#first ninja

 Secret Trio - Chapter 1 Page 6 First-Ninja cameo! I don’t plan on him to be in the story much

Secret Trio - Chapter 1 Page 6

First-Ninja cameo! I don’t plan on him to be in the story much, but I was disappointed how little he was used in season 2 of RC9GN, so I wanted to include him a bit. I feel like I should give him a more proper name than just “first-ninja” but I’m not sure what it should be. If you have suggestions, let me know!

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picture the most serious character that you know of

now picture them tripping ungracefully and falling down some stairs

“Once I have enough power, I will break free from this prison AND DESTROY THE SORCERER”

My first fanart for this series that I post and it’s an AU. Because of course.
