#fourth house mars



A lot of bitches wanting to know what’s up with Mars so let’s talk about that shit.

First: Mars does not have shit to do with anger or who you’re trying to fuck so throw that belief right into the past.

Mars is about opportunities for change. Without Mars, there‘s nothing new. You’re just a stagnant ass bitch forever. Where Mars falls in your chart shows you where you’re way energized with new experiences andopportunities for growth. Mars chills in the house where you’re going to experience the most learningthroughout your life. How you play out your Mars placement completely depends on how open you are to change.

As always, some particulars for the party people:

MARS IN THE FIRST (1) gonna have opportunities to see things through like nobody can, be their #1 supporter, and fight for their right to be themselves. When they’re bitching out: totally intolerant, just wanna argue.

MARS IN THE SECOND (2) gonna have opportunities to utilize their inherited abilities and become more productive than any other bitch. When they’re bitching out: totally wasting their resources and relationships, got zero self-control.

MARS IN THE THIRD (3) gonna have opportunities to break away from tradition, take mental initiatives and be a straight up free thinker. When they’re bitching out: totally negative towards their surroundings, dogmaticthinking.

MARS IN THE FOURTH (4) gonna have opportunities to communicate all the mf-ing shit they got going on inside and make something real out of their inner-activity. When they’re bitching out: totally unable to communicate, extreme emotional introversion, on some superficial shit.

MARS IN THE FIFTH (5) gonna have opportunities to use their next-level will power, have complete faith in themselves and crush any fear of failure. When they’re bitching out: totally reckless with desires, as emotionally immature as they come.

MARS IN THE SIXTH (6) gonna have opportunities to create a better quality or way of life for themselves - emotionally or physically - and put in some work. When they’re bitching out: totally ruthless as fuck, burning themselves out, zero self-care.

MARS IN THE SEVENTH (7) gonna have opportunities to use their personal energy as a gift to others and completely involve themselves in something outside the self. When they’re bitching out: totally use relationships as an excuse to not deal with themselves, peace out from reality.

MARS IN THE EIGHTH (8) gonna have opportunities to have positive social relationships, utilize collective resources and push for social improvements. When they’re bitching out: totally cynical, “what’s the use” attitude, self-destructiveactivities.

MARS IN THE NINTH (9) gonna have opportunities to experience personal growth through relationships and come away from any mf-ing experience with increased understanding. When they’re bitching out: totally personally involved, way tooemotionallyimmature to access larger issues in life.

MARS IN THE TENTH (10) gonna have opportunities to make meaningful contributions to society and havea serious focus on their career and/or place in the world. When they’re bitching out: totally selfish, only want power and control over others, ruthless ambition.

MARS IN THE ELEVENTH (11) gonna have opportunities to use their strong social and/or cultural sense to turn ideals into real life shit. When they’re bitching out: totally clashing with friends and family, can’t see shit from the big picture.

MARS IN THE TWELFTH (12) gonna have opportunities to make their actions align with deep ass motives and use their quirky ass gifts for good. When they’re bitching out: totally out of control, fearful self-sabotage.

”All this shit applies to me.” Good, it should. We all experience all the phases. Where Mars falls in your natal just shows which phase will be the most pronounced throughout your life.

Happy acting, babies.

