#small victories


Okay, so the “post” and “cancel” buttons traded places and the editing buttons are hidden and you can embed everything except audio posts for some reason and we’re on fire and everything is on fire

But consider this: they have fixed that thing where, whenever you’re scrolled down to the end of a long post and hit enter, say to oh I dunno add another item to a list or something, it scrolls you all. the. way. back. up. to. the. top. Every. Time.

They have fixed that thing. I don’t know if you noticed that thing.

  • I
  • noticed
  • it
  • a
  • lot
  • though

Brother’s Keeper

Chapter 13: Time’s Up, Part 2

Tagging List:@i-can-even-burn-salad@peachy-panic@deluxewhump@arwenadreamer@whumpcereal@melancholy-in-the-morning@dont-touch-my-soup@whumpsday@keeper-of-all-the-random-things@whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump@oddsconvert@melennui@susiequaz12@morning-star-whump@crystalquartzwhump@whump-and-other-things@mylifeisonthebookshelf@reflected-pain@hold-him-down (I hope I’m not forgetting anyone - please let me know if I am and I’ll fix it. I’m still getting used to this) 

Thanks again to the absolutely AMAZING and LOVELY @whumpcereal who has truly been a fantastic sounding board to help me get through some REALLY difficult subject matter over the next several upcoming chapters. I couldn’t have done this without her.

WARNING: This chapter as well as SEVERAL subsequent chapters will contain explicit noncon. If you prefer not to read, I’ll totally understand. Heed the tags because this gets dark.


“You may choose not to enjoy yourself, but I plan to fully indulge myself tonight.  I’ve been waiting weeks to have you, and now that you’re finally here, in my bed, I don’t plan on holding back anymore,“ Volkov growled in Ben’s ear.

Ben squirmed and tried desperately to pull away as Volkov’s hand was around his cock again, stroking him with long, languid pulls and a twist of his wrist at the end.  Ben couldn’t help it; he hardened under Volkov’s touch. He moaned, tears soaking into the blindfold, and he felt cold metal being locked around the base of his cock.  He twisted and writhed, trying to get it off.  No, no, nonononono, this cannot be happening.  He didn’t want this!  He didn’t want any of it!

“That’s it, Malyshka.  Struggle and squirm.  That makes it far more interesting for me.”

Ben’s fear escalated and his heart was in his throat as restraints that felt just like the ones on his wrists and ankles were strapped tightly around his upper thighs and then another set just above his knees.  What the hell was Volkov doing?  

“Just a few more new toys for you before we get started, kitten.  You look so gorgeous already.”  

Ben screamed in abject terror as Vokov moved to straddle his chest, the older man’s weight oppressively heavy on top of him.  He roughly grabbed Ben’s hair, pulling his head back and then Ben’s cries were suddenly muffled by something being forced into his mouth.  

Ben panicked, expecting hot flesh, but he was taken aback by cool silicone. The object slid inside until it hit the back of his throat and Ben choked, gagging on the intrusion.  Ben understood suddenly that it was a stand in.  A stand in for Volkov’s fucking cock.  He couldn’t breathe.  Not because he couldn’t get air into his lungs, but because he was choking on pure fear and disgust.  In his terror soaked brain, Ben knew this was only for a matter of time.  Soon it would be the real thing.  Volkov was going to fuck his mouth.  

He squeezed his eyes shut.  Why?  Why was this happening?  Why was he doing this to him?  Why couldn’t he just hurt him?  Why this?  Why did it have to be this?  I don’t fucking want this!  The new gag twisted in his mouth and he realized with horror that it was locking in place, working in tandem with the ring forced behind his teeth.  He gagged and gagged over and over again, trying to push it out of his mouth, out of his throat. It didn’t move, of course. Volkov wanted him stuffed full.  

“Easy.  Easy, Little Benjamin.” Volkov was gently massaging his throat on either side of his windpipe.  “You can breathe, Malyshka.  Steady breaths, in and out through your nose.  You’re okay.  You’ll learn.  This is what you were made for, Malyshka.  You’re soft and need training.  You’re gonna be so good for me.”  

