#folk ballad

As I was walking all alane,I heard twa corbies making a mane;The tane unto the t'other say,‘Wh

As I was walking all alane,
I heard twa corbies making a mane;
The tane unto the t'other say,
‘Where sall we gang and dine to-day?’

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Since people seemed to enjoy my Tam Lin drawing, here is another ballad character. I guess she isn&r

Since people seemed to enjoy my Tam Lin drawing, here is another ballad character. I guess she isn’t named in the narrative. But here is Geordie’s wife challenging the judge for her husbands life. 

“But six pretty babes I had by him
The seventh one lies in my body
And I would bear them all over again
If you give me the life of my Geordie”
“Your Geordie will hang in a silver chain
Such as we don’t hang many
And he’ll be laid in a coffin brave
For your six fine sons to carry”
“I wish I had you in a public square
The whole town gathered around me
With my broad sword and a pistol too
I’d fight you for the life of my Geordie”

Have a few other folk songs I want to illustrate so stay tuned!

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