#this is so sweet and soft and heartbreaking



Last Line Tag

open tag from @avrablake

An hour later, Nirvana pulls his Accord along the sidewalk and waves through the windshield at Hope. She’s a striking sight out here in her flowery sun dress and too-large sunglasses, a weak smile trying to conceal the fact she’s been crying. Nirvana exits the car to accept her open arms, inhales the coconut scent clinging to her hair when he presses his chin to the top of her head. Holds her through another round of sobs, his own emotions trying to get the better of him.

Not because of Carter, but because he hates to see his sister cry.

The house might as well be abandoned, a ramshackle shell of warped walls and wasted childhood. Looks haunted from the outside, and Nirvana knows for a fact it’s haunted on the inside, too. Not by ghosts, maybe, but memories and echoes.

tagging@reininginthefirewriting,@drabbleitout,@caitwritesstuff , and @zmlorenz
