#fresh the movie



Stalkers Tango 1

Chapter name: A Surgeon & A School Teacher

Series Summary: “Oh yeah definitely a little suspicious bag of chips, never can trust anything or one.” You smiled, putting in your number into his phone.

He laughed. “Yeah, you’ve got no clue.”

“See you Steve.” You smirked walking down the aisle.

Steve watched as she walked away back to something that would be ‘normal’ Shopping for groceries every Wednesday, he’d been watching her and looking her up for months now getting an idea as to what is her normal schedule. Work all week then on the weekends stay in and maybe grade or watch Netflix, Wednesdays grocery shopping, Thursdays out to eat, Friday relax and repeat, normal. He walked out with a smirk and headed to his car driving off.

Pairing:Steve Kemp x Reader

Warning’s: Manipulation, drugging, Stalking, and Smut

Word count:1298

A/n: Here’s the first part I hope you all like it the next coming parts should be longer than this one, feedback is appreciated, thx-SSITKOW

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Stalkers Tango Masterlist

Series Summary: “Oh yeah definitely a little suspicious bag of chips, never can trust anything or one.” You smiled, putting in your number into his phone.

He laughed. “Yeah, you’ve got no clue.”

“See you Steve.” You smirked walking down the aisle.

Steve watched as she walked away back to something that would be ‘normal’ Shopping for groceries every Wednesday, he’d been watching her and looking her up for months now getting an idea as to what is her normal schedule. Work all week then on the weekends stay in and maybe grade or watch Netflix, Wednesdays grocery shopping, Thursdays out to eat, Friday relax and repeat, normal. He walked out with a smirk and headed to his car driving off.

A/n: Guess who is back and with a new sires! Yes this is about Steve from Fresh y'all can be mad, or you can enjoy, I know it’s been a long time but meh…

Series Warning’s: Cannibalism (Obvi), Death, murder, drudging, Dark themes, smut, kidnapping, blood, stockholm syndrome, That should be it but we’ll see.

Me rn: fine I’ll give it a chance


“If I could, you don’t think I would pretend?
Trouble’s coming, but I still don’t know when
That’s the voice that I can hear in my head
I hear it over and over again”

- trouble’s coming by royal blood

Series Masterlist

Pairing:Steve Kemp x Female!Reader
Chapter Warnings: As always, 18+ ONLY PLEASE. Whoo boy, where do I start? This chapter has mentions of cannibalism and cannibalistic thoughts, death/murder, serial killers, kidnapping, blood, violence, injuries, bruising, weapons, anxiety and paranoia, manipulation and the reader thinking she’s going crazy. One again, everything Steve does to people is a warning. And of course, Steve Kemp and Nick Fowler, because those two are warnings all on their own, let alone together. As always, if I miss any triggers, please let me know.
Notes: Chapter Eight, let’s gooooo! Sorry it took me so long, and it isn’t as long as some of the others, but it’s still good, I promise. This chapter is not beta’d, so any mistakes are my own.

Credit to my wonderful best friend @thesundrop/@staticscreenwriting​ for my dividers and header! Be sure to check out her writing, she’s great.


Nick honestly didn’t mean for his life to turn out like this, with him a cannibalistic serial killer, just like Steve Kemp. It just…happened. When he first began working at the CIA, before everything with Steve and Y/N, and before he became a monster too, Nick Fowler was nothing more than a newcomer hoping to prove himself worthy on his first undercover mission. A mission where Nick was to investigate a possible cannibalism ring as a prospective trainee. What a way to haze the new guy. Then again, it wasn’t as if Nick had much choice. After all, he had to find some way to pay the bills, and if this is how it needs to be done, then so be it. 

Of course, Nick was worried about the mission. It would be surprising if anyone wasn’t. Yet, despite his apprehension, Nick still felt a sick, dark excitement at being involved in something like this. He wasn’t excited about taking down a criminal enterprise. What excited him was he idea of being a cannibal, sampling humans and making even more money through his own criminal enterprise. After having little money in his life before joining the CIA, Nick always wanted more, so the chance to earn more was enticing to him. Especially since it was dirty money. 

And besides, just because he had to destroy this cannibal’s entire operation didn’t mean that he couldn’t enjoy his time as one, or that he couldn’t pick up any tips…just in case.