Made for this?  He… he wasn’t.  He was smart.  He was a twenty-two year old graduate student.  He finished high school at sixteen.  He was ready to propose to the girl of his dreams.  They were going to eventually start a family.  Made for this?  No. Never! No he wasn’t made for this.  He didn’t want this!  But some part of him was already accepting his fate.  He was trapped, naked and helpless.  This… whateverthiswas, was going to happen.  He couldn’t escape it.  

No. Ben wouldn’t be good. He wouldn’t! But somehow, even then, he knew that Volkov was right. He continued to gag helplessly, but he found he could breathe and so long as he kept his head still, the pressure at the back of his throat could be managed. He was already getting used to it. He was already learning to be good.  The thought sickened him, but he didn’t know how to fight it.  Volkov was so utterly in control of this whole situation - of his body.  

“Just one more little toy,” Volkov intoned.  Ben could hear the delight in his voice and could imagine the predatory gleam in his eyes.  He lay perfectly still as Volkov moved back down between his legs.  He wanted to believe that he lay still to keep from choking, and that was partially true, but really, deep down, he was utterly paralyzed with fear.  He could barely make his lungs work to pull in a breath.  His chest hardly moved at all.  Volkov’s hand returned to stroking Ben, making him whimper and shake with the effort to be still and not aggravate the gag.  

Volkov unlocked the left ankle restraint and moved Ben’s leg so that his ankle was pressed up against his thigh, securing the leather cuffs together.  He then repeated this with Ben’s other leg before sitting back and admiring the way he looked, tense, desperate, and splayed out in front of him.  

Alexsei returned to his gentle stroking of Ben’s member.  His other hand drifted lower and Ben sobbed in pure cold fear.  He knew what was coming.  Dread and hopelessness pooled and mingled in his stomach.  Volkov’s fingers were circling his hole, slickened with something cool, pressing ever harder.  Nonononononononono!!!! He tried to desperately clench against the mounting pressure, but Volkov was insistent and relentless.  

His whole body jerked as two fingers were pushed into him.  He couldn’t stop the terrified sobs that shook him to his core.  This shouldn’t be happening, it shouldn’t.  It can’t be.  It can’t.  Fuck this was his worst fucking nightmare.  He tried to pull away, but Volkov’s hand went with him.  He keened in frustration and shame.  

Volkov’s fingers moved deeper, then back out.  He pumped into him for several minutes, crooking his fingers and making Ben yelp with each small action.  Heat flared up and down Ben’s spine and scarlet humiliation crept up his neck and across his face as pleasure pooled in his belly.  

His cock was now painfully hard and twitching.  He made obscene noises every time Volkov’s palm circled the head of his member.  

Ben arched his back and whined when Volkov added a third finger.  

“Easy, Malyshka, I’m just making sure that you’re ready for me.”

Ben shook his head wildly, forgetting the gag for a moment before he gagged and choked once more.  What little noise he could make bordered on hysterical.  There was a strange buzzing sound that filled his ears and Ben thrashed and screamed as Volkov ran a vibrator up and down the underside of his cock, pressing it firmly just under the tip of his dick.  Ben squealed and squirmed trying to pull away, but Volkov followed every movement.  

Somehow, Ben did the unthinkable and yanked his knees together.  Volkov growled and hit the shock collar button again.  When the shocks subsided, Ben was boneless and exhausted; he had no resistance left. 

Volkov reached over the edge of the bed and grabbed the chain at the center of the frame.  He secured it to the leather straps just above Ben’s knee and then repeated it for the other side.  Ben could do nothing now to stop the abuse he was sure Volkov intended to visit upon him.  

When Ben heard the vibrator turn on again, he twisted to get him away, voice pleading for this to stop.  Volkov giggled and stroked the toy down Ben’s cock and over his balls, teasing each one and circling the sac a few times before pressing it against Ben’s hole.  Ben’s hips snapped up involuntarily and he cried with shame at his own actions.  He didn’t want to seek relief.  He didn’t want any of this.  Fuck!  He was so damn hard.  The sensations that Volkov was forcing on him were overwhelming.  Much like the whip, there was no escaping this.  His ability to struggle and move was gone.  His mouth was stuffed full, his sight was gone, leaving him with the sound of the vibrator and Volkov’s giggles of glee.  And of course, the constant stimulation of his most sensitive nerves.  

