
gerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Lagerhard-martin: GERRY MARTIN Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG La



Single-Man for a Lifetime :-O  :´-(  NOT “good enough” for the YOUNG Ladies.


lebenslanger Single :-O  :´-( NICHT “gut genug” für die JUNGEN Damen.


seul toute ma Vie :-O  :´-( PAS “bon assez“ pour les jeunes Femmes. 


Eine Bitte:
Ich fühle mich traurig, einsam, verzweifelt, hilflos, ratlos, frustriert, enttäuscht und total verunsichert, bin sogar immer mehr verängstigt, wenn ich mir bewußt mache, mit welchem Aufwand  ich mich um weibliche Zuwendung bemühe…..und  von jungen Damen NICHTS als Zurückweisungen erhalte. :-O :-(
Ich brauche Rückmeldung, Bestätigung und Ermutigung, wenn ich mich jungen Frauen zuwende, die mir gefallen würden, …daß es Euch recht ist, wenn ich mich bemühe Euch näher kennenzulernen.
Denn sonst weiß ich nicht, wie ich JEMALS mein Bedürfnis nach weiblicher Nähe und Verbundenheit …oder auch nur mal nach netter Damen-Gesellschaft erfüllen kann. :-(
Bitte sagt mir auch nur EINMAL in meinem einsamen Leben, daß Ihr meine Gegenwart gerne habt und mir die Chance zubilligt, ein näheres “Beschnuppern” möglich zu machen….und wie Ihr Euch fühlt, wenn Ihr EBENDIES hier lest……
…statt wie immer vorschnell anzunehmen, ich hätte JEMALS schon eine Freundin gehabt. :-O

HEUREKA !!! Ich glaub´ich hab´s !!!
Vielleicht habe ich NUN die wesentliche Erklärung dafür gefunden, wieso meine Bemühungen um Frauen, welche mir gefielen, bislang NIE vom erhofften Erfolg gekrönt waren:
Ausgerechnet ICH, der ich doch keinem einzigen der gängigen Männer-Clichées* wirklich widerspruchsfrei entspreche, hatte wohl zeitlebens nur Vetrauen zu dem “Liebe auf den ersten Blick”-Rezept. Tz-tz-tz-tz-tz  !!!??
Was habe ich denn erwartet, zu ernten (ausser Skepsis, Verwirrung, Ratlosigkeit, Verstörung, Überforderung & VerUNsicherung), wenn ich jungen unreifen Damen alles biete, NUR nicht DAS was sie gewohnt sind…was sie kennen…und folglich auch erwarten ? :-S
Klar, das allzuschnelle kommentarlose Abwenden von mir (-das ich von jüngeren Damen ausnahmslos kenne-) hat mich bisher stets nur darin bestärkt, zu glauben, daß höchstens in den allerersten  paar Sekunden / Minuten einer neuen Begegnung ein Erfolg möglich sei. Aber wenn ich mit GENAU DIESER Haltung & Überzeugung auf Damen zugehe, dann spüren sie meine Ungeduld, Verkrampftheit und Erwartungsangst. Und Gefühle treten immer spiegelbildlich auf: Auch die Frauen empfinden dann so. Die Gefahr ist leider groß, daß sie DAS nicht auszudrücken verstehen…und stattdessen eher flüchten. :-O
Und: Zurückgewichen SIND sie ein einsames 37-jähriges Leben lang vor mir. :(
Deshalb fällt es mir wohl so enorm schwer, mir vorzustellen, daß auch NACH einer Abfuhr von einer Dame, die mir gefällt, vielleicht grundsätzlich DOCH immer auch noch ein “Versöhnen, Verstehen & Verzeihen” möglich wäre. :-S Ich habe halt NIE etwas anderes erleben dürfen, als daß fesche junge Dinger sich von mir abwenden & meist auf Nimmerwiedersehen verschwinden…wortlos oder sogar schimpfend. :(
Deshalb lerne ich jetzt bewußt Geduld, Zuversicht & Vertrauen in Langzeiterfolge (mit ausreichender Vorlaufzeit zum “Beschnuppern”). Die Erwartungen haben Einfluß auf das Ergebnis. Längerfristig ergeben sich genügend Wiederbegegnungs-Möglichkeiten, solange man (1.) daran glaubt & sich (2.) unverkrampft darum bemüht. :-)
Und DABEI ist dann auch ein näheres Kennenlernen zumindest nicht mehr VÖLLIG ausgeschlossen ;-) oder ?
…vielleicht sogar Liebe auf den SPÄTEREN Blick ?

Dann verblieben ja immer noch die BEKANNTEN, anderen Schwierigkeiten:
- meine Schüchternheit und Verunsicherung durch die enormen Zurückweisungs- & Mißerfolgserfahrungen bei jungen Damen
- meine UNerfahrenheit mit dem Weiblichen, weil ich OHNE Schwester aufgewachsen bin, keine Freundin oder Frau hatte…und demzufolge auch keine Tochter.
- die wortlose Angst der Frauen, DASS ich ein rücksichtsloser Macho wäre…UND ihre ebensogroße Angst, daß ich KEIN Macho sei.
- der digitalmediensüchtige Autismus der jungen Damen heutzutage. :O Sie beachten mich noch nichtmal, wenn ich sie DIREKT anspreche. :(
(Ich höre noch nicht mal: “Heee, Du störst meinen Empfang !” von ihnen. )
- mein sehnlichster Wunsch nach DIREKTER Kommunikation (OHNE Medienabhängigkeit)
- meine Ehrlichkeit, Offenheit & hinterfragende achtsame Lebensbetrachtung
- die schmerzliche Tragik, daß die meisten Frauen (und auch Männer) die körperliche Liebe, also “das Liebemachen” mit Sex verwechseln…und Sex mit einem natürlichen Bedürfnis verwechseln…und ICH tue das eben NICHT mehr, seit ich von meiner Abstinenzsucht aufgewacht bin.
- andere sehr verbreitete, gängige Mißverständnisse über “Liebe”, wie etwa Romatiksucht & Beziehungssucht (sei es nun nach “so vielen als möglich”, oder nach “DER EINEN & EINZIGEN & EWIGEN”), also alles was eher geeignet ist, Nähe zu VERMEIDEN :O :(
- die “sich-selbst-erfüllende  Prohezeihung”, wenn ich öffentlich schreibe, keine Frau würde mich wollen
- die mangelnde wirtschaftliche Wertschätzung für meine Arbeit.
- meine ansonsten bescheidenen Lebensansprüche
* (Macho, Weiberheld, Schürzenjäger, Muttersöhnchen, Streber, Intelektueller Krümelkacker, Vollversager, “dynamischer Macher”, etc. …)

Und: HEUREKA !!! Nr. 2:
Ich hatte eine weitere Erkenntnis:
Seit dem Zeitpunkt meiner Zeugung vermisse ich einen “lebensbejahenden Anstoß”, einen Lebens-& Liebens-Impuls, einen “Götterfunken”….Ich habe mich mein bisheriges Leben lang nie “gewollt” gefühlt,…nur “geduldet”. :(
Aber dieses Defizit kann nur ICH mir selber mit dem Ersehnten, Ermangelten anfüllen. Und genau DA erklärt sich auch mein Irrtum und meine abschreckende Wirkung gegenüber Frauen:
Ich bin den Frauen, die mich interessiert hatten, stets so gegenübergetreten, daß sie mein Betteln wahrgenommen haben. Ich habe versucht, die Damen dazu zu bewegen, MICH selbst ANSTELLE meiner Selbst zu lieben. :O Das kann aber KEINE Frau der Welt erfüllen, und aus dieser UNausgesprochenen Angst heraus, mit einer solchen Aufgabe hoffnungslos überfordert zu sein, sind sie stets vor mir intuitiv zurückgewichen. :(
Das kann ich nun auch voll verstehen. NUR ICH selbst kann mich SELBER annehmen lernen….um DANN überhaupt für jemand anderes liebesfähig zu sein. :)
Also, versuche ich nun, mich als den “von mir selbst Gewollten” zu akzeptieren. :) Denn nur wenn ich auch OHNE Frau mit mir allein klarkomme, dann bin ich auch bereit für eine Partnerschaft und Liebes-Beziehung. :)


Dank der Scheu & Angst von Euch Damen war ich mein ganzes Leben lang nur allein. :-(
Und statt mir zu erklären, was Euch so sehr an mir stört (und ich ggf. daran ändern könnte), sagt Ihr mir nur: “Das glaube ich Dir nicht, daß Du noch NIE ne Freundin hattest. Ich vermute, Du veralberst mich!”:-OOder ihr fragt mich: “WORAN scheiterte es denn immer ?”, obwohl ICH doch diese Frage endlich von EUCH geklärt zu bekommen hoffte. :-(
Und SO fing das alles an:


Eltern gaben damals schlichtweg ihre eigenen Kinder an wildfremde Menschen im Krankenhaus AB & die Ärzte schickten schlichtweg die Eltern stets alle nach Hause. Betten für ANGEHÖRIGE waren garnicht erst EINGERICHTET worden ! :-O

