
fawn-eyed-girl: I Can’t See You in the Darkness: A birthday story for @anisaanisaA collaboration wit


I Can’t See You in the Darkness: A birthday story for @anisaanisa
A collaboration with @mickisketch
Chapter 1, now live on Ao3!!

Hello everyone! @mickisketch and I are so glad to bring you the first chapter of our (belated) birthday story for @anisaanisa. The first chapter of I Can’t See You in the Darkness is now live on Ao3!

Anisa, love, we are so blessed to know you and to call you our friend. We are tickled to be able to bring you a dark, angsty story with a happy ending that we hope you will enjoy!

Story Summary: This is a dark canon divergence. Time becomes timeless when Kagome is stuck in the jewel and Inuyasha doesn’t call for her. Will she be able to escape the jewel’s influence? Will Inuyasha be able to find her?

This is a dark story, my loves, but it’s angst with a happy ending. Hold tight to that as you read!

Special thanks to @neutronstarchild for our gorgeous banner! We are so grateful.

Tags, as always, are below the cut! Let me know if you would like on or off the train.

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Another friday another Jily moment for you beautiful people! This time we have a hippogriff[!!!!!!!] how awesome is that! This is the second pic I did for Natural Habitat, by @fawn-eyed-girl, and if you still haven’t read it I say you’re sleeping under a rock. Go check it out!!

Ahhh thank you so much @thunderpot​ for this incredible piece of art! It fits the story perfectly!

Yaaaay!! Hippogriff! And Jily!! This is so great Thank you!! ❤️

fawn-eyed-girl:Natural Habitat: A Jily birthday story for @mickisketchChapter 3, now live on Ao3! He


Natural Habitat: A Jily birthday story for @mickisketch
Chapter 3, now live on Ao3!

Hello everyone! The @mickisketch birthday train continues! I am excited to bring you the next chapter of Natural Habitat, which is now live on Ao3!

Inthis chapter, James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus continue their trek into the mountains, where they finally find what they’re looking for, and where James and Lily find…more.

What exactly is the foursome looking for? Check out this amazing commissioned artby@thunderpot to find out!

Special thank you to @neutronstarchild for the gorgeous banner!

Non InuKag content tags activated below the cut

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Thank you so much fawnie!! so amazeballs!

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Howdy, pretty people! Waaa it`s FRIDAY which means it`s naturally a great day because the weekend follows. And that also means sparing a couple hours for a good reading! Yes yes.

This time I have for you this lovely commission I did for the first chapter of Natural Habitat, by @fawn-eyed-girl as we venture not into the wild lands of feudal Japan or the high peaks of ancient China but into magical forests instead! Go check it out and see what it’s all about!

Wow! this looks incredible! So so fun to see Jily in your style

neutronstarchild:Paint Me a PictureCh5: The Golden Dooris online! Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome hav


Paint Me a Picture
Ch5: The Golden Door

is online!

Summary: Inuyasha and Kagome have been giving something very special from Akitoki, and embark on their trip to the New World. What happens when they come through New York?

@ruddcatha and I continue to write this fic in celebration of our wonderful friend @mickisketch. We are so grateful to by your friends my dear… and this fic has been a lot of fun to write. As always, the illustrious @kalcia delivers the beautiful and glorious art for Chapter 5 of 7!

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❤️❤️❤️ you guys are amazing and I’m so lucky to have you as friends

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Happy birthday @mickisketch!!!!! Shout out to @fawn-eyed-girl for helping me focus my thoughts and funnel my ideas :) and then for beta’ing with @hnn-wnchstr


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Wow!! Thank you @lavendertwilight89 This is so amazinly adorable and sweet! They’re such nervous dorks haha ☺️ it’s just all the best feels Thank you so so mich for writing this for me!! You are so sweet!!

kalcia: Happy birthday to a special someone! @mickisketch may your life be filled with anthrax ^0^ &


Happy birthday to a special someone! @mickisketch may your life be filled with anthrax ^0^ <3

Painting of Inuyasha to go with a story written by @neutronstarchildand@ruddcatha“Paint Me a Picture”!