Ben suddenly understood what Volkov intended to do.  He shook his head and tried desperately to get him to stop, even as he tried desperately to swallow down his own pleasure.  God he couldn’t think.  He couldn’t fucking think.  There was just too much stimulation and Volkov wasn’t even really beginning yet.  His hips jerked again, and Ben groaned with arousal.  

Volkov was unrelenting in his desires.  Ben let out a high pitch scream as the toy was pushed inside of him.  Volkov wiggled the toy further inside of Ben until the boy’s cock was jumping, and he knew that it was pressed firmly against the young man’s prostate.  

Ben sobbed, shrieking and begging incoherently, toes curling, legs flexing, desperate to get any sort of relief.  He needed to stretch and he couldn’t.  He was trapped.  He needed to come.  But fuck!  No!  I don’t want to fucking come.  Fuck!  Fuck!  Fuckfuckfuckfuck!  God why wouldn’t he fucking stop?!

Volkov settled in next to him.  “Shh.  Shh… Just enjoy it, kitten.” His hand was back on Ben and it was too much.  Just too much.  Ben’s cries dissolved into hopeless sobs.  “You said you didn’t want to come, and I’m honoring that wish.”  

Ben groaned.  HIs whole body was covered in sweat, every muscle tense and tight.  And Ben couldn’t help rolling his hips into Volkov’s hand.  Something animalistic was taking over and his mind was shutting down, he could feel it.  But the damn ring around the base of his cock wouldn’t let him.  No matter what.  And Volkov’s pace was maddeningly slow.  Ben yanked savagely on the cuffs around his wrists, enough to draw blood, but there was no give or relief in the action, and the pain was only a minor distraction.  

“You’re so gorgeous like this.  I’m glad you said you didn’t want to come.  I was hoping that you would say that.  I like you helpless and needy under my fingers.”

Volkov’s hands were slow and steady, not enough to bring him over the edge, but enough to keep him teetering there.  “Would you like me to distract you?”

Fuck!  Yes!  Damn it!  Yes! Anything has to be better than this! Ben screamed in his head.  Outwardly he let out another sob and nodded his head frantically. 

Ben had no expectations as he sensed Volkov reaching for something else on the nightstand.  There was the light sound of a slight whistle and then a sharp smack.  Pain erupted across Ben’s chest and he screamed, back arching, body twisting.  Another smack from sharp leather to the same location and another scream.  

Volkov took his time between each stroke, bringing the riding crop down across Ben’s chest, abdomen, and thighs.  Volkov seemed to favor Ben’s nipples, lower abdomen, and his inner thighs, all extremely sensitive areas.  

Ben screamed and thrashed beneath him. He knew he couldn’t take much more, his skin stung and he could imagine the deep bruises that would soon purple his skin.  

Volkov paused his beating and settled in next to him, his hand caressed Ben’s cheek.  

“Shhh.  Shhh.  You scream so beautifully, even with your voice muffled.  That was lovely.”  He pressed a kiss into Ben’s neck, just above the collar.  Ben continued to grunt and moan with forced pleasure, pain, and discomfort.  The discordant jumble of feelings threatened to overwhelm his mind.  Volkov kissed and licked down the column of his neck, and across his collar bone.  His teeth nipped at Ben’s nipples causing Ben to hiss.  

Volkov returned to stroking and stimulating him manually.  It was maddening as he started a long, drawn out, cycle of molesting him and then whipping him with what Ben assumed was a riding crop?  He wasn;t sure, but he suspected.  He would bring him, sobbing, right to the edge, and then beat him as a way to calm down the sensations.  And always, he would soothe him after the beating with kisses and teeth nipping and leaving their own marks.  Ben hated that his body craved this as the part that he could deal with the easiest.  He didn’t want Volkov’s fucking lips and teeth marking him.  He didn’t want to be marked as someone’s.  And he knew that’s exactly what Volkov was doing.  

“Are you ready for me now?” Volkov growled into his ear after nibbling on the lobe.  

Ben whimpered and sobbed, nothing he could indicate would change what Volkov was going to do.  Volkov’s mouth was on his neck again, sucking and biting what he was certain would be visible bruises into his throat.  One of his hands was in his hair, the other was down between his legs again, tugging at the toy he’d pushed in earlier.  