Even now, years later, Nick still remembers the first time he tasted human meat. “You know, I figured that if you’re going to be working with me for a while, then it’s about time you try the product.” Nick was told. And then, a plate was pushed towards him. It looked like a standard plate of spaghetti and meatballs, but there was nothing ordinary about it. Again, though, Nick still felt the dark excitement filling his stomach. After taking a bite, it took Nick a few moments to get used to the unfamiliar sensation and taste in his mouth, but as he swallowed, he realised something. He liked it. 

The man across from him, the very person Nick was sent to take down, laughed. “I recognise that look. I looked like that the first time, too. Good, isn’t it?” Nick nodded, too speechless to say anything. The man grinned and clapped Nick on the shoulder. “Come on. There’s so much I have to show you.”

Everything in Nick’s life changed from that moment, and a new world of possibilities opened up. Soon, Nick was working under the cannibal as his protégé. He trained Nick in everything he knew, and Nick was soon selling and harvesting human meat too. However, Nick decided when he got started, he’d be doing things differently than his boss. For starters, his boss was far too showy with his wealth. His house was ornately decorated, with huge paintings in gilded frames hanging on every wall. Of course, it proved that being a butcher of human meat pays well, which was even more appealing to Nick. Yet, seeing such a garish display of wealth still made Nick roll his eyes. No wonder this dumbass was being investigated by the CIA. If there’s any way to show that you’re questionably rich, it’s this. That’s not to say that Nick didn’t reap the benefits of being a butcher too. Of course he did. He just decided that he wouldn’t show his wealth off so much and attract suspicion. And besides, despite his new business opportunities he wasstill an agent, so he needs to fly under the radar.

After another few weeks, Nick’s undercover mission ended, and the man he was working with soon went to prison for his crimes. Sometimes, Nick still pictures the look on his face when he realised Nick had been playing him the whole time. The betrayal on his face still makes Nick laugh. Of course, he tried to argue that Nick was just as involved as him, but nobody listened. Because who wouldn’tbelieve the heroic, promising young CIA agent who just exposed an entire cannibalism ring over the head of said ring? If only those around him had known that despite locking up one monster, this mission unleashed another. And this one was far more dangerous than the one before him.

Once the furore had died down, Nick began working again, raising the ruins of the business from the ashes and moulding it to his every need. Of course, he still ensured that this job didn’t impact his position in the CIA, and vice versa. After a while, Nick made more money than he could’ve dreamt of within the CIA, and he soon rose up the ranks of the cannibalism food chain…so to speak.

Despite how much Nick earned, it still wasn’t enough for him, and soon, he craved more.

More wealth.

More power.

More blood.

And that’s when Nick decided he needed fresh and current victims, rather than bodies kept in storage. Thankfully for him, being part of the CIA means Nick can make all the evidence that connects him to the victims and crime scenes disappear. Nick loved his life back then. He could play both sides and always win, and nobody around him suspected a thing. Because, after all, who would suspect that the well-respected CIA agent at the top of his field was secretly a mass murderer? 

But then, Steve Kemp entered the picture. And Nick’s perfect life began to crack. Steve was new and different, meaning that it was easy for him to rise in popularity, threatening Nick’s spot. It’s only when you come close to losing everything that you appreciate what you actually have. And Nick was in danger of losing everything he had worked so hard for. So Nick decided Steve had to go. Thankfully, Nick’s job as an agent made it easy for him to lock Steve up under the guise of protecting the community. Obviously, it was actually to protect Nick’s fame and fortune, but Nick couldn’t go around admitting that. Nick was devastated when the case fell through, but his first failed attempt to stop Steve only amplified his desire to put an end to him. He knows now that he may have gone overboard with the constant attempts to put Steve behind bars and pin almost every murder (including Nick’s own) on him, but what else was Nick supposed to do to stop him? 

Soon, Nick realised that he’d have to do things differently to stop Steve. Thankfully, that idea seemed to work, and Steve was arrested only a few weeks later. Of course, Nick ensured that his tip from a ‘concerned business partner’ remained anonymous. As soon as Steve was arrested, Nick paid him a visit. He knows he shouldn’t have now, but back then he had to. It was funny, in a strange way. The new kid who tried to challenge him and thought he was so much better than Nick got himself caught, and locked behind bars. And the whole time, he was completely unaware that the person who called in the tip to put him there, and the head of their entire network was right in front of him. Steve looked so small and pathetic in his orange jumpsuit. Nick thought it suited him.

