#flora winx club


Continuing with Flora!

I really enjoyed working on her, I looove all those pink shades

Thinking about taking a small break from Winx (doesn’t mean I won’t finish them all, I will)

This is quite literally the last transformation I would’ve expected to design next in full and YET

Anyway, here’s cosmix lol

Each being is connected to a celestial body that best fits them and their magic. This is decided by the celestial energy itself when it connects to them when the transformation is accessed. Their wings glow all the time in other transformations too, I just never add it. I added it to this one though because it’s celestial energy that’s holding everything together and is therefore would be considered a unique type of glow and I wanted to demonstrate that here.

Theres some info on celestial energy and how cosmix works in my thing atm (I’m still mulling around some different ideas and still have to watch the season to know for sure what I’m changing and keeping) and cosmix in general in this ask!

Details on the designs and explanations for the celestial bodies each Winx is connected to below!

Stella is connected to stars, big and bright and able to draw people in. She gets a huge burst in power with this transformation since she already has connections to suns naturally and her magic is celestial based to begin with. The Greek symbol for stars are used in her look a lot. She also feels the most comfortable out of the winx with this transformation.

Flora is connected to planets. This speaks to her more grounded personality and affinity for plant life, since thats typically where its located. It also is a reference to her tendency to orbit big personalities rather than be a big one herself. I tried to reference the Greek symbol for Earth in her design a lot.

Musa is connected to comets. They’re small and can leave a big impact if they collide with something. They leave a trail if they enter an atmosphere too, and this speaks to her influence and more eye catching bursts of energy she can have sometimes. She’s small but powerful and has more sway than she gives herself credit for. I tried my best to incorporate the Greek symbol for comet and allude to tails with her accessories and details.

Tecna is connected to satellites. They orbit planets (speaking to their connection to Flora since they’re the closest to each other) and can be a variety of things, speaking to their versatility in combat and planning. Their wings have no physical connection to their body and are only held to them by celestial energy.

Aisha is connected to asteroids, icy and large. This speaks to her water based magic as well as her ability to make quick judgements that aren’t often swayed unless shown good reason to change her mind as well as her sure sense of self and presence. As I’ve said before, she’s the most sure of herself and put together of the winx and that makes her a force to be reckoned with. I references the Greek symbol for comets in her design too since they’re similar to comets in their shape and ability to float relatively freely, and as a reference to her relationship with Musa in my thing. I also aimed to allude to the symbol for Europa with the mark on her leg since it’s a large icy moon.

Bloom is connected to galaxies. This speaks to her ability and want to try and keep everyone together and The Dragon Flame being at the center of creation for life, everything revolving around it. I tried to incorporate spirals as her main symbol as a reference to The Milky Way.