Ben wanted to cry with relief when it was pulled out, but Volkov’s fingers were there again, thrusting in and out of him and curling inside.  Fuck! He hated that feeling of something inside of him, but why did it have to feel so good?  Why did there have to be a part of him that relished the waves of pleasure that would flood him every time Volkov’s fingers moved over that one spot inside of him?  It wasn’t fucking fair that his body could be played like a fucking fiddle and be so damn traitorous while his mind screamed at him.  

Volkov released Ben’s neck and sat with his knees against Ben’s legs.  He took something else off the shelf and Ben soon heard the sound of liquid being squelched into Volkov’s palms.  He could hear him slicking his own member and then slick fingers were being pushed into him again, twisting inside of him.  

The restraints at his knees were undone, but Ben was too terrified to try pulling his legs together again.  

Ben let out one final gasp and then clenched his teeth as hard as he could on the ring as Volkov lined himself up.  He would not scream.  Not this time.  He would not give that to Volkov.  Ben felt his pain settle into deep anger and resentment, like a switch had been flipped.  He stopped clenching and unclenching his fists and wrapped his hands around the chains and squeezed with everything he had.  He would focus all his pain and energy anywhere else except screaming.  

Volkov had taken so much from him.  Ben would keep this from him.  He might scream later.  But he would not scream for him in this first round.  Volkov the sadist would be left unsatisfied.  Sure, he’d get his rocks off inside of him, Ben had reconciled himself to that, but he would not give him the satisfaction of screaming.  He thought about this last week, spent drugged and unaware.  He thought about how he’d learned to be quiet.  He’d be fucking quiet alright.  He could hold off for however long this was going to take.  He could.  He would!

He bit down hard, body straining as Volkov thrust past the tight ring of muscle.  Tears sprang to his eyes anew, but Ben kept silent, only offering soft grunts as Volkov relentlessly fucked into him.  He could tell he was trying to get him to scream.  It fucking hurt more than any other experience, the deepest violation he’d ever known, but he would not give Volkov what he wanted in this moment.  It was the one tiny fraction of a victory he could give himself.  He controlled nothing in his life, but he could control this.  

“You fucking cunt!  Scream!  Scream or I’ll make you regret it!  Scream!  Scream damn it!” Volkov roared.  

Ben refused, he could feel his tears soaking into the blindfold.  Zoe once again popped into his mind’s eye and he didn’t force her back down.  He looked into her beautiful face and tried to pretend that he was sitting in the window seat with her, looking down into his mother’s garden.  And he could smell her lovely skin and feel her soft hair.  

His hands clenched the chains and he pretended that he was touching her.  He held onto it for as long as he could.  He knew the vision wouldn’t last, but it was better than reality - the reality where he was being fucked and brutalized by a madman.  The reality where he’d just lost his virginity–something he’d promised to Zoe, something he would never get back–to a violent unwanted act.  

Volkov fucked him, rhythm brutal and pounding.  Ben couldn’t hold the vision any longer as Zoe slipped from his grasp.  He wanted to cry so badly but he clamped down on it and focused his mind on the pain.  The pain from the bruises that had been sucked into his neck, the stinging pain from the beating Volkov had given him. The pain of his straining, and blessedly neglected cock.  God, he needed to come.  

Volkov’s pace grew erratic and Ben could sense he was near.  Almost over, just hang on.  He’s almost done, he whispered to himself over and over.  Sure enough, Volkov’s hips stuttered with a deep thrust into Ben, who let out a soft moan.  Volkov stayed in him, hips making small rutting movements as he milked himself inside of Ben.  

Ben could feel it.  He could feel the moment Volkov released and he wanted to vomit.  He was glad there was nothing in his stomach to come up.  He felt hot and sticky all over, and he felt Volkov’s semen seeping from inside. The squelching noise that now came with Volkov’s movements didn’t help the sick feeling that washed over him.  He was pretty sure he was bleeding, but he had no way of knowing how badly he’d been torn.  He panted and tried to focus on his breathing.  

Alexsei’s grip was iron tight on him, and Ben could practically sense the rage rolling off of him.  He pulled out roughly and Ben gasped at the sudden emptiness.  Volkov grabbed him by the arm and his knee and flipped him over.  

Volkov’s body was on him again, pressing him down into the mattress.  His hot breath was on his neck as he growled into Ben’s ear, “I bet you think you’re real fucking cute, don’t you.  Let’s see how cute you are when you’re covered in blood.”