After Steve’s arrest, things were back to normal. Actually, things were perfect. Steve being gone restored Nick to his rightful position at the top. After spending so long at the bottom, Nick was finally the one everyone bowed to, and the one everyone feared. And Steve was there to take the blame for his dirty deeds. Even though people are still searching for the culprit behind Nick’s crimes, he is finally comfortable. Despite his worries about being exposed, Nick still has to stop himself from laughing. If only those idiots knew that the person they were looking for is right in front of them, and the head of the case.

Naturally, Nick kept his eye on Steve since he got locked up, just in case he talked. And that’s how Y/N came onto Nick’s radar. He first heard about her a few days after her first visit with Steve. The plucky profiler, out of her depth and trying to solve a case that put her in danger. Danger from both Steve and Nick. Immediately, Nick realised he had to monitor Y/N too, because he knew from the start that she was different. He had heard that she had this overwhelming determination and fire, and that she just wouldn’t stop trying to solve the case, arguably more so than anyone else. He had hoped that dealing with Steve would scare her off, but it only seemed to spur her on. Of course, now he knows why. Back then, for the first time in his life, even after his interactions with Steve Kemp, Nick Fowler felt terrified that everything he had would come crashing down around him. He wouldn’t let that happen, though. He couldn’t. And that’s why Nick decided that Y/N had to be stopped at all costs. 

It was easy to find Y/N on social media, and Nick spent hours and hours scrolling through her images and posts, finding out almost everything he could about her which prepared him to meet her. And to use all this information to manipulate her, of course. When Nick was offered the chance to join the case, he jumped at it, finally seeing his opportunity to shut her up. Nick didn’t want to kill her right away, honestly. He just put too much faith in his romantic skills, trying to butter her up with kisses and broken promises, hoping that showing some love to the girl who had none would be enough to make her stop. When that failed, he took her off the case, praying she finally got the hint to stop looking. Even that wasn’t enough, though, and the annoying bitch still won’t stop poking her nose into things. So now, she has to die.

Nick’s eye twitches, signifying his lack of sleep. Ever since Y/N and Steve escaped, he’s been up almost every hour of the day, just waiting for them to stroll through the door together, ready and waiting to send him away. That’s also why he’s been watching the door, just in case Y/N walks back through it. Warily, Nick glances around the room, checking to see if people are staring at him or whispering about him. Y/N may be an annoying bitch, but Nick finds himself agreeing with her. Having everyone at your work whisper about you isn’t an ideal situation. Nick takes a deep breath. No. He’s the hero here. Everyone loves him. Nobody suspects a thing. It’s just Y/N and Steve who know the truth. Nick’s blank computer screen stares back at him. Still no news about where either of them are, either from the agency or his source. His leg bounces anxiously, despite his best attempts to stop it. He’s worked so hard to get to where he is, and now it’s all about to fall apart unless he finds Y/N and Steve first and silences her permanently. Nick huffs.

He just has to find them first.


“Y/N, I promise you, I don’t know anything else about him!” Steve insists as Y/N paces back and forth across the bedroom. She anxiously nibbles the skin around her thumb as her mind swims with thoughts and possibilities about Nick Fowler. What’s going to happen to them both if he’s a murderer too? “Please, just slow down and tell me what’s happening.” Y/N takes a breath.

“I think Nick is the serial killer we’ve been trying to stop.” She explains. Strangely, saying her panicked thoughts out loud feels freeing. Even if she doesn’t know how Steve is going to react. Steve frowns, blinking in surprise until the words sink in.


“I know, I know, I sound like I’m crazy-” Y/N begins. Steve cuts her off.

“I’m not saying you’re crazy, Y/N. It’s just a weird thing to say!” He points out. Y/N sighs. He’s right. Itis weird. But as she thinks things over once more, Y/N swears that she’s never felt so strongly about something in her life. “I mean, that’s a serious accusation to make. Take it from me. Please, just sit down so we can talk this out rationally.” 

“Look, you said it yourself. He seems unhinged, right? And that he was hiding something? I thought that too!”

“I said that as a joke, because he pissed me off! I didn’t mean that he’s a serial killer!” Steve argues. “Are you sure about this?”

