#fresh steve


Spoilers for the movie ‘Fresh’

When Steve says that he first tried human meat when he was 18 or 19 I was slightly confused on how he would have been able to get his hands on it. I started thinking to myself and came up with this theory.

I think Steve and his wife are both Cannibals and that she isn’t a past victim. I think they may have been young loves and they ate her leg. 

Steve also said that he could never really talk about it to anyone so they both married each other because of it and when his wife realized that he may be getting feeling for someone else she gets insecure and that is probably why she came to the house at the end of the movie.


Stalkers Tango 1

Chapter name: A Surgeon & A School Teacher

Series Summary: “Oh yeah definitely a little suspicious bag of chips, never can trust anything or one.” You smiled, putting in your number into his phone.

He laughed. “Yeah, you’ve got no clue.”

“See you Steve.” You smirked walking down the aisle.

Steve watched as she walked away back to something that would be ‘normal’ Shopping for groceries every Wednesday, he’d been watching her and looking her up for months now getting an idea as to what is her normal schedule. Work all week then on the weekends stay in and maybe grade or watch Netflix, Wednesdays grocery shopping, Thursdays out to eat, Friday relax and repeat, normal. He walked out with a smirk and headed to his car driving off.

Pairing:Steve Kemp x Reader

Warning’s: Manipulation, drugging, Stalking, and Smut

Word count:1298

A/n: Here’s the first part I hope you all like it the next coming parts should be longer than this one, feedback is appreciated, thx-SSITKOW

Profiles-Masterlist -  Tagglist-Kinda Spotify playlist-Series Masterlist -

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Stalkers Tango Masterlist

Series Summary: “Oh yeah definitely a little suspicious bag of chips, never can trust anything or one.” You smiled, putting in your number into his phone.

He laughed. “Yeah, you’ve got no clue.”

“See you Steve.” You smirked walking down the aisle.

Steve watched as she walked away back to something that would be ‘normal’ Shopping for groceries every Wednesday, he’d been watching her and looking her up for months now getting an idea as to what is her normal schedule. Work all week then on the weekends stay in and maybe grade or watch Netflix, Wednesdays grocery shopping, Thursdays out to eat, Friday relax and repeat, normal. He walked out with a smirk and headed to his car driving off.

A/n: Guess who is back and with a new sires! Yes this is about Steve from Fresh y'all can be mad, or you can enjoy, I know it’s been a long time but meh…

Series Warning’s: Cannibalism (Obvi), Death, murder, drudging, Dark themes, smut, kidnapping, blood, stockholm syndrome, That should be it but we’ll see.

Me rn: fine I’ll give it a chance