Genau dies widerfuhr mir zweimal (mit 8 Monaten & mit 1 Jahr & 1 Monat):
tagelang völlige emotionale Vernachlässigungs-Erfahrungen mit “sorgfältigster medi-zynischer Versorgung”:

- “Lumbal-Punktierung” (Entnahme von Rückenmarksflüssigkeit)
- “Kind zeigt bei Anstoßen keinerlei Ausgleichsbewegungen; Kind fällt einfach um “
- “Sehnenreflex bei erheblichem Schreien nicht beurteilbar”- “Arme werden im Liegen & im Sitzen immer weit zur Seite gestreckt”
  “dauerndes Abgespreizthalten der Arme (ist den Eltern) NICHT aufgefallen”
- Röntgenaufnahmen, Blutserumspiegel, EEG, EKG, Antibiotika, …
- usw. …
+ bloß keine Liebe, friedvolle Nähe & Angenommensein :-(

Zudem hatte meine “fremdbestimmte” Mutter auf Anraten der gewaltsamen “Kinderexperten” nach 4 Wochen aufgehört mich zu stillen. Das sei ja “von Vorgestern”, sowas….hieß es, empirsch überlegen. :O
Sie hat mir gegenüber die Vermutung geäussert, daß ich wahrscheinlich für die Rückenmarksentnahme auch festgezurrt/festgeschnallt wurde (“fixiert”).
Meine Mutter sagte, sie habe mich stark verändert wahrgenommen nachdem sie mich aus dem Kinderklinikum zurückgeholt hatte. Ich sei ein Schreikind geworden, wenn sie mich auch nur anfassen oder auf den Rücken drehen wollte.

Ich habe ein Bild vor Augen:
Hat eine hoffnungslos überforderte & überarbeitete Krankenschwester mein Schreien nach den Eltern nicht mehr ertragen, und aus Hilflosigkeit und BedürfnisUNbewußtheit angefangen, mich zu würgen und zu schütteln ? BIS HEUTE verspüre ich immer wieder mal zuschnürende Enge-Empfindungen und einen rasenden Puls & einen bis ins Unermeßliche hochschnellenden Blutdruck im Hals. :-O  Manchmal auch Drehschwindel in Verbindung mit Reizüberflutung und Schüttelbewegungen. Ich kann mir nur vorstellen, daß ich mein Leben völlig dem Wohl & Wehe einer jungen Frau ausgeliefert erfahren habe, die auf meine verzweifelten Schreie nicht reagiert hatte, …ausser mit GEWALT. Das würde erklären, WARUM ich zeitlebens hübschen jungen Frauen gegenübergetreten bin, als ob ich sie anbetteln möchte, mich am Leben zu lassen. Frauen schreiben mir, ich wirke “verkrampft” auf sie, womit sie sich überfordert fühlen.
Für folgende einfühlsame Worte einer schmucken Dame nach einem “scheinbar erfolglosen” Rendez-Vous bin ich wirklich sehr dankbar:
“Weißt du, du suchst vielleicht zu verzweifelt. Ich glaube dir gerne, daß du die Liebe einmal kennenlernen willst. Aber je mehr man etwas krampfhaft versucht, umso weniger funktioniert es.
Es kann auch etwas verschrecken, wenn eine Frau liest, daß du noch keine Erfahrungen hast, daß du noch nie eine Freundin hattest, es dir aber wirklich schon verzweifelt wünscht. Das setzt eine Frau unter Druck.
Du bist sehr offen und ehrlich, aber vielleicht solltest du am Anfang noch nicht allzu viel von dir preisgeben.
Für ein richtiges Kennenlernen braucht man Zeit, Geduld; vielleicht erwartest du dir einfach zu viel auf einmal? Du bist sicher sehr verzweifelt, was die Liebe angeht. Aber genau diesen Eindruck hinterläßt du auch, man merkt es dir an.”
JA ! Das schafft beiderseitige Erwartungsängste, bin ich mir sicher. Und Liebe läßt sich sicher nicht “erzwingen”.
Ich versuche nun, den Vertrauens-Vorschub zu lernen und anzuwenden, daß mich GRUNDSÄTZLICH eine jede Frau jederzeit lieben KANN !
Dann habe ich die Hoffnung, daß ich weniger Signale von Unnahbarkeit aussende…und Signale von Nähe zurückerhalten kann. Es beruht ALLES auf Gegenseitigkeit.

4./5. März 2012: NIE WIEDER “UNBERÜHRT”

Meine erste Liebesnacht:
Ich habe nun nach 37 ½ Jahren zum allererstenmal Liebe gemacht mit einer Frau. Wie freudvoll & liebevoll ^_^ …aber auch anstrengend, überwältigend & überfordernd :-O -_- UFFF !!!  0:-D ^_^  =) Das war fast ZUVIEL Neues & Schwieriges für mich in nur 1 Nacht ! :-X :-/ -_-
SIE hatte ihre ersten Erfahrungen mit dem anderern Geschlecht nach eigener Aussage mit 12 oder 13 Jahren gemacht :-O Ich dagegen nun mit 37 ½ Jahren ! :-X Es scheint, als wären hier “gegensätzlichste WELTEN” aufeinandergeprallt ! :-X Dennoch glaube ich, daß es für uns BEIDE ein „allerERSTES (wirkliches) MAL“ gewesen ist ! 0:-)  ^_^

DAVOR hatte sich allerdings KEINE Einzige meiner erbarmt gehabt. Ein Stigma fiel nun von mir ab. 0:-) …Aber eine echte Beziehung steht wohl leider noch in den Sternen…:-/ SEUFZ.

…und um einer stillschweigend gehegten Vermutung zu begegnen:
Nein, ich bin definitiv NICHT an anderen Männern interessiert ! Ich ekle mich vor “verirrten Mannsbildern”, und ich habe da mal ein verletzendes, menschlich enttäuschendes Erlebnis mit einem ca. 50-Jährigen Schwulen gehabt, worüber ich heute noch verbittert bin. Da können sie mich NOCH SO ignorieren, die Damen: KEINE Frau hatte mich bisher jemals SO respektlos behandelt wie DER Kerl ! Ich empfinde Angst und Ekel gegenüber Männern, die keine sein wollen.:-O Bitte bestätigt mir glaubhaft, daß Ihr (zumindest) MEINE Rolle & Bedürfnisse als MANN gegenüber junger, ansprechender, frischer & fruchtbarer WEIBLICHKEIT ERkennt & auch ANERkennt !!!
(Hier im Indernetz habe ich allerdings auch vereinzelt sexsüchtige Weiber-Anmachen erhalten. JAAA: Nicht ein Hundertstel so viele, wie IHR vielleicht denkt :-PPP ;-)  !!! Und der Geri kann schon zwischen echter körperlicher Liebe & Sex unterscheiden. Da braucht ihr keine Angst zu haben. Frauen LOSZUWERDEN war im Übrigen NIE mein Problem. :-) Dagegen mal überhaupt in Kontakt zu kommen mit jungen, attraktiven Damen, um so mehr. :-( !!! ) Es erschreckt mich, wenn ich erfahre, daß Frauen EHER annehmen, daß ich ein “Homo-Lullu” sei, als daß sie bereit wären, mir jemals eine Chance anzubieten, daß ich sie (-die Damen-) kennenlernen dürfte. :(

JUNGE Frauen machen es mir sogar so schwer wie nur irgend möglich, fürchte ich. :-(
Seit 1995 reden junge Damen NICHT mehr mit mir in der Wirklichkeit draussen. (Und sie waren ja auch schon davor sehr wortkarg mir gegenüber.) Sie sind digitalmediensüchtige Autisten und reden nur noch mit ihrem Ohr & hören Stimmen von Menschen, die nicht da sind. :-O Aber MICH hören sie nicht mehr.

Ausserdem nehme ich verstörende Hinweise von widersprüchlichen Denkmustern wahr, wenn ich hier im Indernetz Botschaften erhalte:
Für die Frauen “BIN” ich:
-zu ehrlich & zu verlogen
-zu offen & zu verschlossen
-zu direkt & zu zurückhaltend
-zu alternativ & zu konservativ
-zu schwulenfeindlich & zu schwul-verdächtig
-zu attraktiv & zu unattraktiv
-zu wortgewandt & zu sehr auf´s Maul gefallen
-zu ernst & zu heiter und albern
-zu schüchtern & zu forsch
-zu ungestüm & zu WENIG Macho
-zu lang & zu kurz

Ich befürchte, ich weiß nicht, wie ich diesen verklausulierten Ansprüchen & Widersprüchen auch nur ansatzweise gerecht werden könnte. :-S
Frauen wissen wahrscheinlich überhaupt nicht, was sie wirklich wollen. Kann das sein ?
…UND: Frauen wünschen mir stets “Viel Glück & Alles Gute !” Damit verweisen sie mich auf die Nächste, Übernächste, Über-Übernächste,… :-(
Ich kann´s nicht mehr hören ! SEUFZ
Traut Euch doch endlich !!!! Was ist denn los mit Euch ??? :-O
Und mit den Worten “Mir gefällt die Art, wie Du schreibst !” machen Frauen “unmißverständlich” klar, daß DIES die letzte Nachricht von ihnen war, die ich zu lesen bekomme.

