#fm spanking

Not only are sandals stylish, comfortable and easy to put on. They are also easy to take off and tan

Not only are sandals stylish, comfortable and easy to put on. They are also easy to take off and tan that errant backside.

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A heavy punishment strap will leave an impression for a while if you’re swinging like she is.

A heavy punishment strap will leave an impression for a while if you’re swinging like she is.

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She has definitely got that Wicked Queen look down! Hand her the cane and prepare to cry.

Every woman needs a good punishment strap to “talk” to her husband with. ;)

Every woman needs a good punishment strap to “talk” to her husband with. ;)

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My husband knows that when I wear a certain pair of sandals, a whuppin’ with their associated implemMy husband knows that when I wear a certain pair of sandals, a whuppin’ with their associated implemMy husband knows that when I wear a certain pair of sandals, a whuppin’ with their associated implem

My husband knows that when I wear a certain pair of sandals, a whuppin’ with their associated implement could very well be in his future. ;) #SandalAssociations

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Find a wife that is strong enough to keep you in line. https://alt.com/go/p310039

Find a wife that is strong enough to keep you in line. https://alt.com/go/p310039

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The new office manager wants to explain the new rules to you.

The new office manager wants to explain the new rules to you.

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A good old fashioned belting!

The searing white sting of the cane, leaving its mark.

The searing white sting of the cane, leaving its mark.

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Cane tracks will certainly get his attention.

Cane tracks will certainly get his attention.

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Nice cane welts on an errant backside.

Nice cane welts on an errant backside.

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Sandals are little spanking paddles in disguise.

Sandals are little spanking paddles in disguise.

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The insane pain of the cane. Courtesy of Cassie.

The insane pain of the cane. Courtesy of Cassie.

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But you were so tough 6 lashes ago? Unfortunately for you I’m not even a tenth of the way done

But you were so tough 6 lashes ago? Unfortunately for you I’m not even a tenth of the way done!

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When my wife plays teacher, i can count on a well welted, then bruised butt for a week.

When my wife plays teacher, i can count on a well welted, then bruised butt for a week.

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Business trip essentials.. 1 slave (locked) + my travel whip

The power of a woman with a whip.
