#marcus flint


headcanon that the slytherin quidditch team is canonically the gayest quidditch team in hogwarts and they brag about it constantly

okay so in the flintwood fandom a lot of people collectively agree that marcus flint has adhd or is dyslexic or both or he is neurodivergent in another way, but what about neurodivergent oliver wood??

drogonqueen: modern gods  → ares after a millennia filled with endless bloodshed, ares has found hdrogonqueen: modern gods  → ares after a millennia filled with endless bloodshed, ares has found h


modern gods →ares

after a millennia filled with endless bloodshed, ares has found himself tiring of war. he picks up the odd job as a hit man here and there, going through the motions for the sake of it, but he hasn’t set foot on a battlefield in over a century.

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hp-moods:Marcus Flint (requested by @ifightfornerds)


Marcus Flint

(requested by @ifightfornerds)

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 So far away from everyoneAnd everything starts todayKeep it togetherCan we keep it togetherWe&rsquo

So far away from everyone
And everything starts today
Keep it together
Can we keep it together
We’re singing a new song now
And everything starts today

‘fall into one’s lap’ (ao3) created for @wood-you-rather-challenge

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Oliver: I don’t wanna date a hot guy, I wanna date you!


Marcus: Wow, that came out wrong! :)

Oliver: The smart guy, the pretty guy, cute and caring.

Percy: Keep going. Don’t stop now.

Christmas questions!

- What do they say/do if they reach for the last cookie at the same time?

- Which one is the most difficult person to shop for?

- Who says holiday related puns?

- how do they react to seeing (the real) Santa Claus?

- Who decorates the tree?

- Who sucks at ice skating?

- Who initiates cuddling by the fire?

- Who is all decked out in Christmas gear?

- do they kiss under mistletoe?

- What is their favorite picture of them that was taken on Christmas?

Send me your OTP! Can also request multiple times

Doesn’t just have to be what I’ve tagged

mxrcusflint: a very bruised and highly unamused slytherin captain(first attempt at digital art - not


a very bruised and highly unamused slytherin captain

(first attempt at digital art - not completely happy with it, but I guess we have to start somewhere, right? this is how I’ve honestly been picturing marcus, sans earrings + a couple tattoos after the war. his team’s lost here, although to ravenclaw or gryffindor, i’m not sure which.)

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pairing: oliver wood & marcus flint
wordcount: 11,058 (part 3/3)
(also readable on ao3!)

|part 1|part 2|part 3 |

“Can you stop doing that?”

“Doing what?”



Oliver shot up from his position; he had been slouched pleasantly on his sofa, blanket pulled up to his chin as he pondered an article in the sports section of the Prophet about player loyalty to their Quidditch teams before Marcus had started speaking. In his abrupt movements he had sent the newspaper flying onto the floor, arms swatting the blanket to haphazardly hang half onto the floor.

“No, no. I mean, like. Breathing so heavily. It sounds like you’ve just run a mile and can’t compose yourself.” Marcus explained, taking a hesitant sip from his cup of tea.

“I’m tired. Entertaining a guest isn’t something I’ve had to do since my mother turned up one day.” Oliver shrugged, resuming his relaxed pose.

Marcus huffed, the exhale of breath causing little ripples to form on the surface of his milky drink. “You’re not entertaining me, Oliver. I’ve been here for three hours and the most you’ve done is show me your board game collection.”

He was telling the truth, to be fair, Oliver thought. After his practice had ended Oliver had done as he promised and taken Marcus on a short walking tour of Dorset; the trip turned sour quite soon as the weather turned and Marcus realised that there wasn’t much to the place apart from countryside and thatched roofs. It was nice having Marcus around, though, and Oliver had felt immensely happier and lighter in his soul the moment they said ‘hi’ to each other at the entrance to the changing room. Granted the rest of his team had cast suspicious and knowing glances in their direction as they sauntered off to the corner shop, but, apart from that, having the person who was arguably his closest friend next to him again felt like a wash of relief.

Oliver would be lying if he claimed he hadn’t began feeling rather anxious on the run up to the wedding. Owls had been coming in non-stop from almost everyone he knew, from the Weasley’s themselves clarifying the address and timings of the day down to Ginny sending him letters double-checking he was definitely sure he wanted to come to the ceremony. It was all very suffocating, being bombarded from all directions by people reiterating the point that he was planning on attending the wedding of the man who had left a few scars of heartbreak all over his body only a few months before. Oliver had ended up not even opening some of the letters, just glancing at the handwriting and discarding them the moment he recognised who the writer was. And then Marcus had arrived.

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pairing:oliver wood & marcus flint

Oliver had been in the restroom for twelve minutes and thirty-seven seconds before Marcus’ parents began to give him the look. The look: described in the dictionary of Marcus’ mind as a parent’s way of expressing disapproval or anger, often characterised by taut lips, drawn together eyebrows and an occasional shake of their head.

“Yourpartner,” Marcus’ mother paused. “Has been in the restroom for an awfully long time, Marcus.”

“Perhaps,” Marcus’s father intercepted, voice slick and cool with an essence of disappointment. “He’s forgotten how doors work? Locked himself in, or something?”

