#firstborn child



sometimes the whole premise of Rapunzel seems ridiculous (who trades a baby for a head of lettuce), but then again who hasn’t had a snack craving so bad they’d trade their firstborn child

Trading a firstborn child seems like a pretty good deal if you don’t want kids. It sounds heartless, but if you’re not gonna have them anyway, might as well get some good shit for free.

But also it makes me think about the loopholes. And I can think of a major one, as somebody who’s planning on adoption(if I even decide I want kids). If you adopt a child, they are your first and oldest child. But they weren’t your child when they were born, couldn’t be taken at that point in time. They also weren’t born “from” you, so it seems like that would muddy the waters quite a bit. After all, if they’d take your adoptive child as soon as the paperwork’s signed, what’s stopping people from adopting children just to use them as payment?

Thing is, even if your next kid is your biological child, they wouldn’t be your firstborn; that’s your adoptive child. They’re your firstborn, even if they don’t have your genes.

idk, I’d love to hear somebody else’s thoughts on this. Would witches/fae/etc. invalidate adoption by saying only biological children are yours? Would they try to take your first child no matter their adoptive status?
