#food fantasy salad

My side of the Food Fantasy Fanart event collab with @spinningcup!She drew Yogurt (god save your sou

My side of the Food Fantasy Fanart event collab with@spinningcup!

She drew Yogurt (god save your soul for all those lil details) and I drew Salad~

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Collaboration with @spinningcup​ for the Food Fantasy Fan Art event! Thanks for collabin with me~ I’

Collaboration with @spinningcup​ for the Food Fantasy Fan Art event! 

Thanks for collabin with me~ I’m going to beat you up so hard in the game~ 

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❝ Hey Inugami, Can i request headcanons for Salad who has a crush on MA? I love your writing alot uwu❞ @foodfantasytrash

❲ pɑiring ❳ salad x master attendant

❲ rɑting ❳sfw

❲ type ❳ crush heɑdcɑnons

➼ Salad is usually very timid and afraid of many things, but when it comes to protecting the one he loves… He tries his best to be strong.

➼ He’s constantly afraid you’ll leave him one day, and tends to stay by your side for as long as you’ll allow him to. So long as he can be around you, that’s enough to calm his heart

➼ He’s constantly blushing around you, unsure of how to react with his feelings. He simply wants to hold your hand.

➼ Probably trips a lot, because he’s so busy staring at you all day. He can’t help but get lost in your entire being.
