#fp jone


The instructions given were straightforward.

Drop off the box at Pop’s and be discreet. Under no circumstances, be seen, especially by the waitress.


Sage waited until the last customer had left the restaurant. There always seemed to be a lull around this time. She cautiously peeked through one of the windows, as the waitress moved behind the counter. Sage found herself surprised that she recognized the woman as the one from a few nights ago at the Drive-In. She was the one who met FP behind the building.

Her curiosity peaked.

She secured the lid on the box, making sure it was on tight. “Sorry little guy,” she whispered to the creature inside as she hugged the box close to her chest and slowly crept to the entrance.

Another careful peek through the window.

The waitress’s back was still turned. Sage opened the door, careful not to jingle the bells and accidentally announce herself. Gently placing the box right in the walkway where the brunette would stumble on it, she slinked backward back out the front door. Once she was back outside of the diner, she broke out into a run until she was safely out of distance and smiled.

On a whim, she decided to take the long way back home passing through the old drive-in.

Curiosity seemed to be getting the best of her lately but she could afford the time. She purposely beelined to Jughead’s booth, hoping maybe, just maybe he would be there.

She stopped when she saw the graffiti spray-painted on the vinyl side now.

Jughead Jones wuzhere.

Complete with his signature crown hat.

He had moved on. Of course, he had. They were demolishing the place, there was no way he could stay. So where was he now?

She sighed loudly, louder than she needed to, raking her hands through her long hair, fighting the rush of disappointment that overwhelmed her.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, grateful for the distraction. It was a text from FP.

Sunnyside Trailer

She stared longingly at the booth one last time and then glanced back down at her phone. With a deep breath, she turned in the opposite direction to head to the trailer park.

What now? She wondered.

As she strolled, lost her in her own thoughts, a door slamming pulled her back to earth. Her attention shifted to the direction of the person that made the noise.

Her heart seized up in her chest. Her feet felt heavy as if they were superglued to the ground, keeping her from moving either forward or back.

Jughead now stood a few feet away, frozen in place as well.

Per usual, they seemed to be at a standstill.

She bit her lip hard, swallowing the lump in her throat as her arms crossed over her chest.

He didn’t move, his jaw clenching and his grip tightening around the bag he was clutching.

“Jughead,“ she whispered, all she could muster.

He shook his head fervently. "I can’t do this now, Sage. I just had to pick up a few things from the trailer and I’m meeting someone.” He took a micro-step forward, shifting his gaze past her.

“If not now, then when? Another year from now?” she insisted, the words bubbling out and over her lips before she could stop them.

“Sage, I just asked you for one thing. Don’t… don’t go down this road. Don’t become that!” He gestured to the trailer he once considered home, but she knew that he was referencing a who, not a what.

“Oh, Jughead, god! You know, someday, you’ll be faced with an… impossible choice. There’s really no right and there is no wrong. There’s just what you have to do.”

His lips curled in a frown and his eyebrows knitted together.

She balled her fist, feeling her nails tear in the flesh of her palms, tears pricking her eyes as she gritted her teeth until her jaw protested. “I’m not like you, Jughead. I’m not brave or good at being alone. I always had you looking out for me, but that was it. And admit it, you couldn’t take care of me with everything that was going on with you and your mom and dad. I was bringing you down too. I couldn’t be another thing that stressed you out. I didn’t know where I was going to sleep, or where my next meal was coming from. I was always hungry and cold and just…” she inhaled shakily, lip trembling, “…so, so tired of lying about it to everyone.“

He melted some, his posture becoming more lacked as his shoulders softened. He took a small step forward toward her, closing the gap between them.

She smiled waterily, blinking back tears that she willed not to fall. "And now, I have a room that’s all mine. Nothing gets stolen or taken away, and I have food that’s hot and sometimes, even good for me. It’s not moldy or bland, or gross or out of a trash can. I have friends, real friends, good friends, who care about me. And god, I know, FP is not the father you wished he was. He has failed you again and again in ways I can’t understand. He has been a shitty father to you, but he… oh, he is the closest thing I think I have ever had. And that’s something, Jug.”

She dropped her head down, a tiny sob escaping her as her shoulders slumped further. “Please, can’t you understand? Even for a second? I’m okay. I’m more than okay. And I’m surviving finally. And the only thing it cost, was you.”

He dropped his bag and rushed her, embracing her tightly. Her hands snaked around to his back, reciprocating the tight hug.

He exhaled long, his eyes falling shut. “You never told me how bad… I wish I could have… I didn’t know….” he trailed off.

They broke apart. She swiped her fingers under her eyes to wipe away any evidence of tears and straightened up. His Adam’s apple dancing along his throat as he swallowed thickly.

“Okay, I’ll try,” he vowed, finally speaking. “I will.”

It was enough.

He took a step back, picking up his forsaken backpack. He looked torn. “I’m sorry, I really have to go. I’m meeting Betty at school and I’m already really late. We’ll talk soon.”

She nodded softly, feeling better and worse simultaneously. “Okay.”

He gave a tight smile and a small wave and hurried off. She waited till he was gone and made sure she composed herself before walking up to FP’s trailer.

He was waiting for her.

Leaning casually against the door frame, his arms were folded over his chest, one leg crossed in front of the other.

“For a girl who rarely shows any type of emotion, that was quite the performance,” he commented, with a tilt of his head.

She squared her shoulders up, walking up the steps. “It’s fine. I’m fine,” she bristled.

"Hmm, come inside for a minute.”

She shut the door behind her and waited as FP went to the fridge and pulled out a beer, cracking it open on the countertop. Her eyes wandered to the empty bottles that littered the countertops.

“I got a call almost immediately after you made the drop to my friend. She got the message loud and clear. So now, you’re gonna go to Pop’s for a milkshake and she’s going to give you a takeout bag.”

“Okay,” she acknowledged slowly, her attention drawn to an open closet. It wasn’t the closet itself but what was in the closet. A blue and yellow varsity jacket with the name embroidered on the sleeve ‘Jason’.

He followed her gaze, then reached out and shut the closet door with a sharp click of the lock. “Tomorrow, 3:00 PM. Bring it right to Tall Boy, no stops,” he said, firmly.

“Why do you have Jason’s jacket?” she inquired, the words accidentally slipping out.

He was silent for a few moments. “Insurance,” he finally said.

FP’s answer confused her. What did that mean? They both stared at each other. FP wasn’t going to say anything more about it, and she knew better than to ask.

Sage broke the silence first. “Tomorrow, 3:00 PM. Got it.” She turned and reached for the door handle.

“Also,” he said, clearing his throat. “I heard what you said to Jughead about me. I don’t deserve it, but I do appreciate it. God knows that boy has been through a lot.”

She didn’t respond.

“I’m going to try,” he echoed his son’s words from before. He looked uncharacteristically embarrassed and ashamed for a moment. “I’m going to clean up my act and get my family back, I promise.”

She bit her lip as she turned and opened the door, her back turned to him.


“Yea?” her back was still turned.

“Thank you.”


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