-ko-fi-patreon -  

@fawn-eyed-girl​​@lavendertwilight89​​@superpixie42​​@neutronstarchild​​@nartista​​@ruddcatha​​@hopidoodle​​@dreaming-of-soup​​@xfangheartx​​@liz8080​​@kazeinori​​  @anisaanisa​​@mickisketch​​@kagometaishostory​​@dawnrider​​@lostinfantasyworlds​​@thornedraven​​@caribmiko​​@kawaiichan67​​@princessinume​​@sailorlolo​​@inussunflower​​@ladyphoenix0711​​@sapphirestarxx​​@keichanz​​@bluejay785​​@cookiethewriter​​@goshinote​​@witchygirl99​​@arcprz​​@mymidnightnightmare​​@zelink-inukag​​@malditamigs​​@shnuggletea​​@akikazetohoru-12​​@bashfulbreakdown​​@lauedlp93​​@inugirl13​​@animelov123456789​​@omgitscharlie​​@smmahamazing

Thank you sooo much @kalcia ❤️❤️❤️!! He’s so beatiful and gorgeous and just brings the story to life in such a magical way!! You’re amazing babe!!

(Also.. Loooooool I love how even your birthday gift can’t be without a threat you silly maniac you!! )

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fawn-eyed-girl: Six Sentence Sunday: Natural Habitat: A birthday story for @mickisketch​ Hello every


Six Sentence Sunday: Natural Habitat: A birthday story for @mickisketch

Hello everyone! You may have heard that the incredible @mickisketch​ is having a birthday VERY soon and you may also know that Mickis has a couple of OTPs. One of course is InuKag, but another one of her favorites is Jily. And Mickis has been a very special friend, not to mention an amazing collaborator, and so I thought, what could be better than to combine a couple of her favorite things for her birthday?

Natural Habitat is a James and Lily college AU where Remus, Sirius, James, and Lily are all taking a college course on Magical Woodland Creatures. They are tasked with finding and studying a Hippogriff, which are known to live in the Monadhliath range in Scotland. They have one week to find it, observe it in its natural habitat, and bring back photos and a record of what it does, what it eats, etc. Neither James nor Lily is excited about taking this trip; Lily thinks James is a class clown, and James thinks Lily is a stuck-up know it all, but Remus and Sirius are hoping that their respective best friends can finally learn to get along…or more!

Happy early birthday, my dear friend @mickisketch​, and I hope you have the most wonderful of days!

Thanks to the amazing @neutronstarchild​ for the banners above AND below! I’m so grateful

Teaser and tags below the cut!

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I can’t believe this is your first Jily!? This is so great! And soo completely them I’m SO excited to read this gwaaahhh!! thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️

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neutronstarchild: ruddcatha: Chapter 1 ofPaint Me a PictureA Birthday Story for @mickisketch is now



Chapter 1of
Paint Me a Picture
A Birthday Story for @mickisketch is now online!

Mickis, you are an amazing person and a wonderful friend. @neutronstarchild and I put our heads together r to plot a story to show you how much we adore you!!  The artwork for this chapter by @kalcia is absolutely amazing!  We are releasing it now to make  to make sure we get it to you on you birthday in your time zone, we hope you like it!

Summary:  “Madame can see beyond what others can see.” Kagome looked at the golden paint the kindly old woman was offering, the paint that would complete the painting she had poured her soul into: Inuyasha. Her only respite from the life she was trapped in: a betrothal to one she does not love. But when she adds the final touches to her masterpiece, she finds that she must set her life on a new path, for herself, and for the soulmate that has waited for her to return to him for 400 years.


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Happy birthday @mickisketch. We You!

THANK YOU GUUYS!! @ruddcatha@neutronstarchild@kalcia

Y’all are amazing and I’m so lucky to have you as friends!! ❤️

Also!! This is completely Amaaaazing!! Hits all the marks and I couldn’t be happier and can’t wait to see what happens next!!

Everyone should read!!

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ruddcatha: The celebrations of birthdays continues, this time with a very special birthday teaser fo


The celebrations of birthdays continues, this time with a very special birthday teaser for an absolutely amazing person. The fabulous @mickisketch​ is about to celebrate another year of awesomeness, and @neutronstarchild​ and I got together to plot a story to show you how much we adore you!!


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Aaah!! This is Amaaazing!!

I feel like this is like.. hmm, what are all the things mickis likes? Let’s write about those! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST I’M SO EXCITED!!

I can tell it’s gonna be epic awesome

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