Und noch so ein unerklärliches Phonemän:
Wannimmer ich tatsächlich mal mit jungen Damen gut ins Gespräch kam draussen in der Wirklichkeit (vor allem mit heiteren, kleinen, natürlichen blonden “Wonneproppen” :-D ), dann waren die Damen auch schon bald …nach Köln abgereist.
:-O Warum auch immer ausgerechnet stets DORTHIN. Ich frage mich nun, was sie machen würden , wenn ICH nach Köln zöge. :-S Hmmm ?????????

Mir wurde oftmals gesagt, an meinem Aussehen würde es NICHT liegen, wenn Frauen sich von mir so abwenden. Aber allmählich habe ich ERNSTHAFTE Zweifel an dieser Theorie. Mein Äusseres scheint enorm abzuschrecken. :-O BUH !!! Mein Gesicht ist das sicherste “Verhütungsmittel”, das es gibt.


Unbedarftheit, Unnahbarkeit, Schüchternheit und Hagestolz
bin ich gründlich überdrüssig….
Ich bin ein einsamer Exil-Oberallgäuer, der vor dem Winter und vor der Einsamkeit zu entfliehen versucht. Auch auf die Gefahr, daß es mir niemand glaubt: aber ich bin nun bereits 37 Lenze jung und hatte leider immer noch KEINE EINZIGE Freundin oder Frau bisher. (daß es an Äusserlichkeiten liegt glaube ich nicht, aber aus irgendeinem unerfindlichen Grund laufen hübsche junge Frauen immer nur an mir vorbei als wäre ich nicht vorhanden. Oder sind sie etwa nur genauso unsicher wie ich ?). 21 Jahre lang hatte ich mir eine völlig einseitige Beziehung zu einer (ehemaligen) Klassenkammeradin eingebildet; nun bin ich froh, daß ich endlich aufgewacht bin und möchte endlich so vieles nachholen. Ich möchte erfahren, was es bedeutet, echte unverklärte seelische und körperliche Liebe zu geben und endlich auch zu erhalten. Gerne möchte ich mir von Dir dabei helfen lassen. Wichtig ist mir vor allem schonungslose Ehrlichkeit und Offenheit, damit Suchtverhalten nach Romantik, nach Beziehung und nach mißverstandener körperlicher Liebe (Sexdreck) ebenso keinen Nährboden erhält, wie auch LiebesABSTINENZ-Süchte. Mir geht es vor allem um das Zeigen von Verletzlichkeit (bedürfnisorientierte Wahrnehmung und Verständigung). Ich habe Angst, wenn ich an die erlebten einsamen Jahre zurückdenke. Vieles habe ich mir selbst eingebrockt (v.a. meine eigene Unnahbarkeit), aber ich bin leider auch alles andere als ein “Frauenversteher” (obwohl ich das gerne wäre und immer schon sein wollte), vielleicht auch, weil ich nur mit 2 Brüdern aufgewachsen bin. (Ich lasse allerdings auch mehr und mehr die Frage zu, inwiefern die Frauen aber auch SELBER “Frauenversteher” sind oder nicht; oder inwiefern sie “Männerversteher” sind und inwiefern ICH überhaupt SELBER ein “Männerversteher” bin.) Was ich damit offen eingestehen will, ist:
Das Verhalten von Frauen ist schlichtweg ein Buch mit 7.777.777 Siegeln für mich, aber ich habe die Erfahrung gemacht, daß jemand meist dann unverständliche Signale oder Doppelbotschaften von sich gibt, wenn er/sie sich NICHT wirklich darüber im Klaren ist, was er/sie überhaupt ausdrücken und erreichen will. Ich selbst will daher um so bewußter sagen: Ich habe große Angst vor Ablehnung, Zurückweisung und Entmutigung durch Frauen, welche mir gefallen, denn ich habe bislang (letztlich) nie etwas anderes erfahren. Ich fühle seit 37 Jahren Einsamkeit, Traurigkeit und Hilflosigkeit, denn wenn ich keine Reaktion(en) von Frauen erfahre (ausser Mißachtung und Rückzug), dann weiß ich nicht, wie ich mein Bedürfnis nach weiblicher Nähe und Verbundenheit erfüllen kann. Ich bin durch Entmutigungen und Vorwürfe sehr schnell eingeschüchtert, denn ich habe einen großen Respekt vor Frauen, aber vielleicht traue ich mich das nicht ausreichend zu sagen ? Was mir halt am allermeisten weh tut, ist, wenn ich lese, wie mir selbst regelrechte Traumfrauen schreiben, daß sie es mir nicht so wirklich glauben, daß ich noch niemals eine Freundin oder Frau an meiner Seite hatte. Aber die Ironie des Scheusals ist ja letztlich, daß KEINE wirklich etwas mit mir zu tun haben will, was ich aus den mehr als zurückhaltenden Reaktionen schliesse. Vielleicht sogar, weil sie mir alle unterstellen, daß ich doch schon JEDE abgeschleppt hätte. Das macht mich unendlich traurig. Frauen sagen über sich selbst, sie wollen EROBERT werden; …ich fürchte , ich bin Pazifist, kein Eroberer. ;O)
Wenn Dich dieser Text anrührt, dann hast Du mir schon ein Stück weit geholfen, insofern Du mir das auch genauso mitteilst. Bitte trau´Dich, das Schweigen zu brechen, das schon fast hörbar im Raum liegt. Seit August 2011 habe ich ja nun sogar schon die ersten hübschen jungen Frauen umarmt (…die natürlich allesamt bereits vergeben seien, wie sie mir beteuerten).
Da geht doch aber noch viel mehr !!! Und ich möchte ein bis zwei eigene Kinder haben !!!
Ich warte gespannt -aber nicht mehr um des Wartens willen- auf Deine Anfrage oder Angebote.
Bis bald hoffentlich ! Nur Mut !!! (Ich bin noch keiner Frau wirklich ZU nahe gekommen)
Ich habe die Liebeserfahrung eines 12- oder 13-Jährigen ! Ich kenne keinen Kuß, kein Streicheln, kein Langzeitkuscheln, kein Langzeitschmusen…nicht mal ein erstes “Sich-verliebt-in-die-Augen-schauen” !!!
Kann ja schließlich NICHT ALLES ALLEINE machen, gelle ??!!!!

Hört Euch gerne meine eigenen Musikkompositionen an, bitte:

Ich bin jetzt ein FILM-STAR !!!
Und dann sogar gleich mit “Halb-NACKT-Szenen” !!! 8-D
UiUiUiUiUiUiUiiiiiiiii !
Ab Film-Minute 0:35  geht´s los ! 8-o WOW !


Der KOMPLETTE Doku-Film (40 min.) zum Herunterladen:
Voilà ! ^__^ Viel Vergnügen !  


A request:

I feel sad, lonely, desperate, helpless, frustrated, disappointed and totally confused, …even more I ‘m scared if I’m aware of the efforts with which I try, to get female attention of young ladies… but get NOTHING but rejections. :-O :-(

I need feedback, confirmation and encouragement when I turn to young women (who I would like possibly), that it’s O.K. for you when I try to meet you closer.

Otherwise, I do not know how I EVER can satisfy my need for female proximity and closeness … or even just once can meet nice girls for companionship. :-(

Please tell me just ONCE in my lonely life that you like to have my presence and offer to me the chance to make a closer “sniffing” possible …. and how you do feel when you’re reading THIS  … O.K. ?

Instead of always assuming hastily, that I´d EVER HAD a girl-friend already. :-O

EUREKA ! I think I got it! :)

Maybe I have found the essential explanation NOW why my efforts towards women, which I liked, had NEVER been rewarded by the hoped-for success:

Ironically, I, who do NOT fulfill or meet one of the popular men’s clichés *, have had (-a lifetime long-)  only trust to the “love at first sight”-recipe ??? tz-tz-tz-tz-tz !?

What did I expect to get (except skepticism, confusion, helplessness and uncertainty), if I offer to all young immature ladies, EVERYTHING but what they are USED to receive from men … what they know … and consequently expect  ? :-S

Sure, that too fast, hasty & commentless retreat & withdrawal from me (-which I know just too well of young ladies-) , maybe had been a (misread) sign to me, to believe that only in the very first few seconds / minutes of a new meeting a success would be possible. :-S But if I encounter women with EXACTLY THAT attitude & belief , they will be able to feel my impatience, tenseness and anticipatory anxiety. And feelings always come in mirror image: The women then feel that way, too. The danger is unfortunately large that they do not understand to  express those emotions … and rather flee instead. :-O

And they HAVE withdrawn from me, a lonely 37-year-old life long. : (

Therefore, I find it so enormously difficult to imagine that even AFTER getting a rejection of a lady who I like, maybe there´s still basically the possibility of  a “reconciliation, understanding and forgiveness”. :-S I just had NEVER experienced  something different than pretty young ladies turning away from me … without a single word …or even complaining at me. : ( And then LEAVING me, just to be NEVER seen again ! :-X

I’ ve consciously decided to learn patience, confidence and trust in long-term success (with sufficient lead time to “sniff” at each other). Expectations have influence on the result. In longer term, there are plenty of options to re-encounter, as long as one (1.) believes in this… and (2.) tries it in a relaxed manner. :-)

And THEN there will also be a chance of getting to know each other nearer ; at least it´s not completely excluded ;-) ? Right ? ^_^

… Perhaps even love at LATER view?

