

Okay, so the “post” and “cancel” buttons traded places and the editing buttons are hidden and you can embed everything except audio posts for some reason and we’re on fire and everything is on fire

But consider this: they have fixed that thing where, whenever you’re scrolled down to the end of a long post and hit enter, say to oh I dunno add another item to a list or something, it scrolls you all. the. way. back. up. to. the. top. Every. Time.

They have fixed that thing. I don’t know if you noticed that thing.

  • I
  • noticed
  • it
  • a
  • lot
  • though

Hey all, hope you will permit me to insert some rare non-photo content here ;-). The New England Entomological Society is hosting a free series of speakers at their winter meeting next Saturday, Feb. 19, featuring talks about insects that use hops and hemp as host plants. Check it out at the link above!
