

The Demon Queen Reigns Supreme

“But are you like, totally sure you need this?”

Alexis rolled his eyes, and snatched the potion out of Cassie’s hand.

“Yes, I’m sure! I’m going up against the most powerful Demon Queen for 1,000 years! She’s assembling an army in the guts of Hell, and the only way to stop it is to beat her! Why would I not want a potion that turns me into a super-buff, god-like warrior?”

“I mean, I guess it could be handy…” Cassie replied, adjusting her goggles (blackened from years of experiments blowing up in her face) as the pair of them walked out of her lab and into the front of her potions store, Cassie not even noticing as her pointy hat caught the doorframe and flopped off her head.

Alexis caught it before it even hit the ground, rolling his eyes at his scatterbrained friend.

“It’s just, y'know, you’re also the most talented swordsman for 1,000 years, I don’t really see how much help that potion will be… oh, thanks!” she continued, hopping on the stool behind her counter, while Alexis plopped her hat back on her head, before sitting down opposite her.

“I know that, but when I’ve got bards singing about that battle for the next century or so, I’d like them to be at least a little bit flattering of me!” he slumped miserably on the counter, clinging desperately to his new potion for dear life.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about! There’s plenty of flattering ballads about you! What about The Tale of The Haunt? How does that one go again? ‘The Fell King of Renar smashed his opponents like glass/He would have struck down young Alexis too, were he not distracted by his a-”

“Yes, I know it, you don’t have to sing it back to me!” Alexis grumbled, shifting on the plump posterior that had (unfortunately) saved his life during the battle.

He leaned back, and sighed.

“I just want to make sure I’m remembered as manly. I mean, is that so much to ask? I’ve killed hundreds of demons, I’ve travelled pretty much everywhere there is to travel, there was that time I literally fought the tide so the people of Arrow could evacuate before the oceans took their lands… and then when they put up my portrait in the Cathedral of the Hanged Redeemer, I’m wearing a dress! How does that even happen?!”

“Well, I heard they told the artist you had soft pink lips, big round baby blue eyes, and shoulder length black hair, but then never mentioned that you were a guy, so he just assumed you were a woman.”


“Yes, Alexis?”

“You’re supposed to shake your head sympathetically and say ‘I don’t know, it’s ridiculous.’”


Cassie shook her head, and, bless her, pulled her face into the closest approximation of outrage her sweet, slightly ditzy demeanour could manage.

“I don’t know, it’s ridiculous!”

“I know!” Alexis agreed, standing up and unstoppering the potion.

He tipped his head back, and swallowed it, the thick liquid sliding down his throat while his slender neck worked to slurp down every last drop.

“Well, all of that stops now! I’m gonna smash the Demon Queen’s forces, cut off her head, and then reanimate it so it can tell all of the bards exactly how awesome and manly I looked when I kicked her teeth in!”

“Yay!” Cassie jumped up and down, clapping enthusiastically.

“Just gotta wait for this potion to… to kick in…” Alexis frowned. He’d been expecting a surge of manly, testosterone-fuelled energy, but instead, he felt almost woozy. He put a hand to his head.

“What, uh… what’s going on?”

Cassie cocked her head, looking curious, but didn’t reply.

“I think I might… uh…” Alexis looked down at his body, and was briefly terrified. Cassie must have given him the wrong potion! He wasn’t changing at all, he was-

Oh. Hang on.

Alexis grinned. The floor suddenly seemed further away. It was working! He was growing! He’d shot up to about 6'6" in almost no time at all!

“This is amazing, I bet I look way more intimidating now!” Alexis sounded like an excited kid on Solstice morning.

“Well, the rest of the changes haven’t kicked in yet… and you’d probably need to get a different outfit for anyone to find you scary,” Cassie smiled, standing and walking around her friend.

That was hard to deny. On his new frame, his previously comfortable tunic and pants were stretched, with the former looking more like a crop top, and the latter appearing to be a pair of knee-length shorts. Alexis was so distracted by this fact that he didn’t notice the change in Cassie’s attitude; her voice sounded more assured, less bubbly and over-the-top. She walked behind him while he thought about what new clothes he’d buy for himself, and caught him off guard with what she did next.

