#friends’ writing



Fic Author Self-Recommendations

Tagged by @starsandskies

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

Confessions (Mass Effect)

Female Shepard/Jeff “Joker” Moreau

Feros changes everything for Jeff Moreau.

The Calling (Dragon Age)

Female Surana/Male Amell (Leda is @caffeinatedrogue’s Surana)
Mature (Major Character Death)

Elias Amell accompanies his wife on her Grey Warden Calling, knowing that it was the end for both of them.

A Fighting Hope (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic)

Female Revan/Canderous Ordo

Darth Malak has Bastila in his grip. Revan feels helpless to save her friend and to save the Republic from Malak’s evil. What she needs is a little hope… and a certain Mandalorian to knock some sense into her.

Forever (SWTOR)

Female Jedi Knight/Archiban “Doc” Kimble

Doc’s reunion with the Jedi Knight went as well as he could imagine, but there is one thing he needs to do: Make sure his wife knows how deep his devotion runs.

Disrupting the Simulation (Saints Row 4)

Female Boss(es), Johnny Gat, Kinzie Kensington (Lux is @antivanbrandy’s Boss)

Boss Miri, Boss Lux and Johnny Gat decide to take Kinzie’s advice to heart and ‘disrupt’ Zinyak’s simulation.



Fic Author Self Recommendation

I was tagged by @starsandskiesand@fiannans! Thank you for thinking of me.


When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

I have only written one single one-shot (so far), so that is what y'all are getting!

“Good Company”(The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt)

Lambert/Female OC

Teen+ for alcohol consumption and language

She raised a brow and coyly smiled at Lambert. “Aw, so you do listen to what I say?”

He rolled his eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. How can I not hear you when you’re so damn loud all the time?” Karina pursed her lips. She knew he was exaggerating, considering his hearing is better than the average person’s.

The sorceress pointed at the wine cabinet. “Pick a different one. Or, if you insist on drinking my wine, you’re going to share it with me.”

Lambert looked to the cabinets and back to the bottle he had in his hand.


I’m going to tag this forward to @poeti-kat,@theowlseye, and @pikapeppa, all who I know have many wonderful fics under their belts. As always, no pressure to participate if you don’t want to though!


(more than) Six Sentence Sunday

Tagged with thanks by @morganlefaye79❤️

“Are you sure it’s okay for us to be doing this?” Olivia questioned nervously as Hackett took the lead.

“I’m the best man and you’re the maid of honor,” he easily reasoned, “it would be more suspicious if I didn’t ask you to dance at least once.”

“Well, much as I love it when you do, could you at least stop looking at me like you’re about to tear my clothes off?”

Hackett slowly shook his head. “Can’t help it.”

Olivia rolled her eyes, unimpressed with his risky shenanigans. 

“You look beautiful in that dress,” he continued to tease, “can’t wait to see it on my floor later.”

“Steven,” she hissed through her teeth in playful chastisement, cautiously surveying their surroundings to ensure there were no unwitting eavesdroppers.

Tagging, with no pressure, @starsandskies@fiannans@hobo-apostate@jacklyn-flynn@kemvee@kittimau@hollyand-writes@dismalzelenka@diccix@hanatsuki89@alyssalenko@wickedwitchofthewilds


Fic Author Self-Recommendations

Tagged by the ever wonderful @starsandskies! Thank you!

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

I don’t have that many to choose from, since I have a handful I have more-or-less disavowed bc of that horrible author (yeah, you know who I’m talking about); one of my faves is a DA:I that’s soooo close to being done but here we are; another is my corpo!Val fake relationship trope WIP/current obsession; and my other other favorite is the next in the Into My Arms series, which is languishing because of the previously mentioned obsession.

That leaves seven I have on AO3, but one is from the Lizzie’s prompt event last year, meaning I have to choose five of my six. But you know, one of the best pieces of writing advice I ever received was “kill your darlings,” so here goes, in rough order of my faves.

No One's Gonna Love You — Mitch/Val | explicit

“Hey, Mitch,” she says when he starts to turn.

Even though she has steeled herself for it, when she sees the spark of recognition cross his features and his lips start to quirk, her chest tightens and a warmth spreads from her cheeks to her belly.

