#food for the soul


I remember seeing this quote somewhere, along the lines of “you are not yet who you are meant to be.” And at first I felt like it was such a prescriptive thing to live by. But it comes back and back again, and what sticks is not so much the part about being the person that we are supposed to be, but the “not yet.” We are still only beginning to learn to live and love, and we have to establish what is worth containing, what is worth exploring. There will be casualties, and I’m trying to determine if I’m okay with that. And I think that’s a part of living this life for me, to live as much as I can within my capacity, sometimes even vicariously, to be tempted, to test and push on boundaries, and to wonder if there is more, because who I am is not fixed.

And to me this is directly related to learning to love yourself. We talk about loving ourselves all the time, and how important that is, but if we welcome growth and evolution, then you have to continually learn how to love yourself. No one talks about how that is a constant work - it’s not a one time and done kind of thing. 

sometimes, like relationships you build with others, you outgrow the relationship that you build with yourself. 

ren-nolasco: Man arrested for throwing coffee at a barista who messed up his boyfriends order.


Man arrested for throwing coffee at a barista who messed up his boyfriends order.

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- Omar Rudberg for Boys By Girls -

Emilia Staugaard
