

cordelia: i want to wake up with you for the rest of my life

misty: i wake up at 6 am


Cordelia: Misty, please could you stop playing Stevie for a little while?


Misty: I am mad at you, Delia. I am not giving you any lap dances anymore.

Madison: lap dance???



Misty: Delia, I am having a hard time deciding which one would be good fit for our family. Adoption is hard.

Cordelia: Mist, we have been here for an hour. Please pick up a plant already!

Madison: So, basically when someone says something really cool, you say “wig”

Misty: Oh okay


Cordelia: Dearest, I’ve been meaning to confess you something for the longest time…I think I’m in love with you.


Myrtle: Have you told Misty how you feel?

Cordelia: Yes. Many times, in fact. But just not out loud.

misty: i like one and only thing about you

hank: what is that?

misty: your wife

misty: let’s play 21 questions. you start, miss delia!

cordelia: uhh, do you have any pet peeves?

misty: yes, i have an alligator called stevie in the swamp! it’s my turn now, so are you into girls?

Misty: *gets slightly hurt*

Cordelia: *wakes up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat, heavy breathing* something is definitely wrong

Misty: uh, i’m a little chilly

Cordelia: *sets the entire world on fire*

Cordelia: i’m in love with you

Misty, whispering to an alligator: is she flirting with me?

Misty: So, you really fell for me?

Cordelia: Bold of you to assume I only fell for you while I planned our wedding, picked out my wedding dress and scheduled Stevie Nicks for our wedding ceremony already.

Cordelia: you should first identify yourself when you answer the phone misty

Misty: sorry. hello, this’s misty gay speaking

Cordelia: I’ve never had a real friend before

Misty: I can be your friend, Miss Delia


Cordelia: I’ve also never had a wife

Cordelia: this painting is really beautiful

Cordelia: it really speaks to me

Misty: oh yeah?

Misty, facing the painting: you wanna go buddy? how about you get YOUR OWN GIRLFRIEND HUH?

Cordelia: I wrote Misty a letter telling her how I feel

Myrtle: That’s progress, my dear

Cordelia: I tore it up and flushed it.

Myrtle, starts playing that theremin:Ugh

Cordelia: It’s still progress

Madison: Start with a compliment, Swampy. Tell her she looks thin.

Misty, to Cordelia: You seem malnourished.

Myrtle: you can’t protect Misty from everything, my dear

Cordelia: W A T C H M E

Misty, bursts into the room: IT IS MISSING!!

Cordelia: what is missing, Mist?

Misty, stammering: th-the thing! I- I don’t know Delia.

Cordelia, turns around with their baby: what thing, babe?

Misty: Off! Nevermind, you have it



Misty and Cordelia: *hugging and expressing how much they missed each other*

Basically whole fandom: Love is in the air.

Ryan Murphy in writer’s room spraying a can of Febreze to air while pulling his t-shirt over his nose: NOT ANYMORE!
