#francis havencrest


Third character sheet is up! Fun fact, initially I was going to use my actual handwriting for these sheets, but in all honesty my handwriting has never been that great, and this font I found somewhat matches it anyway, so it was just easier to go with typed text rather than manual writing.

What do you think of Francis? Have you noticed a theme with these uploads and designs yet? All feedback is appreciated!

There wasn’t much time to draw anything today, so I figured I’d share another study to go with yesterday’s post, this time with everyone’s eyes. I’ve had this drawn for a while now but it saves me the effort of having to draw something new lol. By utilizing different shapes for everyone’s eyes, I think I’ve effectively defeated the curse of “same face syndrome”, what do you think?

Decided to do a bit of studying today. I’ve never quite been that good at hands, at least not in my opinion, so I figured just some quick practice wouldn’t hurt. They’re a little more detailed than they normally are in my usual style, but I think it works well enough as a reference for the future.

For as long as I can remember I’ve always loved the twin siblings dynamic in media. Something about it was always so interesting and alluring to me, and always made me wish I had a twin of my own lol. It’s a fantastic breeding ground for so many different dynamics and ways for just two characters in and of themselves to interact with each other, as well as with other characters. Sure, you can have these with any sibling dynamic, but something about twins always makes it feel more, special, you know?

I wanted to experiment with different dynamics with my own set of twin characters. There’s probably examples I’m missing, but based purely on the content that I’ve personally consumed or seen, there’s only two main categories that I’ve come to sort those kinds of characters into. They either look the same or similar but act nothing alike, or look the same or similar and act nearly or exactly alike. I’ve yet to see any twins who fall into other categories, but I’m sure there are examples out there that I haven’t seen! Despite this, I wouldn’t be wrong in saying these are the two most common twin dynamics, right?

So I wanted to do something different with NathanielandFrancis. I wanted to make them look nothing alike, while having entirely different personalities, traits, likes, dislikes and hobbies from one another, while still being able to get along and bond over whatever mutual interests they do have. With Nathaniel being more mellow and laid-back where Francis is generally high-strung and aggressive, I think their personalities and designs contrast each other nicely and make for some pretty promising opportunities for interesting interaction later down the line.

What do you think?
