#for the month



Since we’ve received a few questions on this topic.

Fall Harvest is an anonymous gift exchange. As part of our rules, we ask that all works created specifically for the fest are not posted to twitter/tumblr/other social media before the END OF THE FEST. The end of the fest is when the last work has been posted on AO3 and then the mods will “reveal’ the creators. Part of the fun of the fest is guessing who created what.

A C&P of our rules regarding anonymity are below.

Thank you. and Happy Fall Harvest.

8.In order to preserve anonymity, all fanworks must be able to stand on their own and not be part of another series or a sequel/prequel to other works by the same fan.

9.All fanworks posted to our AO3 collection will be exclusive to the community until the names of the creators have been revealed. Please do not post your works elsewhere on the Internet until that time.