“I mean, how can anyone find you intimidating when this meagre scrap of fabric is so tightly stretched over your fat ass?” she reached out, and gave Alexis’ butt a hard smack, causing it to ripple and jiggle under his pants-cum-shorts.

“Ah! Cassie, what are you doing?!” Alexis shocked himself by moaning, and found himself leaning over the counter, the expected adrenaline hit and fight-or-flight instinct replaced instead by a weakness in his knees.

“Hmm… maybe the rest of the changes require a little manual stimulation…” Cassie mused, before stepping forward, pressing her body against Alexis’ back and pinning him to the counter. Her hands came up, and found his chest, and before the swordsman could respond, she was groping Alexis’ toned, muscular pecs, digging her palms into him while her fingers played with his nipples. Alexis had always had sensitive nipples, a fact he was, fittingly, rather sensitive about; more than one princess had given them a playful tweak in the bedroom, and been surprised at how it was often enough to make him cum.

He wasn’t quite so unlucky this time, the attention merely causing him to whine embarrassingly, and for something to stir in his new shorts…

That was small comfort, however, as Alexis felt something else swelling up.

“N-no way…” he looked down in horror as, with every squeeze, pinch, and fondle, his flat chest rounded out more and more. There was no doubt about it; it was a fat pair of tits!

“Oooh, nice rack,” Cassie playfully pulled on both of his nipples, coaxing Alexis’ new breasts out of his chest, while the contact caused the hero to whine and rub his thighs together. Finally, he gathered the strength to push against Cassie, and she relented, stepping back and allowing Alexis to sink to the floor, on his knees. This couldn’t be happening. The potion wasn’t making him manly, it was turning him into some sort of weird Amazonian! What the hell was Cassie doing?

He looked up at her, and paused. Had Cassie always been so… red?

“God, you’re so fucking gullible!”

Uh oh.

Alexis struggled to get to his feet, and found himself facing the Demon Queen.

Even at his new height, the Lord of the Underworld overtopped Alexis by a head, leaving him eye level with her tits, crammed into a black leather corset, the ruby red flesh almost spilling from the garment. The rest of her clothing didn’t cover much more; the only concession to decency she’d made was the cloak draped over her shoulders, as beneath that she wore only the corset and a black thong, one which left the outline of her pussy clearly visible. Her smirk, lined with sharp teeth, and glowing orange eyes held Alexis’ gaze from beneath her black hood.

“What’s going on? What have you done with Cassie?!” on paper, it should have sounded like a heroic demand, but Alexis’ voice was shaking (for more reasons than he’d like to admit), and it undermined the effect a little.

“Oh, relax, she’s fine!” the Demon Queen waved her hand dismissively.

“She’s in my fort, in a comfortable but secure room, playing with some old scientific equipment I scrounged up. I don’t think she’s even noticed that she’s a prisoner! But I wouldn’t be worrying about her so much, hero…”

She stepped forward, and Alexis didn’t even hesitate to back off, straight into the counter. He scrambled, pushing himself up so that he was sitting on it, and was about to swing his legs around and flee into the back room when the Demon Queen took each of his thighs in an iron grip, her talons digging gently into the soft flesh.

“Not when I have you so powerless, and so helplessly in my clutches,” she smiled, rubbing her hands up and down Alexis’ thighs.

He whimpered, and his cock twitched visibly in his shorts, something which drew a coo of appreciation from the Demon Queen.

She extended a single talon and dragged it down the front of his trousers, allowing his cock to spring free. Even in so dire a situation, Alexis couldn’t suppress a twinge of irritation that the potion had caused everything to grow except his dick, which remained stubbornly below average.

“Mmm, how cute!” the Queen pinched his cock between her thumb and forefinger, gently rubbing in circles around the head, and extracting a series of cute moans from the swordsman.

“I guess this explains why you were so pitifully desperate to be seen as manly, huh? So insecure about this lil thing that you’d slurp down the first potion I put in front of you to try and compensate,” she laughed, and then dropped her voice into a lower, husker tone.

