#finnick odair


I think I Wanna Marry You…

One shot #55

Summary: the Quarter Quell takes a toll on everyone, but especially on lovers…

Pairing: Finnick Odair x reader  (the reader is referred to as female for the purpose of sticking with the themes but it is not concretely finnick x female!reader)

Warnings: angst, mentions of murder, reader throws a vase so I guess violence

Finnick it’s about to start!” You shout from the sitting room anxiously, watching the symbol of the Capitol float on the screen, hugging a pillow to your chest tightly.

Ever since the fateful year his name was called on that stage, your stomach carried a knot the size of your head whenever you heard the Panem anthem, especially when the time came for the annual hellfest. Yours had once been called too, you were the victor of the games directly following Finnicks. the two of you had met in victors village and fallen in love, though no one really knew about it.

“Did I miss anything yet?” He asks, sitting down next to you and pulling you in towards him. You snuggle up to him, holding onto him for dear life. 

“Nothing yet. The reaping hasn’t started yet.” You murmur, biting at your lip. He tugs at your chin gently, pulling it up to look at him.

“Hey. It will be ok. I promise. We’ve both been called already, we’ve both been through this. They can’t do it to us again, ok?” He assures you.

“Finnick we agreed not to lie to each other. We both know that Snow never keeps a promise. Nothing is set in stone with him.” You sigh, a stray tear rolling down your face. 

“I know… I just can’t stand to see you upset.” He sighs, rubbing it away with his thumb. 

You nuzzle up close as possible to him in response, watching as president Snow starts his yearly speech. 

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is the 75th year of The Hunger Games and it was written in the charter of The Games that every 25 years, there would be a Quarter Quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died in the uprising against The Capitol.” Snow begins, addressing the nation with a voice meant to invoke a fear like no other.

“Each Quarter Quell is distinguished by Games of a special significance. And now on this the 75th anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion, we celebrate the 3rd Quarter Quell as a reminder that even the strongest cannot overcome the power of The Capitol.” Both you and Finnick hold each other even tighter at the thinly veiled threat, staring at the screen, unable to look away.

“On this, the 3rd Quarter Quell Games, the male and female Tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of Victors in each district.” He finally announces and you let out a loud cry, burying yourself in Finnick’s arms as he stares onward, completely taken aback by the words coming out of the snakes mouth.

Your staggered sobs continue as Snow’s voice does too. “Victors shall present themselves on Reaping Day-regardless of age, state of health or situation.” He says and both you and Finnick know that at least one of those things was an attack on at least two other past victors from district 4.

“No… no no no no NO!” You sob. “He can’t do this to us again! he can’t!” You murmur, throwing a vase off the coffee table and at the nearest wall.

Finnick holds you tighter, saying nothing at all, clearly in shock. 

“I-I can’t do it… I can’t do it again, I can’t do it if you’re there, I can’t fight these people or kill anyone again.” You cry, your lip trembling in a mix of anger and fear.

“I know. Me neither. But we will find a way! We will get through this somehow, I know it baby.” He says into your hair, stroking it soothingly. 

You knew he was hopeful for the uprising coming, you were too but there was no way it would come soon enough to save you from the arena. They were still preparing, no one was going to be ready to protect the victors and risk coming out of the shadows so soon. If they did, it would be an instant death sentence. No, you knew that at least one of you, if not both of you were fated to die in that arena this time around.

“Hey, hey, don’t go thinking about it too hard alright sweetheart? We’ll be ok, there’s still 2 other female victors from our district, you aren’t the only one.” He promises with a forced smile.

“But you are.” You whimper sadly, looking into his eyes with your glassy sad ones.

“And I will do whatever it takes to get out of there and back to you. But you have to trust me right? We both have to believe it. We will both be safe my love, no matter what, I promise.” He says soothingly, placing a delicate lasting kiss on your forehead as you nod quietly with a sigh.

“Finnick, I can’t bear the idea of going in there and killing our friends. We’ve known these people for years, they’ve lived through the absolutely traumatic games just like we have. Why is he doing this?” You ask quietly, playing with his fingers.

“Because he’s a snake. Because he’s scared and wants to gain control on the rebellion but doesn’t know how. Because he’s pure evil.” Finnick answers bitterly, staring at the Capitol symbol in spite.

The two of you lay curled up with each other quietly for a while, taking in the horror show that was just unleashed on you.

“Let’s get married. It doesn’t have to be anything public, just for us. I just want to be us, you and me forever. No games, no death, no destruction, no public stunt. Just concrete love between two people. Between us.” Finnick says suddenly, holding your hands in his own carefully.

You giggle in disbelief, glancing up to see his expression, only to find he is dead serious. 

“You’re serious? Not public, not a play for the games… just us?” You say hopefully and he nods with a smile, beaming at your soft voice. “Ok, let’s do it. Let’s get married. Before the reaping, before anymore of this chaos.” You agree, giggling louder as he grins in the small victory, pulling you tightly to him and hugging you tightly from behind.

“Right now?” You ask, grinning gleefully at him as he nods, the smile on his own face growing.

