#fire emblem


Byleth:Be careful out there, you two. This is a dangerous mission, so don’t get in over your heads, alright?

Yuri: Don’t worry about me, friend. I’m the Lord of the Underground. I don’t have any weak–

Bernadetta: Yuri, I’m scared. Can I hold your hand?

Yuri: Sure thing, love.

Yuri: … As I was saying, I have no weaknesses whatsoever. Nerves of steel and a heart of stone–that’s me.

Byleth, watching Bernadetta hug his arm like a teddy bear: … So I see. 


This is my tribute to dear Billy Kametz and his friends and family. He was not just the voice of the beloved Ferdinand von Aegir and many others, but an aspiring friend that lit up everyone’s world. Thank you for making a huge difference in our lives, myself included. You will always remain in our hearts



Wait, hold on, time out for a sec here. 

The children of the goddess (Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, etc.) are functionally immortal, so it stands to reason that Byleth would be immortal as well. Actually this is more or less confirmed in male Byleth’s ending with Flayn: “…It is said that no matter their age, they always retained a youthful appearance.” 

BUT we also know that mortals can become functionally immortal if they’re given the blood of one of the goddess’s children, as revealed in Rhea’s supports with Byleth. She once gave Jeralt some of her blood to save him from a mortal wound, and that’s why he hasn’t aged at all. 

So does this mean that if Byleth marries one of the mortal characters, they have to make the choice between having the immortality-granting blood transfusion or living out their natural lifespan, growing old and dying while Byleth stays the same? How would you even begin to have that discussion??? “Hey babe, so funny thing really, the goddess that lived inside my head for 20 years? Yeah, she made me live forever. But I also have this teaspoon of my blood here, so if you also want to be immortal, you can swallow that real quick and I think everything will be fine.”

Flayn loves love, so I fully believe she snagged Ignatz one day like “Hey, okay, do I have a BOMBSHELL to drop on you- also, is it okay if my dad (yes, he’s my dad) performs surgery on you? Just a liiiiiiiittle blood transfusion, no biggie.”

Actually of all the potential spouses, Ignatz is probably one of the most likely to take this news extremely well. I would imagine that devout followers of the goddess are well-acquainted with the idea of spending an eternity with her.

Ignatz: So you’re saying I’ll live forever with the love of my life? 

Flayn: That is correct. 

Ignatz: Alright then, I’m ready. 

Byleth:  Are you sure? Don’t you want to think about this a little more before you–

Ignatz: Byleth, my darling, my soul, my goddess, what is there to think about here?!

Wait, hold on, time out for a sec here. 

The children of the goddess (Rhea, Seteth, Flayn, etc.) are functionally immortal, so it stands to reason that Byleth would be immortal as well. Actually this is more or less confirmed in male Byleth’s ending with Flayn: “…It is said that no matter their age, they always retained a youthful appearance.” 

BUT we also know that mortals can become functionally immortal if they’re given the blood of one of the goddess’s children, as revealed in Rhea’s supports with Byleth. She once gave Jeralt some of her blood to save him from a mortal wound, and that’s why he hasn’t aged at all. 

So does this mean that if Byleth marries one of the mortal characters, they have to make the choice between having the immortality-granting blood transfusion or living out their natural lifespan, growing old and dying while Byleth stays the same? How would you even begin to have that discussion??? “Hey babe, so funny thing really, the goddess that lived inside my head for 20 years? Yeah, she made me live forever. But I also have this teaspoon of my blood here, so if you also want to be immortal, you can swallow that real quick and I think everything will be fine.”

I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) from Disney’s Hercules, but it’s Hilda, Flayn, Annette, Dorothea, and Leonie trying to get Byleth to admit she’s in love with Ignatz.

That’s all. Have a good night.

“YuRi iS tHe bEsT! hE’s my FaVoriTe!” is the single greatest line in the entirety of Three Houses.


the amount of times that ignatz has gone to kiss byleth’s ear and her hair has snagged his glasses straight off his nose is too many to count

One time they couldn’t get the glasses out in time so Byleth showed up to her council meeting with a pair of spectacles hanging off the side of her head. 

Seteth: …May I ask–

Byleth: No. You may not. 

I can’t help but wonder how Shez would react to finding out that their arch-nemesis, the legendary Ashen Demon Byleth, is happily married to one of their friends in another timeline. 

Dimitri: …That’s the Ashen Demon who bested you?

Shez: Yeah. But that won’t happen a second time. Now that I have you by my side, I swear–



Dimitri: I feel as though I know her….as though we met a long time ago….and we were….deeply in lo–


warm up doodles i may or may not continue and fix up one day when i have the time,,, :0cI wish they warm up doodles i may or may not continue and fix up one day when i have the time,,, :0cI wish they

warm up doodles i may or may not continue and fix up one day when i have the time,,, :0c

I wish they had more supports together. they’re like two bots trying convince the other they’re human and need quick access to their credit card info for completely innocent noble reasons

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fire emblem three hopes black eagle guys. I missed em


Where Byleth watches Linhardt debate expending energy to reach a book on the top shelf.

….Linhardt falls asleep trying to decide. ✨✨

Dream Princess Corrin has a wonderful design so here’s some new art! You can find more art on my Twi

Dream Princess Corrin has a wonderful design so here’s some new art! You can find more art on my Twitter!

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Fast food Lon'qu, Confectioner Gaius, and Bird trainer Henry… printing them as 1" charms

Fast food Lon'qu, Confectioner Gaius, and Bird trainer Henry… printing them as 1" charms aaa


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hello and welcome to lon'qu’s fries. we sell potato and only potato would you like fries with

hello and welcome to lon'qu’s fries. we sell potato and only potato would you like fries with that

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