“No. I’m not totally sure, especially not without all my research.” She admits. “It makes sense, though! He bit me hard enough to draw blood, and he tasted it. And the serial killer bites people too! I know it’s circumstantial, but why else would he want me off the case?”

“Maybe because he’s an asshole who can’t take it when people jeopardise his position?” Steve answers. His voice has a joking tone, but it doesn’t help ease Y/N’s worry. She shakes her head.

“No! Just listen to me, Steve, please!” Picking up the panic in her voice almost immediately, Steve shuts up, allowing her to continue. “I mean, he lied enough to me during our ‘relationship’, if you can even call it that. I always noticed him trying to hide his anger from me, and he definitely hid how violent he was from me, too. He could have been hiding anything! And he took me off the case, remember? What if that was to stop me from finding something that I wasn’t supposed to? As head of the case, it’d be easy for him to make evidence…or people go missing.” Noticing her slight pause, Steve raises a brow. Y/N pants, feeling her heart rate rising again. Steve gets up, walking over to her. He gently takes her hands. “God, you think I’m losing it, don’t you? I think I am.”

“I could never think that.” Steve responds. “I told you, Y/N, you’re the smartest and most beautiful woman I know. And even though I may need a little more convincing before I believe your theory, I know that you’re terrified of him, and that’s more than enough for me.” He pulls her close, kissing her forehead. The kiss makes Y/N feel a little more comfortable, but she’s still worried.

“It’s just, I slept with him and openly challenged him! Not to mention that I’m a witness too! With evidence all over me! What if he comes after us? He’s going to kill me, a-and-” Y/N’s voice becomes even more panicked.

“Hey, hey, hey. Shhh….” Steve cuts her off, holding Y/N in his arms as she panics. “I told you, I brought you here so I could protect you, and that’s what I’m going to do. I promise you’ll be okay. I will not let Nick Fowler hurt you. Besides, he’s all the way back home, and we’re miles away. He has no idea where we are.” Steve gently runs his thumb over her knuckles. He stays holding her until she calms down, reassuring her that she’s safe and he won’t let anyone hurt her. Even after she’s calmed down, the pair stand in silence together for even longer, just holding each other. In the past few months, Y/N’s life has been turned upside down, with far more danger than she’s ever experienced in her whole life. She somehow got herself entangled with two maniacs, fell in love with one, and now the other is probably coming after them and will kill them both. Y/N did say that she wasn’t sure how she’d ever be able to handle two maniacs, let alone one…so maybe she should’ve been more careful about what she wished for. 

Yet, despite knowing that Steve is just as much of a maniac as Nick, his promise to protect her makes her feel better. Because through all the craziness of her life, and despite his own dangerous nature, Steve has been the one constant, the one person who’s been kind to her. And despite the rocky start to their relationship and that he kidnapped her, Steve has never intentionally hurt her, and she believes him more and more as time goes on. Obviously, it’s still a shock to Y/N that the cannibalistic murderer is the one who’s trying to keep her safe from another cannibalistic murderer. However, Y/N loves Steve so fucking much that she doesn’t care about the person he is anymore. To her, he’s the love of her life and the person she wants to spend the rest of her life with.


In the following days, Y/N and Steve settle into their new lives and surroundings. Despite there not being much around them, they find things to do and get to know their new neighbours. Y/N gets to know the store’s owner, Jenna, and even helps her by doing a few shifts there every week, just to keep herself busy instead of staying in the cabin with nothing else to do. Well, she has nothing to do except stare out of the window, worrying that Nick will appear out of nowhere. Steve also got some clothes and other essentials ordered for her, just so she feels more comfortable and at home. At the end of each shift, Steve picks her up with a smile and a kiss, and the two walk back to their cabin, their home, hand in hand. Y/N is grateful to see Steve after every shift, not least because they’re dating. Steve coming to pick her up makes Y/N feel safe, and it eases her anxiety a little. His tight, protective grasp on her hand each time also makes Y/N believe that nobody can hurt her as long as they’re together. Steve even cooks for her every night (thankfully nothing human), and his dishes are incredible. And Y/N’s finally happy. Of course she is. Why wouldn’t she be? She’s with the one person she’s always wanted to be with after finally accepting her true feelings about him, and they’re living together. 