“Heh, you’re back. Can’t get enough of me today.”

Blaze of Glory — Mitch & Val | mature

He hopes he’ll get a chance to explain himself to her—not like he’s ever got a shot with V; she’s too young, too pretty, too smart to get caught up with a washed-up-has-been-ex-military Nomad like him—but she should know the truth.

She should know the truth.

Mitch scoffs. Wants her to know the truth, more like. His truth, anyway because what’s the real truth? Besides, after so many retellings who’s to say how much of the truth is left. He’s told the story so many times the fabric has worn through, leaving patches that he reworks and rebuilds with each telling, each word a shimmering thread spun of truth and memory and bullshit.

Know Your Rights — River Ward & Jackie Welles | mature

“I know my rights, officer!” he grumbles, wishing he could kick the back of the pig’s seat but to do that would mean rolling over on his back to get his legs up and risking falling onto the floorboard with the piss and basura. Plus they’ll throw on a resisting charge, and probably assaulting an officer.

“Yeah, you do, because I gave ’em to you before I put you in the back of the car,” the cop says, glancing in the mirror and smirking. “But if you know your rights so well, tell me which one I’m violating.”

Cut Your Hair — Mitch/Val | mature

Today he shows with fifteen minutes on the clock, a cigarette dangling from his flesh fingers as he stands in the shade of the truck and grins up at her.

“Hey, darlin’.”

Stomach flipping, she grins back. “Hey, yourself. Still willing to risk your hair?”

“What’s left of it, you mean?” he asks with a grin, running a hand over his mess of hair and mussing it further.

Triangles — Mitch/Scorpion/Fem V | explicit

“Come on, guys! If I’d known—”

“If you’d known,” V says, mocking her. “You’re ditching us to get dicked down. Drinking with us was always your plan B, wasn’t it.”

“It’s really good dick!” Panam argues.

The two guys share a look and Mitch roars with laughter, and V rolls her eyes. “Whatever, bitch.”

“Call you tomorrow, V? Mitch, Scorpion, tell Saul I said fuck off.”

Tags and more after the cut…

Seguir leyendo


Thanks for tagging me, @sidhelives,@a-shakespearean-in-paris&@starsandskies! <3

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

I only have five published fics on AO3 at the moment, so this is going to be easy, haha.

In no particular order…

1.Fallout (Dragon Age: Inquisition)

Pairing: Cullen Rutherford/Female Trevelyan (Cullvelyan)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,411

Shaken by the events of Jaws of Hakkon, the Inquisitor looks to her Commander for comfort.

She looked up when she heard him and there was an expression on her face he’d never seen before. He’d barely cleared the top of the ladder before she was on her feet and striding towards him purposefully. He expected her to put her arms around him, seeking comfort after the events in the Frostback Basin perhaps, but instead she wrapped her hands in the front of his mantle firmly and tugged. Caught off balance, he steadied himself by grabbing hold of her upper arms as she leaned up and kissed him hard.

2.Interrogation (Mass Effect Trilogy)

Pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian (Shakarian)
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 255

A short missing scene set during ME3, with James and Steve (well, mostly James) grilling Garrus about his relationship with Shepard.

“So…you and Lola, huh?”

3. Catching Up (Mass Effect Trilogy)

Pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian (Shakarian)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2,293

Inspired by Shepard’s line in ME3 about how she and Garrus “have a lot of catching up to do.” Garrus shows up at Shepard’s door after Menae with a bottle of wine and they get reacquainted.

Garrus seemed eager to take the lead and Shepard was happy to let him. The opportunity to relinquish control to someone else—even if only for a brief moment—was a welcome relief. His grip on the back of her neck tightened, blunt talons scraping her skin lightly in a way that made her shiver. She had missed the strangely metallic taste of his mouth and the intoxicating heat of his body, so much warmer than her own.

4.Alone Time (Mass Effect Andromeda)

Pairing: Sara Ryder/Jaal Ama Darav (Rydaal)
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 909

Dating someone from a different culture can mean an even greater chance for misunderstandings, especially when that person is an alien. After she accidentally hurts Jaal’s feelings, Sara attempts to reassure him.