Then there still remain the KNOWN, other difficulties:

- My shyness and uncertainty caused by the enormous experiences of rejection & failure  in young women

- My inexperience with everything "young feminine”, because I grew up WITHOUT sister, no girl-friend or wife … and consequently had no daughter, either.

- The wordless fear of women, THAT I was a ruthless macho … AND their equally big fear that I was NOT a macho.

- The digital media-addicted autism of young ladies today. They do not even notice me when I speak DIRECTLY to them. : (

(I do not even hear: “Heeey, You’re disturbing my wireless reception !” Of them.)

- My most fervent desire for DIRECT communication (WITHOUT media-dependency)

- My honesty, openness and questioning mindful view of life

- The painful tragedy that most women (and men) confuse the physical love, the “making love”  with sex … and sex with a natural need  … and I have quit to do this ,ever since I awoke from my abstinence-addiction.

- OTHER very common misunderstandings about “what love is all about”…like addiction to romance ….or addiction to relationship (either to as MANY ones as possible….or to “the ONLY One” :-O  )

- The “-Self-fulfilling-Prohecy”, if I write publicly, no woman would want me

- The lack of economic appreciation for my work.

- my humble life-claims in OTHER affairs, too

* (Macho, womanizer, mama’s boy, swot, intellectual, full failure, “dynamic maker”, etc …)

And: EUREKA! No. 2:

I had another insight:

Since the moment of my procreation I miss a “life-affirming impulse”, a life-and-loving impulse, a “divine spark” …. All my past life, I never had felt “wanted” … just “tolerated” best. : (

But this deficit I can only fill up with the beloved, lacked Things myself. And exactly THIS also explains my error, and my deterrent effect on women:

I have encontered the women who interested me, always in a such a manner that they could perceive my begging. I tried to PERSUADE the ladies to love MYSELF INSTEAD of ME loving myself. : O But actually NO woman in the world is ABLE to do this, and because of this unspoken fear , to be overburdened & overtaxed with such a task, they always drew back from me intuitively. : (

I now can fully understand this. ONLY I myself can learn to accept MYSELF FOR MYSELF….  to be THEN capable of love for someone else. :)

So, I try to accept me now as the “willed-by-myself.” :) Only if I can cope alone with me -WITHOUT a woman-, then I am ready for a love-relationship WITH a woman. :)


Thanks to the fear, anxiety and mistrust of you ladies I had been alone all my life. :-(

And instead you´d tell me what bothers you so much about me (and what I could possibly change) you only tell me: “I do not believe, that you have NEVER had a girl-friend ! I guess you´re joking ! ” :-O Or, YOU ask ME: “WHAT was the CAUSE for the constant failure ?” even though I hoped to get this issue finally resolved by YOU. :-(

And  everything began THIS way:

CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL of KEMPTEN (Upper-Allgäu, Bavaria) 1975:

Parents just used to hand over their children to Strangers & leave them to the hospital,  and doctors just used to send parents back home. It was common practice in “children´s hospitals” at that time. Beds for the relatives of the children weren´t even THERE.

Twice (at age 8 months & age 1 year and 1 month) I had emotional experiences of complete neglection of my needs for DAYS, accompanied by most careful “medi-cynical” care:

- “Lumbar puncture” ( removal/extraction of “liquor” from the interior of the spinal cord )

- “when bumping it, Child shows no compensatory movements, child simply drops to”

- “Tendons-Reflexes can not be assessed, because of intense crying”

- “Arms always held far to the side, when sitting and lying”

  “permanent holding the arms spread aside NOT noticed (by the Parents)”

- X-rays, blood serum levels, EEG, ECG, antibiotics, …

- Etc. …

+ BUT: no love, no peaceful approximacy or being accepted :-(

Moreover, my “other-directed” mother stopped to breastfeed me after 4 weeks , on the advice of the violent “child experts”. This would be indeed “obsolete” & “from the Past”, they said …. “empirically superior”. : O

She has expressed  the suggestion towards me that I was probably strapped or “fixed” for the sake of extracting liquid from my spinal cord. :-S :-O  :-(

My mother said that she had noticed I had changed a lot after she had brought me back home from the Children’s Hospital. I had become a cry-baby, if only she wanted to touch me or just turn on the back.

I have an image in mind:

Could some hopelessly overworked nurse no longer bear my screaming for my parents , and started to choke, shake and jolt me out of helplessness and UNawareness for needs ? :O  

UNTILL TODAY I feel strange sensations of narrowness, tightness and crampedness in my throat, and a racing pulse in my throat. Sometimes even spinning-sensations and dizziness !

I can only imagine that I have experienced my life depending completely to the weal and woe of a young woman, which had not responded empathically to my desperate cries, but with almost lethal VIOLENCE instead. That would explain WHY I confronted pretty young women all my life, as though I would beg them to let me live. Women write to me, I seem to be “cramped” to them, so they feel overwhelmed, overburdened & overtaxed.

For the following empathic words of a nice lady (after a “seemingly fruitless” Rendez-vous) I am really very grateful:

“You know, maybe you’re searching too desperate. I believe you, that you want to know love for once. But the more you try something desperately, the less it works.

It can also scare off , if a woman reads that you haven´t had any experience, that you have never had a girl-friend, but you really want it desperately. Thus, the woman is under pressure.

You are very open and honest, but maybe you should not divulge & reveal so much from you IN THE FIRST PLACE ?!

For a proper acquaintance one needs time, patience; and perhaps you expect too much at once? You are certainly very desperate when it comes to love. But you also really leave that impression, one can notice so. “

YES ! This creates mutual fears of expectations, I’m sure. And love sure cannot be “forced”.

I am now trying to learn to trust and use the trust into the knowledge, that GENERALLY any woman can love ME at any time !

Then I am hopeful that I send out less signals of aloofness…and can get back more signals of proximity. It ALL depends on reciprocity. 0:-)

March, 4. / 5. of  2012: NEVER AGAIN “UNtouched”

My first night of love:

I have now, after 37 ½ years of complete loneliness, made love with a young woman for the very first time. How joyful & loving ! ^_^ …but also exhausting, overwhelming & overtaxing !!! :-o -_- PHEW !!!

Previously, before THIS date,  NOT even ONE GIRL had shown “mercy” to me.

A stigma was taken away from me. :-) … But a real relationship is, unfortunately, still written in the stars … (sigh).

SHE had said, that SHE had made HER “first experiences” with the other Gender at age 12 or 13 ! :-o …and


did now at the age of 37 ½ years. Two completely different worlds seem to have “collided” there… but honestly: Maybe it had been a FIRST REAL experience of true closeness & making love for the BOTH of us ?! ;-) 0:-D

And … to react to a hasty, tacit assumption :

No, I’m definitely NOT interested in other MEN ! :-(P  I am disgusted by so called “gay” men, who (-I´m sure-) are just irritated about their real love-needs, and I have even once had a harmful, personally disappointing experience with a 50-year-old “gay” man, which I’m still embittered about today. :(( They can ignore me as much as they want, the ladies, but: NO woman had ever been acting SO disrespectingly towards ME, like THIS guy! I feel fear and disgust towards men who do not want to BE one. :O Please confirm to me credibly, that you REALIZE, RECOGNIZE & ACCEPT my needs as a MAN towards young, inviting, fertile, fresh FEMININITY ! O.K. ?

(Here in the Internet, I have, however, also occasionally received sex-addicted offers from women, too. BUT: Not a hundredth as many as YOU might think !!! :-P And Gerhard can already distinguish between real physical love and sex ! You don´t need to worry! To “get rid of women” NEVER had been a problem to me, by the way. :-) But to make contact with young, attractive women, on the other hand, really had been an aggravation, all the more. :-O :-( It scares me when I hear that women RATHER assume, that I was a gay “Homo-Lullu”, than that they would be willing to offer me a chance to get to know them. : (

YOUNG women make it as hard for me as probably possible, I’m afraid.:-(

Since 1995, young ladies DO NOT TALK TO ME ANYMORE out there in reality. :O (And they even were at a loss for words towards me, BEFORE this.) They behave & act  digital-media-addicted and autistic. They talk only with their ears and hear the voices of people who are not there. :-O But I am no longer heard by them. :(

Also, I am aware of irritating evidence of contradictory, UNconscious ways of thinking & feeling, if I get  messages here in the Internet:


For young women, I “am”:

-Too honest and too dishonest

-Too open & too sealed

-too directly & too restraint

-Too alternatively & too conservative

-Too homophobic & too gay-suspicious

-Too attractive & too unattractive

-Too eloquently & too quiet

-Too serious & too cheerful and silly

-Too shy & too briskly

-Too impetuous & too LITTLE Macho

-Too long & too short

-Too JUDGED & too less judged

I’m afraid, I do not know, how I ever could even begin to correspond to this convoluted and contradictory claims . :-S

Women probably do NOT know at all what they really want. Can that be true ?:-S

AND …: Women always wish me “Good Luck & Much Success !” …and pass me over to the next, next on,… Lady :-(

I can not stand to hear this anymore ! I´m fed up ! :( Sigh

DARE to approach at last for ONCE !!! What’s wrong with you, Ladies ? :-O

And with the words “I like the way you write!” women make “unmistakably” clear that THIS was the last message from them that I´ll get to read.