“But that’s ok, hero, I don’t mind it when my partners are a little… undersized…”

Before Alexis could object to being called 'undersized’, she opened her mouth, and her long, forked tongue made a lazy trail from the bottom of his dick to the tip. His protests were replaced by a whimper, as she pursed her lips, and pressed them ever so gently against Alexis’ head.

“Oh, Goddess…” he whined, arching his back as she slowly and teasingly engulfed his sensitive cock in her warm, wet mouth. She didn’t even have to deep-throat him as she skilfully worked every inch, and, slowly but surely, Alexis felt his prick starting to shrink. He wasn’t an idiot; he’d heard enough of these sorts of tales to know that if he let her continue, that damn potion would leave him stuck with a pussy, possibly forever. But instead of trying to push her off, all he could do was cover his eyes with his fingers, letting out girly moans as his will to fight was slurped out of his dick, along with a healthy dose of precum.

The Demon Queen looked up, and gave him a wink.

Then, one of her clawed hands reached up from between his thighs, and pinched one his nipples, now much larger and far more sensitive than they had been earlier.

“Noooo!” he squealed, sounding more like a slutty barmaid getting her ass groped by a hulking orc than the saviour of the land, as he blew his last ever tiny, watery load into the Demon Queen’s mouth, and collapsed back with a sigh. He heard her grunt appreciatively as she effortlessly swallowed the pale goo, before pulling her lips back with a smack, revealing Alexis’ new, puffy pink pussy. He looked down, and then slumped on the counter in despair.

When the Demon Queen snapped her fingers, transporting the two of them into her bedchambers deep in the guts of Hell, Alexis didn’t even have the energy to panic.

Unfortunately, she wasn’t done with him yet.

For the next few hours, Alexis was subjected to all kinds of torment; the Demon Queen flipped the hero over and ate out the fat ass her troops were always talking about fucking, she pinned his head down with her own behind and forced him to eat out the smelly, musky pussy that she’d had in that leather thong for days now; she gave his new tits a proper round of attention all to themselves, smacking and pinching and suckling, and they both discovered that Alexis was a bit of a squirter when she took both nipples into her mouth and gently sunk her fangs into them, his squeals of despair superimposed against the Demon Queen’s squeals of delight. But even she grew tired eventually.

“Wh-why did you do this?” Alexis asked, the first time in over an hour he’d said anything coherent.

“Huh? What do you mean?” the Queen replied, lying down with her head between Alexis’ thighs. She was gently lapping at his pussy again, too exhausted by their afternoon to do much except tease him.

“Well… I can still fight like this… I think I’m actually more muscular than before… you could have just slipped me some sort of poison… ah!”

The Demon Queen smirked as she gently rolled Alexis’ clit between her tongue and upper lip.

“Oh, but I don’t want to kill you, sweetie! It wouldn’t do me any good to make a martyr of you, not one bit… no, that won’t do at all…”

She shifted, and suddenly her face was directly opposite Alexis. She whispered, while one hand cupped his face.

“Instead, I’m going to fuck with that pretty little head of yours until you love me, and nothing will sell the nobles in this kingdom on the idea of surrendering like seeing my perfect princess clinging to my arm and begging to get her new cunt played with… doesn’t that sound wonderful?”

Before Alexis could reply, she pushed her full, red lips against his own plump pink ones, gasping and moaning as she stole a kiss from him. She pushed her body against him, mashing their tits against one another, getting him fired up for another round…

“Mmm, good girl,” she pulled away, and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand.

 "I’ll be back for some more fun soon, sweetie, you just get some rest for now…" and with that, she climbed off him, and walked to the doors of her chamber. She turned to give him one last wink, and left to go and do evil demonic queen things, with the doors wide open. Alexis pushed himself up a little, considering making a run for it, when Cassie walked by in the hallway, dozens of slightly blackened scientific instruments piled up in her hands.

 “Oh, hi Alexis! You look really nice!” she smiled pleasantly, before turning and continuing on her way, humming a little tune to herself.

 Alexis groaned and slumped back into the bed, accepting defeat… for now.
