#football playersteve rogers


Sidelines: Adoption

Thanks for the prompt @loving-life-my-way

You didn’t realize how lonely it would get. For the last two years whenever Steve was gone you were too. Now that you’re teaching you stay home and watch the games with your family. It’s still fun but you do miss it.

Steve was coming home today, thank god, it’s been a long road trip, four games in a row. He’d sounded exhausted when you’d talked on the phone earlier, you try to talk to him every night no matter the time. Since he was on his way he’d called before the plane had taken off, you had dinner ready and when he texted you that they’d landed. It was your new routine after only a half season, he’d call before they took off, text when they landed, eat when he got home before a shower, often one you took together, then bed where you’d lay in the darkness and talk or other things, until you fell asleep.

You get the text, watch the clock and when it’s time you put his food into the microwave. The alarm beeps when Steve opens the door, he turns the actual alarm on then you hear his bag hit the floor with a thud.

“Hey Sweetheart!” He calls as his shoes clatter onto the floor.

“Hi,” you say as he comes around the corner. You can’t help the way your heart pounds when you see him. God you love him so much. “Welcome home.” He curls an arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to your lips. You hum happily, your own hands falling to his sides.

“It’s nice being back.” He tells you not letting you go quite yet.

“It’s kinda lonely without you here.” You admit, “I like spending time with my family and Becca and I did dinner but it’s not the same.”

“You could come with you know. Nat still comes with Clint.”

“Nat can do her job from anywhere.” You point out and he gives a little nod.

“True, if you ever wanna take time off and come with I have no complaints.”

“I’ll think about it.” You promise, “Are you hungry?”

“Starved.” He says with a grin as you move into the kitchen.

You chat as he eats then you clean up while he unpacks, you join him in the shower a new fresh bruise is on his right abdomen and you frown at it.

“Is this from that cheap shot Brock took at you?”


“That fucking asshole.” You growl and Steve chuckles softly. “I hate him.”

“I know. I do too, but let’s not talk about him.” Steve says with a small smile, “there are more important things to talk about.”


“I was thinking about how you get lonely.” He says turning off the shower, you pop open the shower door and grab his towel and pass it to him. You wrap your own towel around yourself before stepping out of the shower.


“I may have a solution.” He tells you while you walk into the bedroom. “I’ve actually been thinking about it for a while.” You wrap your hair up then look over at him. “Why don’t we get a dog?” Your jaw drops, you’ve always wanted a dog but with four kids in several different sports on several different teams it was too hard to have a dog.

“Really?” You breathe and he nods, when his eyes meet yours he looks worried.

“Sweetheart, you okay?”

“I’ve always wanted a dog.” You tell him blinking back tears.

“Oh, Sweetheart,” he soothes pulling you into him. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.”

“I know. I’m just so excited.” He laughs softly and presses a kiss to your cheek.

“Do you want a puppy or a rescue?”

“I’d rather do a rescue, during the school year a puppy might be too much.”

“Okay, but for now I’ve got some plans for you.” He says before kissing you soundly.

The next morning you find Steve already looking at one of the local shelter websites.

“Why don’t we just go visit?” You ask wrapping your arms around his neck as you look over his shoulder.

“You don’t have any other plans?”


“Okay, why don’t we go out for breakfast then go visit the shelters.”

“I love this plan.” You tell him kissing his cheek.

You go to breakfast and discuss what kind of dog you want, on the bigger side not like a Great Dane but like a lab. On the younger side, two to five, and it’d be good if the dog was known to be good with kids.

The first place doesn’t have what you’re looking for, they have plenty of beautiful dogs but none of them super click with either you or Steve.

The second place is much the same. Plenty of sweet dogs just not yours. You’re starting to get disappointed.

“Sweetheart? You wanna keep going or call it a day?”

“Can we do the one that matches you up with a dog? Like we tell them what we’re looking for and they find the match for you?”

“Yea, then maybe we take a break? I’m having a hard time seeing you so sad.” You take his hand and give it a soft squeeze.

“It’s just harder than I thought it would be. I thought it’d be like, boom, instant connection you know?”

“Yea, I get it.” He agrees giving your hand a squeeze back. “Let’s do this last one and if we don’t find anything we can take a break.” You nod in agreement, you’ll need a break if this one isn’t it.

When you go inside you meet with a smiling woman named Skye who asks you what you’re looking for. You tell her you’d like a friendly dog, one that can keep up with Steve on a run but will also snuggle up on the couch with you. You want a dog that will be a good family dog, that will get along with your nieces and nephew and though you don’t say it out loud any kids you and Steve might have.

“I think we have just the dog for you. Why don’t you go with Mack and I’ll go get her.” You and Steve follow Mack to an enclosed space where he directs you to sit on a bench. Your leg bounces anxiously and Steve puts a gentle hand on your knee, his thumb slides along your leg.

“Take a breath Sweetheart.” He says pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head. They come back with a medium sized dog, about the size of a golden retriever with black and white fur. When she sees you she perks up and charges toward you with a happily wagging tail.

Before you know what to do she’s in your and Steve’s laps. You laugh and she tries to lick your face,

“No, no face licks.” You tell her gently as you pet her face.

“So clearly she likes you guys. Her name is Goose.” Mack says with a broad smile as he watches Goose interact with you.

“I actually kinda like that.” Steve says as she attempts to lick his face. “No, face licks.” He commands softly, “Down.” She hops off the couch and he tosses a ball, she takes off after it.

“I’m going to leave you three for a while.”

“Okay thank you.” You drop down onto the floor and when Goose comes back she curls into your lap before dropping the ball at Steve’s feet.

“What do you think Sweetheart?”

“I think I love her. But we should see if she listens to both of us, what do you think?”

“I think that’s a good idea. She seems cuddly enough for you.”

“And energetic enough to keep up on a run.” You add and he hums,

“Goose, sit.” She does, her tail still wagging wildly.

“Good girl Goose. Lay.” You tell her and she does. You give Steve a wide smile, “I think I love her.”

“I do too,” he says with a grin back at you. “What do you think Goose? Wanna come home with us?” He asks and it’s like she understands him when she gives an excited bark.

You sign the paperwork then the shelter asks if they can post your and Steve’s picture on their social media and maybe get autographs on the photo to put on their wall. You both agree, it’s funny that even though you’re not still an Avengers cheerleader people are more than interested in you and your autograph.

You end up leaving her name as Goose, she rides patiently in the car and is so good at the store when you to get her a bowl, leash, collar, bed, too many toys, food and treats. Then the three of you go home, you let her outside first, thankful that your yard is fenced in. Steve plays fetch with her for a good half hour while you look up a vet in the area and send your friends and family a million snapchats of her. After a good half hour of sniffing around the house she settles down, you let her up on the couch and she lays with her head on your lap and falls asleep.

“Thank you.” You tell Steve as you stroke one of Goose’s ears, “I just, thank you.”

“I’m so glad we found one.” He tells you joining you on the couch, you settle into him and Goose wakes up only to move her head to a different spot on your leg.

You didn’t know that you could be happier but between your dog and the love of your life, you’re the happiest you can remember being.

This is a series of one shots, the series isn’t posted in order. If you have ideas for Steve and Cat please let me know.

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