And yet another inexplicable Phenomena:

Whenever I actually had a good start with talking to young ladies out in the real world (especially with serene, small, natural, blonde “bundles of joy” :-D), then these ladies soon …had departed to Cologne. :O

For whatever reason just always to THIS place. :-S I wonder now, what they would do, if I moved to Cologne myself. :-S Hmmm ???

I was often told, it wasn´t because of my physical appearance, if women turn away from me so much. But gradually I have SERIOUS doubts about this theory. My appearance seems to deter enormous. : O-BUH! My face is the safest “contraceptive” that exists.


INexperiencedness, aloofness, shyness and “(in)voluntary” Celibacy

I am thoroughly fed up & through with ….

I am a lonely “Upper-Allgäuer”-Ian in exile” trying to escape from winter and loneliness. At the risk that no one believes me, but I am now already 37 years young and had unfortunately still NOT A SINGLE girl-friend or wife ever before. (That it is because of my physical appearance, I do not really believe, but for some unknown reason, pretty young women are always just passing by, just like I’m not there. Or are they just as UNcertain as I am ? :-S ). For 21 years I had imagined a completely one-sided relationship with a (former) classmate as being “my girl-fried”, and now I’m glad  I finally woke up and finally would like so much to catch up. I want to learn & experience what it means to give true emotional and physical love and finally get it in return. I would like to let YOU help me in this. 0:-)  Important to me is particularly unsparing honesty and openness, so addiction to romance, to relationship and to misunderstood physical love (Sex-rubbish) may get NO breeding ground, as well as “abstinence-from-love”-addictions. To me it is all about the showing of vulnerability (need-based awareness, understanding & communication). I am afraid when I think back to the experienced lonely years. :O Many problems I’ve caused just myself (especially my own aloofness), but unfortunately, I am anything but an “expert on women” (although I would like to be, and always wanted to be); maybe that´s because I only grew up with two brothers. (I now  also accept more and more the question of how much the women are “experts on women” THEMSELVES or not, or to what extent they may be “experts on men” …and how much I am an “expert on men” myself ???)

What  I openly want to admit with this, is:

The behavior of women is simply a book of 7,777,777 seals for me, but I’ve learned that one usually THEN is sending out unintelligible signals or double-messages when he / she is NOT really aware of what he / she even wants to express and to achieve. I myself will therefore say more consciously: I have great fear of rejection and discouragement by women, which I like, because I’ve NEVER experienced anything different before. :O  I feel loneliness, sadness and helplessness for 37 years now, because  if I get no response(s) of YOUNG women & Girls (except contempt and withdrawal) at all, then I do not know how I can fulfill my need for female solidarity and closeness. I am intimidated by discouragement and allegations very quickly, because I have truely a lot of respect for women, but maybe I do not dare to express that enough ? :-S What hurts me most of all, is when I read, that even  veritable dream-girls write to me, that they do not really believe me that I’d never had a girl-friend or wife by my side, ever.  :O :( But the tragic irony is that NONE of them really offers any interest towards me or even WANTS to have me around. At least I conclude this  from their more than restrained reactions. Perhaps it´s because they assume & imply that I would be a Macho-man, who had LOTS & LOADS of girl-friends yet. That makes me infinitely sad. :( Women say about themselves, they want to be “CONQUERED” ; … I´m afraid I am a pacifist, not a conqueror. :O)

If this text touches your soul, then you’ve already helped me to some extent, as far as you tell me SO, too.  :) Please dare to break the silence that is almost audible in the room. Since August 2011 I have now even embraced the first pretty young women (… which of course have all had someone as a boy-friend, as they revealed to me ).

But there´s a LOT more possible  I´m sure ! :) And I want to have one or two own children! =D (Especially a daughter, something young & female for once in my life)

I wait, (-but not for the sake of waiting-) on your request or offer ! :D

Hopefully see you soon ! Dare, please !!! :) (I still did not get TOO close to any woman yet ! ;-)

I have the  love-experience of a 12 - or 13-year old Teenager. :O  I know of no kiss, no fondling, no long-term cuddling, caressing …not even an amorous look in each other´s eye. :(

I sure cannot do EVERYTHING ALL ALONE, right ??! ;-)


Please listen to MY own Music-Compositions, OK ? d*-*b  :




















I am a MOVIE-STAR now !!! B-)

And even with “half-NUDE-scenes” !!! 8-o ;-) :-P :“> :D Mmmmmh ! ^__^


From Minute 0:35  on, I can be seen ! 8-D WOW !



The COMPLETE documentary-film (40 min) for Download:


Voilà ! ^__^ Enjoy !!!

Post link
My (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–MyMy (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–MyMy (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–MyMy (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–MyMy (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–MyMy (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story: (a “SOLO-carreer” )————————————————————————————————————–My

My (seemingly) “UNbeliveable” Life-Story:

(a “SOLO-carreer” )


My life had been totally DEVOID of “female youth” from the very beginning: I have had NO sister, NO girl-friend, NO fiancée, NO wife, NO daughter EVER ! :((( All my Life up to now I had been trying IN VAIN to get to know & to get in close proximity & finally into a relationship with a YOUNG Lady or Girl. :´-(

I was NOT allowed to be the Brother of a Sister, the Boy-Friend of a Girl-Friend, the Fiance of a Fiancee, the Husband of a Wife, nor the Father of an own Daughter.

Thanks to the fear, mistrust and shyness of you Ladies I have nothing but been alone all my life. :-(

And instead of explaining to me, what disturbes you talking to me & looking at me (and what I could possibly change),  you just say: “I don´t believe, you never had a girl-friend. I think you´re joking!” :-O Or you just ask ME: “What has been the reason for the failure ?”, allthough I hoped to learn THAT from YOU. :-(

I have several UNmet needs & lacks of needs concerning the YOUNG Femininity to yet satisfy:

For brotherly/sisterly Love, for Love in Life-Partnership & Relationship & for fatherly/daughterly Love.

In meinem einsamen Leben hat das “Junge, Weibliche” immerzu nur gefehlt, schon von Anfang an: Ich hatte keine Schwester, keine Freundin, keine Frau, keine Tochter !!! :(((

Ich durfte kein Bruder einer Schwester sein, kein Freund einer Freundin, kein Verlobter einer Verlobten & kein Vater einer Tochter.

Dank dem Mißtrauen & der Scheu und Angst von Euch Damen war ich mein ganzes Leben lang nur allein. :-(

Und statt mir zu erklären, was Euch so sehr an mir stört (und ich ggf. daran ändern könnte), sagt Ihr mir nur: “Das glaube ich Dir nicht, daß Du noch NIE ne Freundin hattest. Ich vermute, Du veralberst mich!” :-O

Oder ihr fragt mich: “WORAN scheiterte es denn immer ?”, obwohl ICH doch diese Frage endlich von EUCH geklärt zu bekommen hoffte. :-(

Daher habe ich MEHRERE UNerfüllte Bedürfnisse & Bedürfnis-Mängel gegenüber JUNGER Weiblichkeit auszugleichen:

Nach geschwisterlich-schwesterlicher Liebe, nach lebenspartnerschaftlicher Liebe & Beziehungserfahrung & nach väterlich-töchterlicher  Liebe.

Dans ma vie solitaire, il n´y a eu de la Jeunesse féminine ou de la jeune Fémininité jamais ! Je n´ai eu une sœur, une amie, une coupine, une fiancée, une femme, une épouse ou une propre fille de moi-même jamais !!! :(((

Grâce à la peur et défiance de vous femmes je n´ai été que seul toute ma vie. :-(

Et au lieu de m´expliquer ce que vous gênes de parler avec moi et regarder moi (, et me dire ce que je peux changer peut-être), vous me disez: >>Je ne croix pas, que tu n´ais eu d´amie jamais ! Je pense, que tu raconte des bobards !<<

Ou vous demandez moi: >>C´était à cause de QUOI ?<< , bien que MOI, je veux apprendre ca de VOUS ! :O

Je n'ai pas été autorisé à être le frère d'une soeur, le garçon-ami d'une amie-fille, le fiancé d'une fiancée, le mari d'une femme, ni le père d'une propre fille.