“And when we both survive this, because we will, we’ll have such a fabulous party even the Capitol will be jealous. We deserve it honey.” He promises, kissing your knuckle.

You both get up, going into his room to change. You kept most of your clothes there, rarely spending time in your own house other than to check in on your family.

“I can’t believe we’re doing this. Does this make us crazy?” You ask, still smiling.

“Maybe, but there’s no shame in that.” He says and you can hear the smirk in his voice as you pull on your finest clothes. Both of you had fairly rich looking clothes, mostly meant for public appearances. Heaven forbid you ever leave a hair out of place in the eye of Panem.

Once you’re both changed, the two of you go together hand in hand to the center of the district, quickly finding someone you trusted and knew was an officiant. Weddings weren’t uncommon in the District but still, on a day such as this, every district was clouded with a certain bleakness. This made it shocking to your friend when you had told him you intended to celebrate your love for each other in the face of such imminent danger. Still, he agreed and walked with you down by the water, where the two of you were joined in marriage.

There was no other people around really and it wasn’t the warmest of days but neither of you would’ve had it any other way than being with the person you most loved in the place you both so loved, feet wading in the water as you shared your first kiss as a married couple.


Reaping day…

The love celebrations had ensued for a few days but as reaping day approached, your glee slowly faded into fear and anxiety. Finally it was there and you couldn’t help but be relieved it was finally going to be over with, despite knowing it was only the beginning.

Your districts name puller was much less flamboyant than some such as Effie Trinket, often opting to wear minimal makeup though it was still bright. She also chose to wear more muted, pastel colours. The one similarity was the ridiculous wig resting on her head, a vibrant shade of blue, probably to represent the water for District 4. 

‘How clever’ you thought to yourself sarcastically, more bitter now than you had been when the announcement was first made.

“Ladies and Gentlemen of District 4 it is my great pleasure to choose your tributes for this years very special Hunger Games.” She announces in her own over the top Capitol accent. 

“We will start with the gentlemen.” She states and really you’re more surprised than anything else.

You watch her anticlimactic pull from the bowl, watching the single slip that would ruin your life for good get plucked up and read out loud.

“Finnick Odair.” It reads, as expected but that doesn’t stop tears from streaming down your cheeks, watching sadly as he walks up to the stage, calm and masked as possible, avoiding your eyes.

You had both decided it would be best to act more stoic and not give the cameras the satisfaction of seeing you get emotional over each other. You refused to truly give into their hunger for a romance to shake things up, opting to be less entertainment skits for them and more for each other.

“And now for the ladies, how exciting!!” The chirpy woman trills and you have to disagree.

“Annie Cresta!” She announces and you turn a sympathetic glance to the redhead next to you. She has clear tears in her eyes as she starts to messily cry, making her way to the stage. You want so badly to volunteer, to stop her flow of tears and save the poor mad girl from the cruel fate awaiting her but you had promised Finnick if your name wasn’t called, you wouldn’t do anything selfless. And the two of you never broke your promises.

Still, Annie was a sweet girl, you knew this. The games had messed up her head more than they had anyone else’s. Her name even being in the draw at all hardly seemed fair but neither did anything the Capitol did. 

Annie begrudgingly climbed the stairs to stand beside Finnick but then came along Mags, who was almost too selfless for her own good. She quickly volunteered for the girl, who fell into a heap of sobs of gratitude, tightly hugging the older woman with affection. Mags’ smile alone made you want to volunteer on the spot but you resisted that urge.

The woman on the stage announced the volunteer and you tuned out the rest of her speech, choosing to instead stare down Finnick with love eyes until she finished. She asked for applause but to District 4′s credit, not one citizen clapped even a little. The bright woman awkwardly moved on.

You waited until the square was starting to clear a bit to fully make your way to the visitors station to say goodbye but you gasped in surprise to see Finnick with a slightly busted lip and being dragged to the train.

“Stop! Let me go, I get a goodbye for godsake!” He shouts, trying to fight out of the Peacekeeper grip but they keep pulling, unphased by his argument. When he finally catches your shocked eyes in the crowd, he fights even harder, even more desperately.

“I LOVE YOU! I WILL WIN THIS FOR YOU Y/N!” He shouts, desperately needing you to hear. You nod franticly to prove you do and he shouts a goodbye your way, followed by another I love you as he’s thrown onto the train along with Mags and the chipper Capitol announcer.

“I love you too… Goodbye Finnick.” You whisper as the train rapidly pulls away, your eyes welling with tears as it takes away your favorite person, not knowing whether it would dare to bring him back again.

Annie was pregnant?? And finnick probably never knew? And never got to meet his son??? I’m literally sobbing rn

 Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream Here it’s safe, here it’s warmHere the daisies guard you from every harmHere your dream

Here it’s safe, here it’s warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

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the worst fictional deaths are actually the ones you see coming, where there is enough foreshadowing that you have time to hope, against all odds, that the character will survive, even as you realise that there’s no way out this time, they’re not going to make it, this was always how it was going to end
