#forced to perform



“Step right up, step right up distinguished guests! See the wonderful merman in it’s natural habitat!”

As the pirate in front of him continued to speak, Na'loon tried banging on the glass, attempting to get the attention of the human audience. Mermaids could hold their breath for up to 2 hours, 3 if absolutely necessary and it was rounding out to about 2 and a half hours since he had been forced into the tank. Aside from the obvious problems of being dragged away from his family, forced into a tiny glass tank, and being carted far, far away from any large body of water, there was one more.

Mermaids did need air to breathe.

And the tank didn’t have any air holes at the top like the one they transported him in. His strength was slowly leaving him and he was considering just letting go, just sinking to the bottom and dying. It would be better than this miserable life with the traveling circus that’s for sure.

But just as he closed his eyes, prepared to meet his doom, a loud creaking noise filled the tank. He glanced up, wondering what foolishness the pirate had engaged in now, only to gasp in shock as his hair was gripped tightly.

“Now then wonderful folks! You may be wondering how it’s scales feel! Not to worry, for a simple fee of 5 gold is all it takes to have a touch!”

Na'loon gritted his fangs. He wanted to scream.