What can I do ????? …. :-S

Que puis-je faire ????? ….. :-s

WAS kann ich tun ????? …. :-s

Ich hatte leider noch NIEMALS eine Freundin oder Frau. :-( Wer mag mir helfen, das zu ändern ? :-)

I never ever had a girl-friend or wife in my whole life. :-(Who wants to help me to change that ? :-)

Je n´ai eu d´amie ou femme jamais ! :-( Qui veut m´aider à changer ça ? :-)

Please send Post to the following adress (I am NOT here in the Internet truely ;-) !):

GERHARD MARTIN , the lonliest Man in the Universe

D-7900 Freiburg


(Elternanschrift / Adress at Parents / Adresse chez les Parents: D-87527 Sonthofen, Germany)


Bitte schreibt mir Brief-Post, Leute ! Ich bin schließlich nicht “hier” im Indernetz, sondern DRAUSSEN in der Wirklichkeit. :-D

Écrivez-moi des lettres, pas d´e-mail, s´il vous plaît ! Je ne suis pas “ici” à l` internet; je suis dedans la réalitée. :-D

Raitim Leta long mi , plis. Mi no stap long “hia”, long internet. Mi stap arasait, long laip tru . :-D



INexperiencedness, aloofness, shyness and “(in)voluntary” Celibacy

I am thoroughly fed up & through with ….

I am a lonely “Upper-Allgäuer”-Ian in exile” trying to escape from winter and loneliness. At the risk that no one believes me, but I am now already 37 years young and had unfortunately still NOT A SINGLE girl-friend or wife ever before. (That it is because of my physical appearance, I do not really believe, but for some unknown reason, pretty young women are always just passing by, just like I’m not there. Or are they just as UNcertain as I am ? :-S ). For 21 years I had imagined a completely one-sided relationship with a (former) classmate as being “my girl-fried”, and now I’m glad I finally woke up and finally would like so much to catch up. I want to learn & experience what it means to give true emotional and physical love and finally get it in return. I would like to let YOU help me in this. 0:-) Important to me is particularly unsparing honesty and openness, so addiction to romance, to relationship and to misunderstood physical love (Sex-rubbish) may get NO breeding ground, as well as “abstinence-from-love”-addictions.





To me it is all about the showing of vulnerability (need-based awareness, understanding & communication). I am afraid when I think back to the experienced lonely years. :O Many problems I’ve caused just myself (especially my own aloofness), but unfortunately, I am anything but an “expert on women” (although I would like to be, and always wanted to be); maybe that´s because I only grew up with two brothers. (I now also accept more and more the question of how much the women are “experts on women” THEMSELVES or not, or to what extent they may be “experts on men” …and how much I am an “expert on men” myself ???)

What I openly want to admit with this, is:

The behavior of women is simply a book of 7,777,777 seals for me, but I’ve learned that one usually THEN is sending out unintelligible  signals or double-messages when he / she is NOT really aware of what he / she even wants to express and to achieve. I myself will therefore say more consciously: I have great fear of rejection and discouragement by women, which I like, because I’ve NEVER experienced anything different before. :O I feel loneliness, sadness and helplessness for 37 years now, because if I get no response(s) of YOUNG women & Girls (except contempt and withdrawal) at all, then I do not know how I can fulfill my need for female solidarity and closeness. I am intimidated by discouragement and allegations very quickly, because I have truely a lot of respect for women, but maybe I do not dare to express that enough ? :-S What hurts me most of all, is when I read, that even veritable dream-girls write to me, that they do not really believe me that I’d never had a girl-friend or wife by my side, ever. :O :( But the tragic irony is that NONE of them really offers any interest towards me or even WANTS to have me around. At least I conclude this from their more than restrained reactions. Perhaps it´s because they assume & imply that I would be a Macho-man, who had LOTS & LOADS of girl-friends yet. That makes me infinitely sad. :( Women say about themselves, they want to be “CONQUERED” ; … I´m afraid I am a pacifist, not a conqueror. :O)

If this text touches your soul, then you’ve already helped me to some extent, as far as you tell me SO, too. :) Please dare to break the silence that is almost audible in the room. Since August 2011 I have now even embraced the first pretty young women (… which of course have all had someone as a boy-friend, as they revealed to me ).

But there´s a LOT more possible I´m sure ! :) And I want to have one or two own children! =D (Especially a daughter, something young & female for once in my life)

I wait, (-but not for the sake of waiting-) on your request or offer ! :D

Hopefully see you soon ! Dare, please !!! :) (I still did not get TOO close to any woman yet ! ;-)

I have the love-experience of a 12 - or 13-year old Teenager. :O I know of no kiss, no fondling, no long-term cuddling, caressing …not even an amorous look in each other´s eye. :(

I sure cannot do EVERYTHING ALL ALONE, right ??! ;-)





Thanks to the fear, anxiety and mistrust of you ladies I had been alone all my life. :-(

And instead you´d tell me what bothers you so much about me (and what I could possibly change) you only tell me: “I do not believe, that you have NEVER had a girl-friend ! I guess you´re joking ! ” :-O Or, YOU ask ME: “WHAT was the CAUSE for the constant failure ?” even though I hoped to get this issue finally resolved by YOU. :-(




And everything began THIS way:

CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL of KEMPTEN (Upper-Allgäu, Bavaria) 1975:

Parents just used to hand over their children to Strangers & leave them to the hospital, and doctors just used to send parents back home. It was common practice in “children´s hospitals” at that time. Beds for the relatives of the children weren´t even THERE.

Twice (at age 8 months & age 1 year and 1 month) I had emotional experiences of complete neglection of my needs for DAYS, accompanied by most careful “medi-cynical” care:

- “Lumbar puncture” ( removal/extraction of “liquor” from the interior of the spinal cord )

- “when bumping it, Child shows no compensatory movements, child simply drops to”

- “Tendons-Reflexes can not be assessed, because of intense crying”

- “Arms always held far to the side, when sitting and lying”

“permanent holding the arms spread aside NOT noticed (by the Parents)“

- X-rays, blood serum levels, EEG, ECG, antibiotics, …

- Etc. …

+ BUT: no love, no peaceful proximity, closeness, nest-warmth, basic-trust or being accepted :-(

Moreover, my “other-directed” mother stopped to breastfeed me after 4 weeks , on the advice of the violent “child experts”. This would be indeed "obsolete” & “from the Past”, they said …. “empirically superior”. : O

She has expressed the suggestion towards me that I was probably strapped or “fixed” for the sake of extracting liquid from my spinal cord. :-S :-O :-(

My mother said that she had noticed I had changed a lot after she had brought me back home from the Children’s Hospital. I had become a cry-baby, if only she wanted to touch me or just turn on the back.

I have an image in mind:

Could some hopelessly overworked nurse no longer bear my screaming for my parents , and started to choke, shake and jolt me out of helplessness and UNawareness for needs ? :O

UNTILL TODAY I feel strange sensations of narrowness, tightness and crampedness in my throat, and a racing pulse in my throat. Sometimes even spinning-sensations and dizziness !

I can only imagine that I have experienced my life depending completely to the weal and woe of a young woman, which had not responded empathically to my desperate cries, but with almost lethal VIOLENCE instead. That would explain WHY I confronted pretty young women all my life, as though I would beg them to let me live. Women write to me, I seem to be “cramped” to them, so they feel overwhelmed, overburdened & overtaxed.

For the following empathic words of a nice lady (after a “seemingly fruitless” Rendez-vous) I am really very grateful:

“You know, maybe you’re searching too desperate. I believe you, that you want to know love for once. But the more you try something desperately, the less it works.

It can also scare off , if a woman reads that you haven´t had any experience, that you have never had a girl-friend, but you really want it desperately. Thus, the woman is under pressure.

You are very open and honest, but maybe you should not divulge & reveal so much from you IN THE FIRST PLACE ?!

For a proper acquaintance one needs time, patience; and perhaps you expect too much at once? You are certainly very desperate when it comes to love. But you also really leave that impression, one can notice so. “

YES ! This creates mutual fears of expectations, I’m sure. And love sure cannot be “forced”.

I am now trying to learn to trust and use the trust into the knowledge, that GENERALLY any woman can love ME at any time !

Then I am hopeful that I send out less signals of aloofness…and can get back more signals of proximity. It ALL depends on reciprocity. 0:-)

March, 4. / 5. of 2012: NEVER AGAIN “UNtouched”:

My first night of love:

I have now, after 37 ½ years of complete loneliness, made love with a young woman for the very first time. How joyful & loving ! ^_^ …but also exhausting, overwhelming & overtaxing !!! :-o -_- PHEW !!!

Previously, before THIS date, NOT even ONE GIRL had shown “mercy” to me.

A stigma was taken away from me. :-) … But a real relationship is, unfortunately, still written in the stars … (sigh).