Even so, though, and despite Steve’s constant reassurance, Y/N still can’t stop feeling paranoid. She’s barely sleeping, and she constantly keeps her head on a swivel, checking every corner or alleyway to make sure that Nick Fowler or the whole of the FBI or CIA aren’t there, ready to jump out and take both her and Steve back, destroying their happy life. Y/N looks over at Steve. Sometimes, she still finds herself in disbelief that they’re together, side by side, and that they’re free to kiss and touch each other without prying eyes or handcuffs. And that’s why Y/N never wants this, her and Steve, to end. Even though she’s still terrified that it’s coming.

Miles away, Nick is still fruitlessly searching for them both, and still being hounded for updates and interviews. At this rate, he’s considering just going out by himself and driving through the entire country, knocking on every house until he finds someone, somewhere, who knows the truth. His fist trembles and he angrily grabs it, trying to hide it from those around him. This constant worry about whether he’s about to be hauled off to prison isn’t any good for him. He needs to find them both, and soon.

Almost as if the universe is listening to him, Nick’s phone rings beside him. The noise makes him jump a little, and the gaze of the others in the room turns to the source of the noise. Embarrassed, Nick grabs his phone, staring down at the caller I.D. There isn’t one, meaning it’s likely one of his…businessassociates. A wave of anger fills his blood, and quickly, Nick picks up his phone, disappearing into the bathroom to answer the call. 

“I told you not to call me at work.” He hisses. “Do you have any idea what could’ve happened?” A burst of laughter sounds on the other end, making Nick even angrier. Before he can say anything, the voice of his source speaks.

“Oh yes, we can’t have people finding out your dirty secrets Nick, can we? I mean, if you want to hang up and continue pretending to be a good guy, then by all means, do it. It just means you won’t get to hear the information I have for you.” Immediately, Nick’s hopes rise. 

“What is it? What do you know?” He demands, his words coming out quickly and rushed.

“No. You don’t get to speak to me like that and expect the information.” Nick huffs.

“Listen to me. You better tell me what you know, or-”

“Or what? Really, Fowler? You want to make threats to me? Because I can do that too. I have everything I have on you and our partnership ready to be sent to the head of each agency. One more bad or ungrateful word, and I hit send.” That shuts Nick up, and he thinks through his following words carefully.

“I’m sorry. Please, can you tell me what you know?” Nick asks, grimacing as he forces the words out.

“Now, was that so hard?” The voice teases. Nick feels his fist clenching and shaking in anger again, but he stops himself from getting angry. Finding Steve and Y/N is what is more important. And if that means he has to control his temper, then so be it. “I guess you’ll be pleased to know that I found them both.” Nick’s mouth drops open, and a sense of hope overtakes him. Finally, he can end this for good.

“You did? Where are they?” 

“Not so fast. I have to go. I’ll text you their location.” The call hangs up before Nick can say another word. Nick isn’t even angry by the abrupt end to the call. He’s just so happy that he can finally stop Y/N and Steve. As Nick leaves the bathroom, he almost collides with a person. He looks down to see an agent staring at him. 

“What do you want?” He snaps. The man frowns.

“I just need to go to the bathroom?” Nick steps out of the way, and the man walks in, muttering something about how Nick’s a dickhead under his breath. Once again, Nick doesn’t even care about the comment. His phone buzzes once more, signifying a text, and he quickly glances at it. 

“Found them.” Another one comes through soon after with the location. Nick can’t stop a huge grin from spreading onto his face.

It’s time for him to take a trip.


A few days later, Y/N and Steve are walking back from the store together, hand in hand, just as always. However, something feels strange. Of course, Y/N still feels anxious, but today, something is different. There’s this weird feeling settling in her gut, and she’s never felt something like this before. Her gaze turns to the sky, and she looks at the big dark clouds above them. “Those don’t look good.” 

“Yeah, it looks like it’s going to storm.” Steve sighs. “We should get back before the rain starts. I might chop some firewood in case the electrics go.” As they speed up. Y/N tries to grapple with her feelings and the strange sensation in her gut. Maybe it’s just the storm and the smell of rain in the air making her feel weird. At least, that’s what she hopes it is. “You alright?” Steve asks, noticing something is off and how silent she is. “There’s nobody there. Don’t worry, I checked.” Y/N nods, unsure whether she’s trying to convince her or Steve that she’s okay. But, as they get nearer to the cabin, a memory plays in her mind. When she first started her training, she was told to trust her gut instinct, even when it seems wrong, because listening to it just might save your life. Maybe it’s kicking in now. Warily, Y/N looks around on her own, making sure there’s nobody there. She takes a deep yet shaky breath once she realises there’s nobody there. They’re safe. They’re okay. Even though the pit in her gut is still there, despite how much she tries to ignore it, and it stays there all the way home.

