddenly grew nervous.

“You had some big balls earlier, backing out now?” Finn teased.

“Stop, this is serious.”

“I’ll be beside you the whole time. You’re my girl, you always will be.”

Finn kept a tight hold of her hand as they made their way downstairs. He could feel her hands getting clammy, quickly placing a kiss on the back of it. He knew she would be fine, she was strong, but her being nervous meant she cared.

As they entered the front room, they saw Thomas, Polly, Arthur and John. God, it was all of them. They sat on the only sofa available.

“Everyone is staring.” (Y/N) subtly whispered.

“Let them. You’re a fucking Shelby now, you’re family and you’re mine.”