Ben finally cried out as the toy was thrust back into his body and turned on.  He squirmed as the frequency of the vibration was turned up.  Volkov took the riding crop and rained down blows on Ben’s shoulders, back, buttocks, and thighs.  Ben let himself scream now, pulling and struggling under the abuse.  Blow after blow came down on his body and he took it all, knowing it was worth it.  He’d held on to something Volkov couldn’t take from him.  Sure, he was screaming now, but he clung to the one tiny victory he’d earned.  The first since he’d been taken, and maybe the last one he would ever have  

The riding crop struck with such force that it opened up the skin on his back and legs where the whip marks were still healing, letting Ben’s blood run down onto the sheets.  Ben’s anger began to fade and was replaced with deep exhaustion and agony.  His cries grew more and more quiet as he didn’t have the strength or the voice to scream anymore.  

Volkov stopped hitting him and turned him over onto his abused back.  Ben writhed and moaned as the fresh cuts came in contact with the sheets.  Volkov backhanded him across the face and his lip split open where it was stretched around the gag.  

“You don’t wanna scream for me, that’s fine.  Let’s see how you like having my cock down your throat instead of the gag.”

Ben paled.  He’d thought Volkov might do this, but doing so while he was angry?  Oh God, he wasn’t going to be able to breathe.  Ben imagined himself choking to death on Volkov’s dick.  

He twisted and tried to pull his head away as Alexsei grasped his hair and wrenched his head back.  With another twist, the silicone gag was yanked from his mouth.  

“Bet I can go deeper than that training gag, little kitten.”

Ben’s scream of terror was cut off by Volkov’s heated, heavy member shoved into his mouth.  Ben heaved at the taste.  He could taste the bitterness of Volkov’s seed, he could taste himself on Volkov, still thick and hot.  Fuck!  He heaved again and brought up bile, but there was nowhere for it to go except back down his throat.  He swallowed convulsively but nothing alleviated the most vile thing he’d been forced to endure.  

Ben struggled as his head was manipulated into just the right position and Volkov’s cock kept pressing in, deeper and deeper.  He couldn’t breathe.  I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe!  Volkov bottomed out, balls pressing into Ben’s chin as he coughed and choked around the intrusion in his throat.  Volkov held him there while Ben jerked and twitched against him. The mad Russian’s fingers stroked Ben’s cheeks, running through the tears that had soaked through the blindfold and left his face damp.  Ben was forcibly reminded of Volkov telling him this was what he was made for.  This is how he was going to live his life for the foreseeable future.  Something to be fucked into and abused as Volkov saw fit.  He closed his eyes under the blindfold and let the tears seep further into the fabric.  

After an agonizing amount of time where Ben’s vision began to go gray around the edge, Vokov pulled back, just enough so that Ben could suck in a couple of breaths of air before plunging into him again.  Ben’s protesting throat and attempts to beg for relief served only to spur Aleksei on.  Round after punishing round of Volkov thrusting deeply into Ben’s throat and only pulling back enough so that he could take a couple of breaths and then thrusting in again.  

Ben’s eyes rolled back and he felt all the fight slipping from him.  When Volkov finally spilled into him, his cock was so deep that Ben had no choice but to compulsively swallow the salty, bitter discharge.  Volkov kept himself pressed deep inside of Ben’s throat until the boy slumped, no longer struggling, back onto the bed. 

It’s the small victories. I can’t remember when the last time I actually sat down and read a book was, although I’ve read lots of fanfiction I just haven’t been able to sit down and focus on a book recently. Until today that was! It’s a childrens book and it only took me 45 minutes to read it but a book is a book and I enjoyed it. Just leaves 20 on my to be read shelf.

 The Holidays are over but there’s no reason to stop celebrating small things. It’s been

The Holidays are over but there’s no reason to stop celebrating small things. It’s been a tough year and we should be kind to ourselves. You survived 2020: well done! Put on pants today? That’s awesome! Checked  in on a friend? You deserve extra karma points for that! Feel like you didn’t do anything worth celebrating today? Remember you are still awesome and it’s okay and normal to feel bad sometimes!⁠ This was one of my best nine for 2020 on Instagram, and I updated it a little bit for

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