Once they’re out amongst the trees, Y/N doesn’t feel much better, even with Steve holding an axe beside her. As he chops wood, Y/N stands off to the side, keeping watch and trying to calm herself down as the wind starts to howl and as the sky continues to darken around them. Steve’s right. A storm is coming.

“Y/N.” Steve speaks, the sound of his voice making her jump. “Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You look terrified.” Y/N nods quickly, and Steve raises his brow. He sighs. “Look, I understand how you feel. Trust me, I do, but you don’t have to be scared. We’re totally off the grid here. Nobody except the people who live here knows that we’re here.”

“Are we off the grid? Really? Y/N snaps. “I’ve worked at the FBI long enough to know how easy it is to find people who don’t want to be found, and if I know one thing about Nick Fowler, it’s that he’s determined when he wants to be. And of course, let’s not forget that he might be a fucking serial killer too. Because the universe decided one wasn’t enough for me to deal with.” She huffs. Her last sentence os murmured, but Steve hears it anyway.

“What’s that supposed to mean? Am I just someone you have to ‘deal with’?” He asks, his eyes narrowing. Immediately, Y/N regrets her word choice. “I love you, and I know this situation isn’t ideal, and I’m sorry that things turned out the way they did to get us here, but I’m fucking trying, okay?” He exclaims. Y/N picks up on the sadness in his voice. Immediately, she feels terrible.

“I didn’t mean it like that, Steve. I love you. You know I do. I know you’re trying, and I love being here. Honest!” Y/N can hear her voice cracking as if she’s about to cry, and she pushes through. “I just meant that everything that’s been going on in my life: this case, you, Nick, and being taken here…it’s just a lot for me to deal with all at once, alright?” She sighs. Steve says nothing, and Y/N’s heart sinks. “Sorry. I’ll um, I’ll go back to the cabin and start dinner or something.” She mutters, turning on her heel and walking back through the trees. As she walks, Y/N tries not to cry, despite the few tears rolling down her cheeks. Sheis happy. Of course she is. She loves Steve more than anything in the world, but she’s just messed everything up. Now he probably thinks she hates him, when that’s the furthest thing from the truth.

At that moment, the first few drops of rain start to fall. “Fuck.” Y/N hisses, running back to the cabin as the wind picks up again and it starts to pour, the rain soaking her. As she runs, she thinks of Steve. She was so worried about Nick destroying her happiness, and now she might have just ruined it, all by herself. Hopefully, Steve forgives her and is following behind her now. Even though she can’t hear any footsteps. Once Y/N’s back in the cabin, it’s eerily silent. She flicks the light switch a few times, but no light comes on. At least Steve was right about the electrics, and he’ll be bringing firewood back. It still doesn’t make things less creepy, though. Y/N makes her way to the bathroom to dry herself off. As she does so, she hears a creaking noise. One that sounds like footsteps. “Steve?” Y/N calls. “Is that you?” There’s no answer, and Y/N frowns. She opens the door and steps out.

A chill wind blows throughout the cabin, its howl echoing throughout the walls, and Y/N instinctively pulls her jacket closer to her body. “Steve?” She calls again. “Are you there?” Silence. Y/N feels her blood run cold. God, this place is creepy. She takes another shaky breath. “Steve?” She repeats. There’s an eerie feeling in the air as the sound of Y/N’s footsteps echoes around the cabin, her heart beating so rapidly that it’s in danger of bursting out of her chest. “Steve, if this is you, it isn’t funny, you asshole. I told you I was sorry. Stop it.” She orders. Walking deeper into the cabin, she looks around, waiting to see if Steve will appear from the shadows. The noises stop soon after, and Y/N breathes a happy, yet still shaky, sigh of relief. She’s just imagining things. It’s just because she’s been on edge these past few days. That’s all. She’s safe. She’s alright.

“Hello, Y/N.” An all too familiar voice sounds from behind her. Y/N’s heart almost stops. “I’m here to take you home.”

