#for those who dont know

Sindarin Portraits pt2: Celeborn, Galathil, Mablung, and Beleg.Here’s my chance to give Celeborn andSindarin Portraits pt2: Celeborn, Galathil, Mablung, and Beleg.Here’s my chance to give Celeborn andSindarin Portraits pt2: Celeborn, Galathil, Mablung, and Beleg.Here’s my chance to give Celeborn andSindarin Portraits pt2: Celeborn, Galathil, Mablung, and Beleg.Here’s my chance to give Celeborn and

Sindarin Portraits pt2: Celeborn, Galathil, Mablung, and Beleg.

Here’s my chance to give Celeborn and Galathil some attention! There’s nothing much special about their designs other than being regular Doriath fashion XDD And since they’re close kin to Thingol, they have flower crowns!

Beleg and Mablung have similar colours due to being captains of Doriath. I neglected to include Mablung’s small braids and feather ornaments; if I ever draw him again, I’ll be sure to include those loll

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