


Big Life Update!

(All good news!)

Uh I can’t figure out the cut, so here we go:

I’m leaving Boston and returning to my childhood home. My husband and I are buying the house from my parents, who want to downsize to a one floor home for their twilight years.

This is huge for us. My husband got the ok to work from home—so we no longer need to stay in a city that costs WAYYYYY too much, and where few of our acquaintances stay for very long. We only have a couple close friends in Boston—but even before the Pandemic I had trouble maintaining friendships because of everyone moving away.

Moving back home is honestly the best thing that could have happened to us. Now we can save money, and take advantage of a much MUCH bigger house than would have been possible in the Greataer Boston Area. The house is multi family—growing up, my family stayed on the lower floor while they rented out the top floors. The had one tenant stay with them for as long as I can remember, and he’s finally moving on to live with family.

We plan to remodel the upper apartments into a studio where my creative peers can work on art or costuming or even record music, as well as have ample room for people who need a place to stay. (Obviously, only when it becomes safe for people to do so.) I often think the only think stopping people from achieving their potential is simple access to tools. I want to make a safe space for collaboration. I have a lot of friends—artist or otherwise—that just need an option to crash someplace safe for a bit.

…And kids. I want kids. Very much. So it will be extra important to have an easy work at home option. I’ve put off having children for several years now and I’m finally in a place where it’s a doable idea. I really thought I would need to wait another three to five years.

After the hell year that was 2020, I’m glad to finally be able to start pursuing a career on MY terms, and can hopefully get my peers to join me. *knock on wood* XD


Some character design concepts I’ve been working on. I have a bunch of these little characters that are hiding deep in my files. I’ve come a long way in the last year.


Today’s drawings. Doing a series of characters.