“No. Please, god, let this be a nightmare. Please.” She whimpers. But deep down, Y/N already knows it’s not a nightmare. Gripping the countertop tightly, she turns around and comes face to face with Nick Fowler. She screams, hoping it’s loud enough for Steve to hear over the storm. Nick scoffs, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, there’s no need for that now, is there?” Nick asks, a mocking tone dripping from his every word. He steps forward, and Y/N backs up, pressing her entire body against the counters behind her. The handles dig into her back, and she winces in pain, but she knows she must stay strong. “After all, I’m just here to take you home after what happened with Steve. Isn’t that what you want?” Nick repeats. Y/N knows he’s trying to look innocent, even though she knows the truth about the sort of person he is.

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Y/N shakes her head, trying to remain calm despite being terrified. “I know what you are, and what you’ve done to all those women. You can stop pretending now, Nick. You weren’t even that good at it, anyway.” Nick raises his brows.

“You do, do you? How…smart of you.” Y/N nods. Her hand moves along the countertops, trying to find something, anything, to use as a weapon to fight back.

“Now get the fuck away from me. I told you, I’m not going anywhere with you.” She orders. Nick sighs, sucking his teeth.

“The thing is…I’m afraid you don’t have a choice, sweetheart. Dead or alive, you’re coming with me. I would rather have you alive, though.” Y/N can see a smirk on his face. A smirk that chills her to the bone. At least when Steve tells her he isn’t going to hurt her, it’s believable. Steve. Oh god, Steve. He’s probably still in the woods, with no idea what’s happening. Nick sighs. “I tried my best to warn you, you know? I took you off the case. You didn’t listen to me. I told you to stay away from Steve and the prison. And you still didn’t listen to me. Now, you know too much, and I have to silence you for it.” He takes a few steps forward, and Y/N backs up, pressing her body against the counters even more. “The thing is, Y/N, I am sorry, and I hate how it’s come to this.”

“No you’re not.” She snaps. Nick chuckles.

“True…maybe I’m not. It’s still your own fault, though. If you had behaved, it would have made things easier for you.” He tuts. Y/N shakes her head.

“No. You’re the one who bit me, Nick, remember? And you tasted my blood. If you hadn’t done that, I probably wouldn’t have figured out it was you. So really, it’s your fault. I told you, I was just doing my job, and I will make sure that you suffer for what you’ve done.” Immediately, Nick’s face changes to one of pure rage. And that look scares Y/N more than anything he’s ever done.

“Why couldn’t you have just learnt to stay out of it and keep your fucking mouth shut, you nosy bitch? He hisses, storming forward. Y/N quickly grabs a knife from the knife block beside her. She thrusts it out, pointing it at Nick as a warning to not come any closer to her as she backs up towards the door. Surprisingly, it seems to work, and Nick stops following her for a moment. However, after thinking things over, he simply chuckles in response, raising one of his brows again. “You know, you look just like Steve when you do that.” He smirks. When Y/N doesn’t respond, Nick continues. “Go on then. Kill me.” He tells her. Y/N watches him warily, trying her best to stop her hand from shaking. “Just know that if you do that, you’ll be just like Steve and me. A monster. A killer. Is that what you want to be, Y/N? A killer?” His words make Y/N stop, and she gasps.

“What did you just say?” She asks, her voice quieter. 

“Oh, come on, Y/N. Don’t play dumb on me now. Use that big brain of yours you’re always going on about. That’s two cannibalistic serial killers you’ve been with now. One is concerning, but two? Maybe it’s a pattern. You might have more inner darkness than you thought. Maybe your coworkers were right.” He grins. 

“No. No, no, no. I am nothing like you. I am not a killer.” Y/N gasps, her words coming out rushed as she panics. She said she didn’t care about people’s opinions of her and Steve being together, which is true…but that still doesn’t make her a killer. She doesn’t want to be a killer. Memories flood back to her then, memories of the bullies in her workplace, whispering and sniggering about her. And with that, she remembers the pain she felt constantly being judged for something that wasn’t true. Even though part of her brain is trying to tell her that Nick’s manipulating her once more, and not to listen to him. Y/N’s fears are too loud. They’re not true. She’s not a killer. They can’t be true. As Y/N panics, she lowers the knife. And Nick takes his moment to strike. He charges forward, slamming her against the wall. Y/N yelps in pain and the knife slips out of her hand and clatters to the floor, despite her attempt to hold on. She tries to squirm out of Nick’s grasp, but he’s holding her too tightly. So tightly she’ll probably have bruises after this.

