#this is so weird


You ever get so happy that you feel the overwhelming urge to kiss somebody? Either platonically or romantically (I’m Aroflux)??

Like I was looking at Moonins fanart and the folk costumes and flowers just gave me this sense of joy that was so overwhelming I had to wiggle in bed and felt the uncontrollable urge to plant a little kiss on someone’s cheek.

Idk why, but happiness is such a strong and viscerally overwhelming emotion for me. I’m Autistic. I’ve literally had to jump up and down, flap my hands and wiggle all over my chair to fully express the sheer weight of happiness I feel sometimes. I make weird noises that I’m usually too embarrassed to make in public, but sometimes when you’re well and truly joyful, that doesn’t matter

I hope everyone feels happiness that strong someday

I’m talking to myself in a weird way.

Drawing challenge kinda day 17: draw them as super heroes! I’m definitively not a good fashion desigDrawing challenge kinda day 17: draw them as super heroes! I’m definitively not a good fashion desig

Drawing challenge kinda day 17: draw them as super heroes! I’m definitively not a good fashion designer :T they would be a great pair, Sei would immobilize the enemies and Aoba would kick them!

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men r so weird like this dude ik told me this girl was love bombing him and setting him up for heartbreak even tho she’d made it clear to him they were only friends and she meant ily in a platonic way