Marcus swilled his drink inside the glass, eyes trying to read the glossy surface of the wine as if it were a crystal ball that could somehow communicate to Marcus why Oliver taking so long. He had his suspicions; the atmosphere surrounding the table had been tense since the four of them sat down almost an hour ago, the penetrating gaze of Marcus’ parents meticulously tearing every piece of Oliver to shreds. They’d dished out some particularly interrogative questions, commentating the whole meal with snide remarks and sarcastic utterances that didn’t go unheard. Marcus had kept a constant hand on Oliver’s knee, rubbing soothing circles there with increasing pressure as comment after comment after comment took over the far from pleasant conversation.

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pairing: oliver wood & marcus flint
(also readable on ao3!) 

“I told you to take my coat before we even left the castle.”

“I don’t want your coat.”

“But you clearly need my coat.”

“No I do not,” Marcus argued, ignoring the icy shiver that filtered from his head to his toes. “I’m perfectly fine, thank you very much.”

“ForMerlin’s sake, Marcus,” suddenly the warmth of Oliver’s hand wrapped around Marcus’ own, cool fingers had gone. The gentle splash of their footsteps in the shallow puddles that had settled along the path from Hogwarts to Hogsmeade stopped as Oliver halted, only the pattering of raindrops to fill the slightly tense silence that had fallen between them. “Take my coat.”

Oliver’s arms withdrew from the sleeves of his too-big, too-warm coat, neck immediately flushing from the cool air that filtered over his bare skin. Marcus stood still, feet glued to the floor as Oliver smoothed his coat over Marcus’ shoulders. Marcus’ eyes were narrowed slightly, but the small smile spreading over his lips washed any sense of faux agitation from his face. He would never admit how cold he actually was – or, more importantly, admit that Oliver was right when he had muttered “you’re going to freeze with no coat, Marcus” before they descended the steps from the castle – but there was no denying how grateful he was to have something covering his sodden arms.

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-feat. Pansy and Theo Nott’s chaotic relationship (this was why most of the slytherins were confused but not shocked upon receiving the Wedding Invitation a few years post-war), Barney being the mom who always records everything on his phone and Marcus Flint just wishing Snape doesn’t burst into their common room because of all the noise.

My reblog blog: @saltycollectionwhisper (Mostly Percy Weasley stuff)


My HP fanfics (All perciver atm):

could’ve: Oliver regrets letting him go.

the adventures of a perfect’s sweater: Oliver has some sexy time with Percy’s sweater, Adrian wants to be a Mediwizard and Marcus enjoys the leftovers.

only miss the sun: Oliver hasn’t been coping well since Percy’s wedding. Getting drunk and hooking up with people who remind him of the person he’d rather be with isn’t the way to go, so Charlie confronts him and attempts to help. + Oliver tries to pinpoint the moment he fell in love with Percy.

muggle mood ring: Oliver’s little cousin sends him a mood ring which leads to an accidental confession.

pretty percy: In 1987 Oliver can’t help but think Percy is pretty even if others think it’s strange. After years of silence, Oliver finally tells him in 1998.

how did you know?: After a confusing experience with his best mate, Fred decides to ask Percy for some help, knowing his older brother would know everything about falling in love with a best friend.

treat you: After Percy comes out as gay Charlie takes him on a date to show him how his future boyfriends should treat him.

mr weasley-wood: While Oliver’s sitting at home looking at a wedding photo he gets a phone call from his husband asking is he could bring him some files.

tips: After finding out Harry’s on the team the twins go and give him a tip.

with help from a younger brother: Lee and Fred help prepare Oliver to ask Percy out on a date.

amortentia: It smells like things the things you love and to Oliver that’s his stuck up roommate.

boggarts: Professor Lupin decides the students needs some hands-on practice however this leads to Percy’s biggest fear as well as his sexuality being exposed.

passengers: Percy needs to finish his essay, Oliver needs to get his crush under control and Fred & Lee need a ride back.

curiosity on the map: Harry notices something odd on the map, Fred and George explain.

halloween costume get together: Oliver gets Percy to agree to do a couple’s costume with him.

mirror practice: “I remember practising how to ask you out in the mirror…” Oliver mumbled into red hair as his arms tightened around the man in his arms.

wanting more: They’ve got the physical side but they want the emotional side however they have careers to consider.

meeting the painting: Roxanne introduces Molly to the portrait of their Uncle Fred.

spilt truth: After Percy and Oliver spill Veritaserum on themselves, Fred and George make sure they spill some truth.

choices: Oliver is forced to leave the team because of his relationship with Percy. Percy doesn’t understand, but Oliver would choose him over anything in the universe and he tells him.

love in divination: After falling for his best friend, Oliver experiences three moments of his and Percy’s future in a Divination lesson.

Sweet Sangria

Author: CrimsonKat
Rated: Teen & Up
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Marcus Flint
Fandom(s): Harry Potter
Word Count: 1,777
Prompt: Amsterdam - Holiday Sangria
Summary:Their friends are having a special Christmas party on the banks of the Ij and Hermione has one job, bring the Holiday Sangria. Problem is, there’s too many recipes and she is not sure which one to make.

View the entire 2021 Holiday Hideaway Collection here!


marcus is BUFF okay


His Muggle Vacation

Rated: Mature

Author: CrimsonKat

Pairing: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger

Universe(s): Harry Potter

Prompt: Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - Melted Ice Cream

Word Count: 2331

Summary: Their Christmas vacation to Anaheim went so splendidly that Hermione decided that perhaps another muggle vacation was in order. If only he would stop distracting her.

View the entire 25 Days of Christmas in July 2021 Collection here!
