#for context





you can tell a lot about someone based on their phone background. it shows what’s most important to them

Reblog this and put what your phone background in the tags




actually fuck this im gonna walk into the deep sea and never come back. bye

legolas, today: did you see my blood quote compilation


legolas:would you like to

happy halloween everyone


so, we now know that the writers & creators of the wilds:

  • purposefully cut nora and nora/rachel scenes, their two black leads
  • cut scenes and storylines without telling helena
  • refused to let helena address the autistic-coding of nora’s character
  • didn’t give her any information about nora’s future and IGNORED her when she tried asking them about it
  • have kept her completely in the dark regarding social media promo, show things, and the future of nora’s character

we been knew the fandom is racist as fuck. not a surprise that the creators are too


For those who worship/work with Apollo, what music does he like?

I’m curious to know what music he likes with all of y'all. For me, he has a specific favorite: The River Sings by Enya. What about y'all? Any recurring artists, songs, genres?

Update: I decided to let the deities choose songs from my main music playlist and Apollo picked Pandora’s Box by MARINA

Y'all I can’t–

men r so weird like this dude ik told me this girl was love bombing him and setting him up for heartbreak even tho she’d made it clear to him they were only friends and she meant ily in a platonic way

i didn’t expect satan to be a catboy
