#fred x lee


My reblog blog: @saltycollectionwhisper (Mostly Percy Weasley stuff)


My HP fanfics (All perciver atm):

could’ve: Oliver regrets letting him go.

the adventures of a perfect’s sweater: Oliver has some sexy time with Percy’s sweater, Adrian wants to be a Mediwizard and Marcus enjoys the leftovers.

only miss the sun: Oliver hasn’t been coping well since Percy’s wedding. Getting drunk and hooking up with people who remind him of the person he’d rather be with isn’t the way to go, so Charlie confronts him and attempts to help. + Oliver tries to pinpoint the moment he fell in love with Percy.

muggle mood ring: Oliver’s little cousin sends him a mood ring which leads to an accidental confession.

pretty percy: In 1987 Oliver can’t help but think Percy is pretty even if others think it’s strange. After years of silence, Oliver finally tells him in 1998.

how did you know?: After a confusing experience with his best mate, Fred decides to ask Percy for some help, knowing his older brother would know everything about falling in love with a best friend.

treat you: After Percy comes out as gay Charlie takes him on a date to show him how his future boyfriends should treat him.

mr weasley-wood: While Oliver’s sitting at home looking at a wedding photo he gets a phone call from his husband asking is he could bring him some files.

tips: After finding out Harry’s on the team the twins go and give him a tip.

with help from a younger brother: Lee and Fred help prepare Oliver to ask Percy out on a date.

amortentia: It smells like things the things you love and to Oliver that’s his stuck up roommate.

boggarts: Professor Lupin decides the students needs some hands-on practice however this leads to Percy’s biggest fear as well as his sexuality being exposed.

passengers: Percy needs to finish his essay, Oliver needs to get his crush under control and Fred & Lee need a ride back.

curiosity on the map: Harry notices something odd on the map, Fred and George explain.

halloween costume get together: Oliver gets Percy to agree to do a couple’s costume with him.

mirror practice: “I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror…” Oliver mumbled into red hair as his arms tightened around the man in his arms.

wanting more: They’ve got the physical side but they want the emotional side however they have careers to consider.

meeting the painting: Roxanne introduces Molly to the portrait of their Uncle Fred.

spilt truth: After Percy and Oliver spill Veritaserum on themselves, Fred and George make sure they spill some truth.

choices: Oliver is forced to leave the team because of his relationship with Percy. Percy doesn’t understand, but Oliver would choose him over anything in the universe and he tells him.

love in divination: After falling for his best friend, Oliver experiences three moments of his and Percy’s future in a Divination lesson.
