#florida shooting


“If someone’s decided, ‘I’m going to commit this crime,’ they’ll find a way to get the gun to do it. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a law that makes it harder. It just means, understand, to be honest, it isn’t going to stop this from happening.” - Marco Rubio, post #FloridaShooting

Why do we have laws against murder if people are going to commit the crime anyway?

Why do we have driver’s licenses if people will drive without them anyway?


I want someone to give me a reasonable explanation why they need an assault rifle as a civilian? Other than the fact that it is absurdly your right.

For those people that keep saying “If you ban guns, they will find other ways.” Please, enlighten me as to which weapon can kill a mass of people in a few seconds? A knife? A car wrench? Oh no, it’s a bat. Definitely a baseball bat.

It’s harder to get an abortion (which is also legal by the way) than it is to get a gun. Why do you care more about a zygote than you do a living child? Oh, because you only care when someone is messing with YOUR rights.

If a white person shoots, you blame mental illness. But, if a brown person shoots you want to build a wall, you want travel bands, you want to call him a terrorist. If a white person shoots, it’s still called TERRORISM.

In regards to the Florida shooting, 

“Mental Illness (obvs. because the shooter is white).”
“How about some gun control?”
“This is not the time for politics, it’s a time for thoughts and prayers for the victims and their families. We will do anything to help you.”
Victims & Families: GUN CONTROL.
“Okay, anything but that. Thoughts and prayers!”

Let’s do what we can for these families by making sure that more families don’t have to go through this.

Also, if you want to continue to blame “mental illness,” then stop trying to make it harder for people to get healthcare.

If you have any questions or concerns about the effectiveness of gun control, please refer to the government of Australia.