SHE had said, that SHE had made HER “first experiences” with the other Gender at age 12 or 13 ! :-o …and I did now at the age of 37  1/2 years. Two completely different worlds seem to have “collided” there… but honestly: Maybe it had been a FIRST REAL experience of true closeness & making love for the BOTH of us ?! ;-) 0:-D

And … to react to a hasty, tacit assumption :

No, I’m definitely NOT interested in other MEN ! :-(P I am disgusted by so called “gay” men, who (-I´m sure-) are just irritated about their real love-needs, and I have even once had a harmful, personally disappointing experience with a 50-year-old “gay” man, which I’m still embittered about today. :(( They can ignore me as much as they want, the ladies, but: NO woman had ever been acting SO disrespectingly towards ME, like THIS guy! I feel fear and disgust towards men who do not want to BE one. :O Please confirm to me credibly, that you REALIZE, RECOGNIZE & ACCEPT my needs as a MAN towards young, inviting, fertile, fresh FEMININITY ! O.K. ?

(Here in the Internet, I have, however, also occasionally received sex-addicted offers from women, too. BUT: Not a hundredth as many as YOU might think !!! :-P And Gerhard can already distinguish between real physical love and sex ! You don´t need to worry! To “get rid of women” NEVER had been a problem to me, by the way. :-) But to make contact with young, attractive women, on the other hand, really had been an aggravation, all the more. :-O :-( It scares me when I hear that women RATHER assume, that I was a gay “Homo-Lullu”, than that they would be willing to offer me a chance to get to know them. : (

YOUNG women make it as hard for me as probably possible, I’m afraid.:-(

Since 1995, young ladies DO NOT TALK TO ME ANYMORE out there in reality. :O (And they even were at a loss for words towards me, BEFORE this.) They behave & act digital-media-addicted and autistic. They talk only with their ears and hear the voices of people who are not there. :-O But I am no longer heard by them. :(

Also, I am aware of irritating evidence of contradictory, UNconscious ways of thinking & feeling, if I get messages here in the Internet:


For young women, I “am”:

-Too honest and too dishonest

-Too open & too sealed

-too directly & too restraint

-Too alternatively & too conservative

-Too homophobic & too gay-suspicious

-Too attractive & too unattractive

-Too eloquently & too quiet

-Too serious & too cheerful and silly

-Too shy & too briskly

-Too impetuous & too LITTLE Macho

-Too long & too short

-Too picky & too less picky

- Too JUDGED & too few judged

I’m afraid, I do not know, how I ever could even begin to correspond to this convoluted and contradictory claims . :-S

Women probably do NOT know at all what they really want. Can that be true ?:-S

AND …: Women always wish me “Good Luck & Much Success !” …and pass me over to the next, next on,… Lady :-(

I can not stand to hear this anymore ! I´m fed up ! :( Sigh

DARE to approach at least for ONCE !!! What’s wrong with you, Ladies ?:-O

And with the words “I like the way you write!” women make “unmistakably” clear that THIS was the last message from them that I´ll get to read.

And yet another inexplicable Phenomena:

Whenever I actually had a good start with talking to young ladies out in the real world (especially with serene, small, natural, blonde “bundles of joy” :-D), then these ladies soon …had departed to Cologne. :O

For whatever reason just always to THIS place. :-S I wonder now, what they would do, if I moved to Cologne myself. :-S Hmmm ???

I was often told, it wasn´t because of my physical appearance, if women turn away from me so much. But gradually I have SERIOUS doubts about this theory. My appearance seems to deter enormous. : O-BUH! I sure AM the safest “contraceptive” that exists.








A request:

I feel sad, lonely, desperate, helpless, frustrated, disappointed and totally confused, …even more I ‘m scared if I’m aware of the efforts with which I try, to get female attention of young ladies… but get NOTHING but rejections. :-O :-(

I need feedback, confirmation and encouragement when I turn to young women (who I would like possibly), that it’s O.K. for you when I try to meet you closer.

Otherwise, I do not know how I EVER can satisfy my need for female proximity and closeness … or even just once can meet nice girls for companionship. :-(

Please tell me just ONCE in my lonely life that you like to have my presence and offer to me the chance to make a closer “sniffing” possible …. and how you do feel when you’re reading THIS … O.K. ?

Instead of always assuming hastily, that I´d EVER HAD a girl-friend already. :-O

EUREKA ! I think I got it! :)

Maybe I have found the essential explanation NOW why my efforts towards women, which I liked, had NEVER been rewarded by the hoped-for success:

Ironically, I, who do NOT fulfill or meet one of the popular men’s clichés *, have had (-a lifetime long-) only trust to the “love at first sight”-recipe ??? tz-tz-tz-tz-tz !?

What did I expect to get (except skepticism, confusion, helplessness and uncertainty), if I offer to all young immature ladies, EVERYTHING but what they are USED to receive from men … what they know … and consequently expect ? :-S

Sure, that too fast, hasty & commentless retreat & withdrawal from me (-which I know just too well of young ladies-) , maybe had been a (misread) sign to me, to believe that only in the very first few seconds / minutes of a new meeting a success would be possible. :-S But if I encounter women with EXACTLY THAT attitude & belief , they will be able to feel my impatience, tenseness and anticipatory anxiety. And feelings always come in mirror image: The women then feel that way, too. The danger is unfortunately large that they do not understand to express those emotions … and rather flee instead. :-O

And they HAVE withdrawn from me, a lonely 37-year-old life long. : (

Therefore, I find it so enormously difficult to imagine that even AFTER getting a rejection of a lady who I like, maybe there´s still basically the possibility of a “reconciliation, understanding and forgiveness”. :-S I just had NEVER experienced something different than pretty young ladies turning away from me … without a single word …or even complaining at me. : ( And then LEAVING me, just to be NEVER seen again ! :-X

I’ ve consciously decided to learn patience, confidence and trust in long-term success (with sufficient lead time to “sniff” at each other). Expectations have influence on the result. In longer term, there are plenty of options to re-encounter, as long as one (1.) believes in this… and (2.) tries it in a relaxed manner. :-)

And THEN there will also be a chance of getting to know each other nearer ; at least it´s not completely excluded ;-) ? Right ? ^_^

… Perhaps even love at LATER view?

Then there still remain the KNOWN, other difficulties:

- My shyness and uncertainty caused by the enormous experiences of rejection & failure in young women

- My inexperience with everything “young feminine”, because I grew up WITHOUT sister, no girl-friend or wife … and consequently had no daughter, either.

- The wordless fear of women, THAT I was a ruthless macho-man … AND their equally big fear that I was NOT a macho-man.

- The digital media-addicted autism of young ladies today. They do not even notice me when I speak DIRECTLY to them. : (

(I do not even hear: “Heeey, You’re disturbing my wireless reception/connection !” from them.)

- My most fervent desire for DIRECT communication (WITHOUT media-dependency)

- My honesty, openness and questioning mindful view of life

- The painful tragedy that most women (and men) confuse the physical love, the “making love” with sex … and sex with a natural need … and I have quit to do this ,ever since I awoke from my abstinence-addiction.

- OTHER very common misunderstandings about “what love is all about”…like addiction to romance ….or addiction to relationship (either to as MANY ones as possible….or to “the ONLY One” :-O )

- The “-Self-fulfilling-Prohecy”, if I write publicly, no woman would want me

- The lack of economic appreciation for my work.

- my humble life-claims in OTHER affairs, too

* (Macho-Man, womanizer, mama’s boy, swot, intellectual, full failure, “dynamic maker”, etc …)

And: EUREKA! No. 2:

I had another insight:

Since the moment of my procreation I miss a “life-affirming impulse”, a life-and-loving impulse, a “divine spark” …. All my past life, I never had felt “wanted” … just “tolerated” best. : (

But this deficit I can only fill up with the beloved, lacked Things myself. And exactly THIS also explains my error, and my deterrent effect on women:

I have encontered the women who interested me, always in a such a manner that they could perceive my begging. I tried to PERSUADE the ladies to love MYSELF INSTEAD of ME loving myself. : O But actually NO woman in the world is ABLE to do this, and because of this unspoken fear , to be overburdened & overtaxed with such a task, they always drew back from me intuitively. : (

I now can fully understand this. ONLY I myself can learn to accept MYSELF FOR MYSELF…. to be THEN capable of love for someone else. :)

So, I try to accept me now as the “wanted/willed-by-myself.” :) Only if I can cope alone with me -WITHOUT a woman-, then I am ready for a love-relationship WITH a woman. :)

Anyhow, 1 Question still remains absolutely UNanswered:

If the YOUNG women really claim so much, that being CASUAL, RELAXED, OPEN MINDED, OPEN-ENDED, UNselfconscious , UNbiased & NOT binding would be so essential for dating, then I ask myself, WHY the heck these young Ladies & Girls always treated me with such ARTIFICIAL (negative) IMPORTANCE all my Life long, as to EXclude & ignore me so extremely, that one almost could SMELL the Tension !?!? Why do you GIVE such a big , “women-created” Significance to me , by treating me so exceptional & by creating an absolutely artificial Weighting of my Person & my Actions, if you´re really supposedly so much into Easiness, Relaxation, Looseness, Indifference, Non-Commitment & Open-Endedness ???