“Like I said, Y/N. I really am sorry.” Nick sighs. His hands move towards her neck, and Y/N’s panic increases.

She’s going to die. 

She’s going to die, and her and Steve’s last words to each other were an argument. 

She’s never going to get to say goodbye to him or live the life she always wanted with the man she loved after getting justice for those women. 

And then, a survival instinct kicks in. Y/N’s knee flies out, hitting Nick’s crotch. He cries out in pain, removing his hands from her neck. Y/N takes the opportunity that he’s dazed to bring her elbow back, connecting it with his face. The sound of a crack fills the room, as does Nick’s swearing. 

“I told you to leave me alone.” Y/N pants. She makes a break for the door, flinging it open and running out into the rain. The wind howls and the rain seeps through her clothes. “Steve! Help me!” Y/N screams into the wind, hoping he hears her. She runs forward, towards freedom and the man she loves, fighting against the wind and rain trying to push her back. The whole time, she screams for Steve until her voice is almost gone, hoping he somehow hears her over all the wind and rain. And then, something grabs her waist. 

“Trying to run, huh?” Nick hisses, dragging her back towards the cabin despite Y/N kicking and thrashing in his grasp. She tries to scream for help again, but Nick punches her in the head, stopping her. “You’re not getting away from me, Y/N. I told you, you’re coming with me, dead or alive. And I really think you’d prefer to be alive.” Y/N continues to fight back with all her might, but it’s not enough. Nick’s grasp on her tightens so tightly that Y/N yelps in pain. She plants her feet on the ground, trying to stand still enough to not move despite Nick trying to pull her back. However, the rain has made the ground muddy and slippery, and she can’t get a good enough grip on it. Her feet slip, and she starts falling out of Nick’s grasp. He huffs. “You always have to make things difficult, don’t you?”

And then, something hits Y/N in the head, and it all fades to black.


“Y/N?” Steve calls, walking into the cabin a few hours later. “Sorry, I took a walk to get some air after our argument and got caught up in the storm, so I had to find shelter.” He’s met with silence, aside from the noise of the weather outside. Steve sighs sadly. “I’m sorry Y/N. I didn’t mean to come across as an asshole. I should’ve listened to your worries.” Still, no voice sounds. Not even the sound of Y/N’s laughter. Steve frowns. “Y/N? Are you there?” When there’s still no answer, the hairs on the back of Steve’s neck stand up. Has she really left him? No, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t. She loves him, and he loves her.

So why does he still feel so afraid? In fact, Steve swears this is the most afraid he’s ever been. Even when he was first put into prison.

As Steve steps further into the cabin, a flash of lightning bursts through the sky, illuminating something on the table. A note. Steve gasps. What if she has left him and left a letter explaining herself? What if there are police on their way right now, ready to take him back to prison? Steve swears he feels his heart break at the prospect of that. Of losing the one and only person he loves. Taking a deep breath, Steve braces himself, taking a deep breath, ready to read the note and see where Y/N is. As soon as he starts to read, Steve’s stomach drops, and his fist clenches in anger.

Hello again Steve. I’ve been so looking forward to seeing you and Y/N again. I’m sorry it took so long, but I know where you both are now. Y/N and I have been having a wonderful time catching up together. She really is a beautiful screamer, isn’t she? No need to worry. She’s safe…for now. But despite the good time we’re having, just the two of us, I know it’s not fair without you here. So, come and play.

In case you’re wondering where we are, here’s a clue. ‘Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and dust to dust. When we all fall asleep, where do we go?’ Come alone, or Y/N dies. 

See you soon.
Nick Fowler.


TAGLIST:@buckysboobs,@sebastianstansqueen,@lavendercitizen,@amanda-says,@enchantedbarnes,@eclecticpatrolroadlawyer,@kristophalis,babebr,@nerdypinupcrystal,@marve2014,@sgt-seabass,@themightyloki,@hallecarey1, @phoebethenarwhal, @lxdyred,@potato-with-hair,@chernayawidow, @gabewerk, @snugglingbucky, @late-to-the-party-81,  @abbieff,@shadow-dragonz,@fandomblogs-stuff,@hallecarey1,@rach2602,@littlemissthistle,@booksandbenbarnes, @engie115
