#friends are amazing

neutronstarchild:Paint Me a PictureCh5: The Golden Dooris online! Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome hav


Paint Me a Picture
Ch5: The Golden Door

is online!

Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome have been giving something very special from Akitoki, and embark on their trip to the New World. What happens when they come through New York?

@ruddcatha and I continue to write this fic in celebration of our wonderful friend @mickisketch. We are so grateful to by your friends my dear… and this fic has been a lot of fun to write. As always, the illustrious @kalcia delivers the beautiful and glorious art for Chapter 5 of 7!

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❤️❤️❤️ you guys are amazing and I’m so lucky to have you as friends

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