


Hey look! Another Buddie prompt!

It’s no secret that Buck is the best with kids, he just gets them. That in no small part has to do with the fact that he acts like a big kid himself most the time. So of course he gets a lot of teasing from everyone about how childish he is, and less often an actual scolding for doing something childish. Buck does his best to not let the comments affect him (even though they do, in a very buried part of his brain).

So when Buck and Maddie’s parents show up for a charity event for first responders (in this prompt the Buckley’s are very well off. The type of well off where they frequently attend charity/galas to brag about their social standing) and they invite the firefam+SOs, everyone is in for an eye opening time. 

Buck very quickly becomes subdued around his parents. Any time he becomes excited or energetic or just his usual goofy self, even around the kids, his parents are quick to berate him.

“Stop acting so childish Evan”

“I thought we taught you how to behave properly Evan”

And when asked, Maddie confirms that this was how it was like all the time for Buck growing up. It is quickly realized that Buck is the way home is, because he never got the chance to be a kid growing up. The firefam, and especially Eddie & Christopher, make it a point the rest of the night to be as silly and fun with Buck as they can be without actually getting kicked out of the event, much to the chagrin of Buck’s parents. (Perhaps the other guest join in on the fun as well, the 118s energy is just so infectious)

And Buck have the time of his life.

Run wild writers!

Love the concept!