“So…looks like it’s just you and me for the next forty-eight hours, Jaal.”

“Ah.” Jaal stepped closer, his voice dropping to a deliciously deep murmur. “And what did you plan on doing until the rest of the crew gets back?”

In response, Sara curled her hands in the silky folds of his rofjinn and tugged him towards her. He obliged willingly, settling his hands on her hips.

“I have a few ideas,” she said.

5.Something Blue (Mass Effect Trilogy)

Pairing: Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian (Shakarian)
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 1018

Shepard has a few surprises for Garrus on their wedding night.

“Have I told you how much I love this dress?” he asked, fingers drifting across the bare skin of her back and leaving goosebumps in their wake.

“You may have mentioned it once or twice today, yeah,” she replied, a little breathlessly.

“Well, I do,” he said, subvocals rumbling so low it almost sounded like he was purring as he nuzzled the side of her throat and nipped gently at the skin below her ear. “But I think I prefer you out of it…”



Fic Author Self-Recommendations

Tagged by @starsandskies–Thank you!!!

When you get this, reply with your favourite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love.

It’s very tempting for me to only include my Cyberpunk fics, but I’m gonna try to spread out the love a little bit here.

Don’t Get Dead [Dragon Age: Origins; T]

Summary: Somewhat experienced Ansley Hawke offers a little advice and food to Lorelei Cousland during a brief encounter before the battle of Ostagar.

Comments: This is just a little character-driven one-shot between my canon-compliant Hawke and Cousland–I know OC & OC stuff usually slides under folks’ radars for obvious reasons, but I loved writing this, and I always kind of pleasantly surprise myself when I re-read it.

Under Stars [Mass Effect: Andromeda; T]

Summary: Sara Ryder and Harry Carlyle navigate a tipsy encounter before leaving the Milky Way.

Comments: Even though I have not updated this in… What? 4, 5 years? I actually do have a lot of subsequent chapters drafted. Before Cyberpunk took over my brain last summer, I actually thought this was gonna be my next big fic project. I love kind and patient Harry contrasted against bitter and impulsive Sara.

Heartlines[The Outer Worlds; T]

Summary: The Captain gives Vicar Max a (bad) palm reading.

Comments: I also drafted a lot of Outer Worlds fic, but it was at the end of 2019/beginning of 2020, and well… We all know how 2020 went. But Max has got to be one of my favorite characters to write, especially if I can make him squirm a little.

Revelations [Cyberpunk 2077; T]

Summary: Takemura and V share a casual dinner, talk about the past, and plan for the future.

Comments: This was my first Cyberpunk fic, and the first thing I’d written in about a year and a half, so it’s a little rough. But it was driven purely by a passion I hadn’t felt in a long time, and I think it will always be special to me because of that. Plus it’s fun going back to the first fic with Goro and Valerie and seeing how ideas that had just started to sprout have developed over several months.

Homecoming [Cyberpunk 2077; E]

Summary: Takemura and V are physically reunited after her time in Mikoshi.

Comments: This was just purely indulgent fluffy smut. I was never really able to write smut before Goro and Valerie–I tried a few times, but I’d usually fizzle out before the, uh, main course would be served. I see them both as being very sensual, enthusiastic partners, and I just can’t get enough of how they love each other.

Tagging@bnbc,@sarasa-cat,@ren3gade,@chilljustacat, and @dustymagpie (no pressure, of course. )


Last Line Tag

open tag from @avrablake

An hour later, Nirvana pulls his Accord along the sidewalk and waves through the windshield at Hope. She’s a striking sight out here in her flowery sun dress and too-large sunglasses, a weak smile trying to conceal the fact she’s been crying. Nirvana exits the car to accept her open arms, inhales the coconut scent clinging to her hair when he presses his chin to the top of her head. Holds her through another round of sobs, his own emotions trying to get the better of him.

Not because of Carter, but because he hates to see his sister cry.

The house might as well be abandoned, a ramshackle shell of warped walls and wasted childhood. Looks haunted from the outside, and Nirvana knows for a fact it’s haunted on the inside, too. Not by ghosts, maybe, but memories and echoes.

tagging@reininginthefirewriting,@drabbleitout,@caitwritesstuff , and @zmlorenz
