#from a family of fake rednecks fuck em







You can identify a fake redneck by their passionate support of “blue lives matter.” Real rednecks have been in at least one physical fight and/or high-speed chase with police officers and would do it again

“redneck” is a valid culture, not a euphemism for “bigot”

So this has probably already been said on this post but I dont wanna scroll through 66k notes to find it.

The term Redneck gain prominence with striking coal miners in Appalachia. They wore red bandanas around their necks to express union solidarity.

And they fucking FOUGHT police and Pinkerton strike breaker forces. It was a period called The Coal Wars.

The poor and working classes have a long history of community support and rejecting police authority.

If you’re pro-cop, you’re not a redneck, you’re a bootlicker who based your personality on a played out Jeff Foxworthy caricature. Get bent. Your ancestors are ashamed of you.