That´s a fundamental CONTRADICTION for me !!! WHAT do you actually WANT ???

Please CHOOSE & DECIDE finally !!! OK ?

And secondly:

Why is it, that your cold Ignorance, your silent Arrogance, your scary Silence & your emotional Coldness towards Me is so darn EASY for you ?

HOW do you manage so effortlessly to create & hold all this Tension so EASILY , WITHOUT being exposed to any kind of Consequence as a “Mirror-Image”, or without receiving any Form of Resonance at all ???

How is is even POSSIBLE, that all your Crampedness & Tenseness towards me stays so FREE of any DISadvantages for YOU ???

Honestly: You´re CREEPY to me ! :-O




I am afraid of withering, before I have flourished ever !

“O.K.”, you young Ladies & Girls of Middle-Europe:

Now you have ALMOST managed to DO it: If you just let some MORE YEARS of my manly Youth & Freshness go by UNused … let them slip through my Fingers in vain, …waste them & ignore them to Death… then I will become finally THAT much withered, that from then on, you can claim a new & very useful Excuse for excluding me & ostracizing me further on: And that IS, that I finally… FINALLY will have become “TOO OLD” for You !!! :-( After apparently having been “TOO YOUNG” for you finicky & picky Ladies all my Life BEFORE !?!? :-/ SIGH :-(

CONGRATULATIONS !!! For such a senseless, nonsensical, UNsatisfactory & self-fulfilling Accomplishment !

Already NOW I have a presentiment of  HOW enormously BIG the Sadness & the Fear will be, which I´ll feel, as soon as I in fact will have grown SO OLD, that young & still-fertile Femininity up  to Age 40, will turn their back on me , for reasons of “faded, vanished manly Vitality & Freshness” …after they have let my Attractiveness & Energy slip away in vain & UNused !

How shall I ever MOURN enough for this UNbelieveable, INcredible,…because so UNnecessary & so AVOIDABLE Misery of a completely “overlooked” & bypassed Life of a Man ?!?!

How shall I ever overcome that “Primary Shock” , which I was exposed to very early in Life ( in 1975 , by a young overworked Nurse, who almost STRANGLED me to Death) & ever overcome this (seemingly) INsurmountable deep Ravine, between ME & female Youth/young Femininity, when from now on there´s also the Difference in Age between ME & unused, fresh & fertile Femininity ???

What Perspective & Chance will be left to me, to ever catch UP on all that, which the Girls & Ladies already always had REJECTED to me & have DEPRIVED me of, when I still was young & fresh myself ???

I am afraid, that FEMALE Youth will become only MORE aloof, repellent, unapproachable to me, & thus even MORE scary to me , that way.

And: As this always is a mutual thing…, but the Girls & Women never ever become AWARE (enough) of their own Fears, Insecurity & Confusion, they therefore rather keep their Distance towards me, by judging me & labelling me as being “strange” , “weird” or “suspiciously crazy”. :-/

This way, young women & Girls not only distract (themselves) from their own Fears, Insecurity & Confusion, NO, they also add some “artificial Significance” to ME (-without noticing so, of course-), which I definitely do NOT necessarily “need” to have, nor do I WANT to have it !

From the very beginning, I miss also a “consequential Resonance” & a “resonant Consequence” in all the Actions, Activity & Behaviour of female Youth ! WHERE on Earth had ever been the Correlation & the mutual Mirror-Images of the Behaviour, the Feelings & the Needs of young Femininity, compared to MINE ???

WHERE had been any Evidence of THEIR Longings & Wishing & Wanting (towards ME) ???

Why did the Girls & young women always make it AS EASY AS POSSIBLE for me all my Life, to “avoid” THEM (the other way round) in my former Addiction-to-Abstinence ???

Why had this been so darn EASY …without experiencing ANY Resonance , either for THEM or for ME ???

I do NOT understand that at all !!! This is a Division by Zero !!! Here, the natural Laws known to me, face an arbitrary Exception of NO rational Definition or Explanation !!!


Soon, I´ll maybe end up like THIS Man here, who stayed young… because he stayed Single !:

among “HE searches HER”:


A nice Guy, with Humour, good-natured & a loyal Soul. Someone who will listen to You, understand You …and who´s ready for any .. well, almost any Deed ! And also is handsome. Then finally open Your Eyes !!

My best Friend is such a Guy, but unfortunately, he´s too shy to talk to You Ladies. With Age 42, he´s probaly just in the right Age for You… so please write to him via E-Mail-Adress….

I am afraid of withering, before I have ever flourished !

From mw OWN personal Life-Experience, I could not even TELL nor KNOW, that Women actually DO have interest in the male Gender at all, … if there hadn´t been the OLD, withered, worn-off, MARRIED Women , with (almost) grown-up Children !!!

As much as YOUNG Women & Girls have only avoided, ignored, shunned, spurned & “overlooked” me arrogantly all my Youth & my young Adulthood long, the OLD Ladies have been all the more obtrusive, importunate & troublesome towards ME , ever since I was a little Child !!!

From the Days of my Childhood, I was surrounded by nothing but “Aunties” , “Mommies” & “Grannies” !! :-( UGH !

All this almost crossed the line to “Child-Abuse” ! An older Man once used the Word “Prostitution”, referring to this Situation.

If only 1 single young Women or Girl only ONCE had pressed so hard on me, adored me , swarmed (a)round me, only 1/thousandth as much, as those Armies of OLD Ladies always have done incessantly since my Childhood, …. if I therefore only ONCE had experienced a Fraction of this exuberant, foaming-over  Interest & swollen, bloated Attention of the OLD, barren Femininity, … by the YOUNG, FRESH, FERTILE & UNused Femininity for a Change, … then I would be MARRIED now for many Years already …and I would be the Father of 10 Children !

But instead of that, I have to now fight & fend off the unrelenting Storm & Attack of the encroaching, possessive, seizuring , occupying, possession-taking, “militantly-nice”, troublesome, obtrusive, importunate, pushy, withered, used-up, worn-off, expired, faded, weather-worn, married, widowed, UNattractive, sterile, barren … but horrible, awful, FORMER Femininity, for the Rest of my Life !!!

“Gery” is NOT the Abreviation of “Geriatrics”, OK ??!!!!!

Definition of the Term “Menopause”:

= The Age, from which on the Women all of a sudden “PAUSE” their hitherto existing, previous emotional Indifference & their Arrogance towards me … for the Rest of their Lives.

I am afraid of withering, before I ever have flourished yet !

Why do only YOUNG Women & Girls NOT like “Nice-Guys” ? Whereas the OLD Women are even ADDICTED to those ?

The old Geezer-Ladies can even HATE me to the Core….but they never ever callously IGNORE me, like the Girls do ! :-( SIGH


But it´s ME, actually, who is in an acute Hurry: My Time is running out, my “biological Clock” is ticking ! How shall I be able to get in Contact with YOUNG, FERTIL Femininity right in Time, …when I have grown OLD myself, and have become worn-off & exhausted ???

And, what´s worst: I also won´t ever be able to be the Grandpa of my own Grand-Daughter, that way ! :-O

And when I´ll finally once have become an old Geezer of 99 Years myself:

NO OLD Lady will ever step TOO CLOSE up to me again !!!

Either I can finally manage to CATCH UP on my UNmet Needs for Contact with FEMALE YOUTH …& HEAL UP this open Wound… or I´ll just stay Single untill the very last Day of my Life !!!

I am afraid of withering, before I ever got to flourish yet, in the first place !!!










































History and Purpose of Wahnmache/ MahnWache:

Founded around 1991 by Gerhard Martin (Guitar & Keyboard & Drums) & Daniel Robert Oelbauer (Drums & Violin) as „TOLLHAUS“ (T.od O.hne L.angfristig L.ebenswerte H.offnung A.ll U.nseres S.eins ), while studying in the Gymnasium Sonthofen.
Our first and only public Concert (Winter 1994) took place WITHOUT us, since we were NOT informed about it right in time.
As NOBODY could be found for playing the bass, the „Band“ never grew to bigger extent than 3 men (additional Guitar-Player Andreas Reck joined in late 1993). And 1994 had been the year of the tacit disbandment, too. The project just diverged without comment. Some „easy & silly listening“-Folk-Rock-Band took the name TOLLHAUS for their Band…and I named my solo-project „WahnMache / MahnWache“ as an equivocation to the German word for a „political or admonishing vigil“ and the „making of madness“. It now is a solo-project, but it does not necessarily NEED to stay one, right ? ;-)
Please help to develop these recordings into full wholesome songs with any instrument that would help to complement the expression of it. Strongly demanded would be Drums and Bass …but any other instrument is wellcome, too, as far as it can be useful to transport the emotional message of this music MORE, or in a new and interesting way.
Please, let me know, WHAT your interpretation and supplement of my music will sound like. OK ?

Gerhard „Gerre“ Martin

Listen to my own Music-Compositions, please:d*-*b

It´s really expressive instru-metal Music , containing many influences, from “BACH to KRACH”.












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