

As I mentioned in my last post, @wizardsmagic has given me four cards from this year’s awesome Ikoria Commander decks to preview. I did the first one over on my twitter, but the second one is happening right here, right now!
Here are the rules: Ask me yes/no questions about the card through my inbox. Once there are a handful of different questions, I will answer them in a reblog to this post. This will continue until someone guesses the card, at which point I will show it off in the final repost. Good luck, have fun, play nice. 

Hey all, I did a guessing game to reveal the first reprint of my four free previews from @wizardsmag

Hey all, I did a guessing game to reveal the first reprint of my four free previews from @wizardsmagic over on my twitter, so if you don’t follow me there, give me a follow if you can! I still have two more reprints and a new card to show off, so I’ll be doing the next one here on tumblr in a few hours. Keep your eyes open. Thanks again to WotC for this opportunity to show off cards from the Ikoria Commander set!

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And here it is! My brand new hot and fresh free preview from Commander 2020!This is a spicy one for

And here it is! My brand new hot and fresh free preview from Commander 2020!
This is a spicy one for sure. Thanks to @wizardsmagic for the ability to bring this card to you. You can see me discuss the card at the start of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeiOCXMB-kk

Post link







As I mentioned in my last post, @wizardsmagic has given me four cards from this year’s awesome Ikoria Commander decks to preview. I did the first one over on my twitter, but the second one is happening right here, right now!
Here are the rules: Ask me yes/no questions about the card through my inbox. Once there are a handful of different questions, I will answer them in a reblog to this post. This will continue until someone guesses the card, at which point I will show it off in the final repost. Good luck, have fun, play nice. 

Is it a permanent? No.
Is it a reprint? Yes…
Is it multicolored? No.
Is it legendary? No.

Has it been reprinted before? Yes.
Does it create mana? No.
Is it Cyclonic Rift? No.
Is it Teferi’s Protection? No.
Is it green? Yes.

Was it originally printed in a Commander product? No.
Is it a sorcery? No.
Is it a pump spell (e.g. Giant Growth)? No.
Is it an instant? Yes.
Does it have X in its cost? No.
Does it create tokens? No.

Also, for anyone asking for my twitter, it’s here: https://twitter.com/JqlGirl

Is it removal? No.
Does it put land(s) onto the battlefield? Yes.

Is it Harrow? No.
Is its CMC 3+? No.

You’re all so close to the answer!

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!
The card is, indeed, Crop Rotation! Complete with its sweet Duel Deck art!

This is only the second reprint of Crop Rotation ever (not counting MTGO) and so hopefully the increased supply will drop its hefty price a little bit.
Thanks again to @wizardsmagic​ for this free Ikoria Commander preview!
Be sure to follow me on twitter for more news about my further previews. I have one reprint and a brand new card left to show off! Neat!
